Judicial Branch Study Guide Name:______
Learning Targets:
Article III:I can explain the responsibilities of the Judicial Branch.
Article III: I can name the Chief Justice and the associate justices.
Article III: I can recall the length of term and requirements of Supreme Court justices.
Article III: I can name and identify the building where the Supreme Court meets.
Article III: I can identify the sequence of court cases that go to the Supreme Court.
- What is the job of the Judicial Branch?
- What is the name of the highest, most important court in the U.S.?
- What are the titles of the men and women who serve on the high court?
- How many serve on the high court?
- How long do they serve?
- Who appoints the justices, and who must approve them?
- What are the qualifications to be a justice?
- What is jurisdiction?
What are the different types of jurisdiction?
- What article of the Constitution talks about the judicial branch?
- Who was the first female to serve on the high court?
- Who was the first African American to serve on the high court?
- Who is our current chief justice?
- Who is the newest justice?
Who appointed her?
- Ladders of the Courts
State Federal
Highest ______
- What does someone do if they don’t like the decision a circuit court makes?
- What is treason?
- What is the role of a jury in the court system?
- What type of court uses a jury?
What are the 4 ways that a jury member can be selected?
- What court would hear a case involving theft of more than $100,000?
- There are a number of special courts outside of the state and federal court system. List them, and briefly describe their purpose.
- What criteria exists for a case to move to the Supreme Court of the United States?
- Describe how Supreme Court Justices are appointed.
How long do they serve?
Why is this significant?
- What is meant by the terms judicial review?
- What is the difference between a civil and criminal case?
- Be able to describe 2 significant U.S. Supreme Court cases that have impacted our history. List the name of the case, the decision and the impact on society of that decision.
Case 2
- List 3 possible quiz questions and answers that you think are important for students to understand from the learning targets for this Unit. Attempt to ask questions about content that has NOT been covered on this study guide.