The War’s End and Aftermath
(p. 347)
Match the WWI battle to the information to the right.
_B_1. 2ndBattle of Marnea. September 1918, Allies made a major offensive, deep into
_C_ 2. Chateau-Thierry Germany.
_E_ 3. Belleau Woodb. March 1918, Germans launched a million soldier attack, 50 miles
_A_ 4. Saint-Mihiel from Paris, France.
_D_ 5. MeuseArgonneForestc. With the help of General Pershing, the Germans advancement towards Paris was stopped.
d. Americans suffered 120,000 casualties, but recaptured Sedan.
e. Allies halted Germans advances and Paris was saved. The turning point of the war.
6. Identify Armistice.
Nov. 11, 1918. A cease-fire stopping the fighting of World War I was signed by the
German representatives and the Allies. The armistice was signed at the Allies headquarters in Compiegne. The Allies demanded the Germans evacuate Alsace-Lorraine, and Belgium, France, and Luxemburg.
7. How did Wilson’s Fourteen Points attempt to create and preserve world peace?
Nine points dealt with self-determination-the right of people to govern themselves and with the territorial disputes created by the war. Other points on the causes of the war: no secret diplomacy, arms race, violations of freedom of seas, trade barriers. Final point created the League of Nations.
8. Define League of Nation.
International body of nations formed in 1919 to prevent wars.
9. Identify the Big Four and what did they insist Germany do?
President Wilson, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemeneau, Vittorio Orlando. They insisted that Germany pay reparations for the war. Also secret spoils-of-war treaties honored (taking over territory former controlled by Germany and Austria-Hungary)
10. Identify The Treaty of Versailles.
(1919) Treaty ending World War I that required Germany to pay reparations and it set up the League of Nations. Germany’s colonies were divided amongst the Allies. Required colonial rulers to report to the L. of Nations. Created new nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Re-established independent nations of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland. Germany was disarmed and forced to admit full responsibility for the war.
11. What is Article 10 of the League of Nations?
Requires each member nation to “respect and preserve” the independence and territorialintegrity of all other member nations.”
12. Why did the Senate of the U.S. reject the Treaty of Versailles and Article 10?
It committed the U.S. to go to war in defense of any League member that came underattack.”
13. How did World War I negatively affect Europe?
A. 8.5 million people died, 21 million wounded
B. Industry and agriculture of Europe destroyed. N. France destroyed.
C. Businesses couldn’t keep up with demand, resulting in rapid inflation.
D. Germany’s food shortage drove up prices.
E. Nations competed for territories. Arab nations sought independence, but were controlled by France and Britain