Minutes of the Alvanley Parish Council Meeting held on

Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 19.00 hours at Alvanley Village Hall.


Present:Cllrs:Mrs B CroweMr R Dugdale

Mrs S ChadwickMrs M Rosney

Mr S Allen

Mr D Bowker (Clerk)

Cllr E Johnson - Ward Councillor

plus two members of the public


Cllr E Tysoe (Business)

3Declaration of Interests

As per Notification of Interests

4Issues to be raised by members of the Public

A member of the public asked if the Parish Council were aware of any action being taken by CWaC to ensure that the travellers leave Towers Lane in May

Cllr Johnson advised that CWaC were currently taking legal advice in regard to other sites and when this was resolved it would be implemented throughout the County.

It was agreed the Clerk should ask for clarification regarding this matter.

5Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting - (7th December 2016)

It was proposed by CllrDugdale, seconded by CllrRosney, that the minutes were a true record.This was agreed by ALL and signed by the Chairman.

6Items for resolution

Alvanley Village Task Force

Task Force activities will recommence in the spring.

Hedge Maintenance

It was noted that some work had taken place around the Parish but there was still concern expressed about the hedge along the pathway at the bottom of Ardern Lea.

Cllr Crowe will talk to the owners of the land in question.

The Clerk was asked to contact CWaC Highways about the carriageway width reduction at Pym’s Wood due to the verge not being trimmed back.

If the verge is trimmed then it may also be necessary for the hedge to be cut back

Four Villages Half Marathon

It was agreed that Cllr Rosney would compose a letter (to be viewed by all councillors) about the inclusion of Alvanley on all promotional material.

It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the officer at CWaC responsible for this event and request more information about the process that is used regarding road closures in the Parish.

Grant Applications 2017

The Parish Council will continue to promote the Marshes Community Benefit Fund through all the mediums available to them.

Speed Indicator Device

A resident has pointed out to the Parish Council that the Indicator is monitoring speeds slightly before where the limit starts.

The Parish Council noted these comments but decided not to make any changes at this time as it was felt it may be of benefit in ensuring that vehicles have slowed to 30mph by the time they reach the limit.

7Matters arising from last meeting: (Update)

Cheshire Railings

Quotation for new section

A contractor has been identified who may be interested in quoting to do this work.

Clerk to action

Painting of existing railings

A contractor has been identified who may be interested in quoting to do this work.

Clerk to action

Insurance claim for damage after car accident

The Insurance Company has advised it must have two quotations for the new railings by the end of January in order that it can pursue the claim against the drivers in the recent accident.

A request has been made to extend this deadline

Alvanley Village sign

A contractor has been sourced and work to restore the sign will be undertaken in the spring of 2017

Highways Issues

Speed Limit (Primrose Lane)

Public consultation will take place on the proposals up to the 10th February.

8 Reports on meetings attended by Councillors

Frodsham Wind Farm

Cllr. Crowe attended the Frodsham Wind Farm meeting on Friday 6th January.

It was confirmed that de-commissioning should take place around the middle of February. There is now just a small maintenance team at the above site.

Disused railway

Cllr Crowe and Allen attended this meeting

The meeting was arranged to ascertain the local feeling about using the Disused Railway Line for public use, i.e. walking, cycling and equine use.

Preliminary issues are being investigated by CW&C and further meetings will be forthcoming.

The Parish Council agreed to be part of the process for the future.

9 Accounts

Clerk’s Salary Q4 2016

It was proposed by Cllr Dugdale and seconded by Cllr Crowe that the payment to the Clerk of £440.95 for Q4 2016 should be accepted

The proposal was passed unanimously.

The Clerk will process a BACS payment.

HMRC Q4 2016

It was proposed by Cllr Chadwick and seconded by Cllr Rosney that the payment to HMRC of £104.00 for Q4 2016 should be accepted

The proposal was passed unanimously.

The Clerk will process a BACS payment.

10Planning Applications


Orchard Cottage Manley Road Alvanley

It was noted that this application has been APPROVED

11Items introduced by Parish Councillors (Not for resolution)


Pothole on Back Lane

Pothole on Primrose Lane

12Agenda Items for the Next Meeting

Frodsham Walks

Plaque for Information Kiosk

13 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 19.00 hours at Alvanley Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 20.24hours.

Cllr. S Chadwick (Chairman)……………………………………….


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