The minutes of the meeting of the Facilities and General Purposes Committee held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on Monday 14th June 2010 at approximately 8.30 pm after the Planning Committee and Full Council meeting.

Present: Pete Bradbury, Kaye Whiting, Jon Gilley, Crispin Salimbeni, Brian Wright, Katy Bourne.

Also Present: Simon Stokes, Liz Bennett (clerk), Ron Stevenson and family for agenda item 5.

1.  Election of Committee Chairman
Kaye Whiting was elected as Committee Chairman.

2.  Apologies for absence.
All members were present.

3.  Declarations of interest
Pete Bradbury declared a personal interest as Chairman of the Staplefield Cricket Club.

4.  Minutes of the meeting held on 12th April 2010.

The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.

5.  Request to hold wedding reception on Staplefield Common.
The meeting was closed to allow Ron Stevenson to outline the plans to hold his daughter’s wedding reception on Staplefield Common on May 13th 2011. It is likely that the marquee will go up the day before and be taken down after the weekend. The marquee company will provide toilets and a generator. Cars will be asked not to park on the common and the marquee will be kept clear of the cricket pitch. It was agreed that the common could be used for this event for a fee of £78.

6.  Ansty Matters

a.  Ansty Village Sign.
The clerk will ask Brian Fletcher to take down the sign to prevent it from deteriorating further. The clerk will take it to the sign makers to obtain a firm estimate for having it copied, digitally enhanced and printed onto aluminium board.

7.  Staplefield Matters

a.  Condition of Staplefield cricket pavilion and equipment.
The clerk was asked to obtain a quote for: painting the windows, repairing guttering and kitchen cupboards at the pavilion, repairing the existing practise nets and buying a new one and the provision of seating outside the pavilion.

b.  Annual fee charged to Enterprise Inns for use of common etc.
It was AGREED that the fee will increase in line with inflation to £1025.

c.  Request to use Staplefield Common for fun run.
This event has been postponed until the autumn.

8.  Reports from meetings attended, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
None received.

9.  Financial Matters

a.  Schedule of payments.
The payments were AGREED and cheques were signed.

b.  Receipts and bank reconciliation for May.
These were noted.

10.  Progress Report and Correspondence.
The progress report was noted along with the following correspondence:
Open Spaces newsletter.

Consultation – improving mental health services.

Cuckfield Society newsletter.

Letter of thanks from Colin Bendall.

WSCC mobile library services consultation.

The clerk was asked to place a notice inside the old bus shelter and on the website informing people that the bus company drivers have been instructed to stop at the new shelter.

The Playground Inspection report was noted from Foster Playscapes and it was agreed that the swing seat cradle and the gate should be repaired. Kaye Whiting is also arranging for the bench that was removed from the park to be repaired and refitted. The committee agreed to pay the cost of materials which are likely to be £50 to £100.

11.  Minor matters and items for the next agenda.

a.  Brian Wright reported that Brook Street residents have met with Christian Threader to discuss the options for planting in Brook Street, near the village sign. The planting is best left until Spring. The clerk reported that there is no budget for the work but that she has applied for a grant.

b.  Pete Bradbury reported that some plants have been stolen from Ansty Green. The clerk will ask Christian Threader to replace them.

c.  The clerk was asked to request that British Gas make good the areas which were dug up during recent work in Brook Street near the bus shelter.



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Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council Finances 14th June 2010


Peter Frost / 79.00
Action in Rural Sussex / 50.00
WSCC / 2438.49
MSDC / 40.00
Heritage Fingerposts / 2537.50
Ron Stevenson / 50.00
Mr Webster / 50.00
Mr Garman / 45.00
TalkTalk / 35.58
Open Spaces / 40.00
EDF / 29.65
GACC / 10.00
Elizabeth Bennett / 17.90

Came and Co 2010.20 cheque signed on 26th May

Agreement to proceed with the insurance was given at the last PC meeting on 10th May,

Receipts in May

WSCC / 2125
Peter Avery / 40
Copthorne / 78
WSCC / 1015
HMRC / 2700.76
DWF / 99
Co-Operative bank / 1.31

Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council:

Bank Reconciliation 31st May 2010




Current / 25421.55 / Bal Fwd / 21017.22
Instant / 12.55 / Receipts / 25195.35
Deposit / 9583.74 / Payments / -14087.15
35017.84 / 32125.42
Uncashed cheques / -785.22

Signed by Chairman of F&GP Committee 14th June 2010

Signed by Chairman of Parish Council 12th July 2010