
Frank Hewitt-Chair

Paul Cavanagh-NI committee member

Julie Harrison-NI committee member

Peter Osborne-NI committee member

Geraldine Campbell-NI committee member

Claire Keatinge-NI committee member

In Attendance:

Dawn Austwick-Chief Executive

Peter Ainsworth-UK Chair

Joanne McDowell-Director NI

Amanda Doherty-Head of Communications

Norrie Breslin-Head of Policy & Learning

Deirdre Barker-Head of Corporate Management

Alison Fraser-Senior Head of Funding

Jacqui Maxwell-Corporate Officer (Secretariat & minutes)



1.1The Chair welcomed Dawn Austwick and Peter Ainsworth to the meeting.

1.2FMS Update

Dawn Austwick updated attendees on the current situation post internal go live (IGL). The main points discussed were as follows:

a)There had been some issues in the transition phase with data migration, but the system had gone live 5 weeks ago and was staying live.

b)The BRP subgroup was meeting fortnightly and information would continue to come through and be reported back as appropriate.

c)Staff in Northern Ireland had undertaken a lot of work since IGL and shown great professionalism. The fact that funding staff werein close contact to grant recipients had been hugely beneficial in communicating any changes to processes. Joanne McDowell thanked Alison Fraser and her team for their resilience in dealing with the issues that had arisen.

d)Staff were working across the UK to look at best fixes and it was good that some of the training team had come to the Belfast office to assist with queriesas they arose.

e)Peter Ainsworth reported that the UK Board was fully aware of the immense amount of effort that staff had put in, but recognised that there was still a lot more work to be completed.

1.3September UK Funding Committee

The update from the September meeting was noted and the Chair confirmed that he would be sitting on the sub-committee for the Rethink Good Health programme, which will meet on 18th December.

1.4NIC Recruitment Update

Joanne McDowell updated Committee on progress and reported that over the next few weeks appropriate actions will be taken to try to move forward. Paul Cavanagh, Peter Osborne and Claire Keatinge noted that the timelines had been changed on numerous occasions and if progress was not made in the foreseeable future that they could be asked to extend their terms as members of the Northern Ireland Committee for a short period of time after 10 January 2014. It was agreed that they would be kept informed of the situation for planning purposes and given formal notice if extensions were required. ACTION: Chair


2.1There were none.


3.1Claire Keatinge declared a non-disqualifiable interest in relation to her role as the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland.


4.1Apart from one small wording change, the minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and subsequently signed by the Chair.


5.1Committee noted the actions list for the above meeting and there were no other matters arising.


6.1NIC Forward Plan

Committee noted the NIC plan of work until the end of March 2014. It was also noted that Tony Burton (Board member) and Simon Calrow (Deputy Director of Finance) would be attending the NIC business meeting on 13 December 2013.


7.1Peter Ainsworth and Dawn Austwick thanked the Northern Ireland committee for giving them the opportunity to attend today’s meeting and to brief members. Peter stated that UK Board members were very impressed by the extraordinary range of programmes across the Northern Ireland portfolio.

7.2The main points of discussion were as follows:

a)The Fund’s new UK strategic plan was in the early stages of planning and the Senior Management Team and Heads of had met 10 days ago to initially discuss, but that staff across all levels would be consulted.

b)It has been acknowledged that the plan needed to be sensitive to the countries in relation to the overarching strategy and flexibility was to be built in.

c)There was a definite need for better sharing of information and for there to be much clearer lines of communication for learning and to measure the impact and outcomes of our funding.

d)Develop more engagement with the private sector and make connections with other funders. There has been dialogue with Comic Relief regarding international funding and it was important to join up with other funders and reinforce each other’s work to review themes that may emerge.

e)The Fund’s mission statement is extremely powerful and needs to be at the forefront of our work to consider how best to achieve it.

f)There will be better opportunities to expand networking across the organisation after FMS has been developed further.

g)The Fund has an extraordinary asset in its staff; they are deeply committed, expert and motivated, and are a phenomenal resource of knowledge.

h)One goal is to create greater social capital in communities to be in charge of their own destiny and to marry this to strategic interventions and methodology. Need to build capacity and sustainability to carry on beyond the Fund’s presence and for the applicant to be confident and in control.

i)Consider particular areas, for example the young people programmes across the different countries and explore how we can learn and demonstrate the impact our funding has made.

j)The Fund should be collectively telling the public what has and has not worked and always be open to learn from other people.

k)The consultation for the new strategic plan will take place during the first half of 2014, will be reviewed during the summer and beyond for final sign off in early 2015.

l)The Triennial Review is currently taking place to consider if the Fund is conducting its business in the best way possible.

m)It was noted that the NI Directorate had worked hard to review its business and contribute to the 5% target.

7.3NIC member comments were as follows:

a)Committee would support more activity with the private sector and there was enormous scope to be better at this. Partnerships with thesector should be more creative and engage with small and medium businesses.

b)Take more risks and look at creative ways of putting money into organisations (e.g. Building Change Trust). We need to know how to manage this effectively, look at various models to bemore innovative. c) Progression has been in evidence over the years and it is important going forward to engage with communities that are disconnected and use some of the learning from the International Fund. Also consider how the Fund can facilitate regeneration and support leadership.

d)The issue of risk is very important and learning should not be lost, we have a lot of information to share and NIC would like to have the opportunity to liaisewith the other Country Committees.

e)The UK strategic plan is welcomed. The Fund is putting a lot of money into the economy and we need to know how our investments have impacted, check the quality of delivery and look at replication of what works.

f)Whilst there should be value for money when agreeing funding, the Fund also needs to deliver performance and outcomes; review what it has funded to reduce poverty, work with key players in the voluntary and community sector, measure successes and interrogate the data.

g)Large and small charities need to speak to each other, what is the Fund’s role in this. Do we have the power to convene and encourage a debate?

7.4NIC members agreed that the following points were of importance going forward:

a)Sharing and learning was a key factor, which needed to be rediscovered in relation to all the Country Committees engaging with each other on a regular basis.

b)Working with the private sector and using their knowledge and experience.

c)Innovation was vital and the Fund has the flexibility to take this forward.

d)Continue to challenge to deliver better services, move attitudes and talk publicly about the needs of various sectors.

e)Research and Learning could be better utilised to actually see the impact of country and UK-wide programmes, to interrogate after the decision making process and ask if the impact has actually happened in the overall picture for Northern Ireland. The impact is there and projects are delivering, but we need to have the right conversations to capture this information.

f)NI committee always needs to be mindfulof the community divisions in certain areas and consider the geographical spread. The Fund in Northern Ireland is a relatively small player in the funding arena against for example Peace money, which is delivering on community relations.

7.5The NI Chair stated that this was an exciting time for the Big Lottery Fund and there was a unique opportunity to look in the mirror and reflect on the way forward. He thanked Dawn Austwick and Peter Ainsworth for attending and for taking the time to brief NI committee members and staff.


8.1Expression of Interest - Community Foundation NI &

(paper 22)

This paper requested that NIC agree that CFNI in partnership with should be invited to submit a full application to the Ideas Fund.

8.2Committee noted that this had been previously sent and agreed by correspondence.

8.3Alison Fraser confirmed that the full application will be presented to NI committee at the 13 December business meeting for decision.

ACTION: A. Fraser

8.4Expression of Interest - Business in the Community NI (paper 23)

This paper requested that NIC agree that BITC should be invited to submit a full application to the Ideas Fund for the NI Business Connectors concept.

8.5The main discussion points were as follows:

a)Committee thought that BITC was well placed to deliver this type of project.

b)Committee liked the pairing and mentoring aspect of the EoI, but stated that it should also be about improving outcomes not just skills.

c)Some members thought that the EoI could have been more innovative and creative on ways to involve the private sector, but recognised that this might come through in the full application.

8.6Committee agreed:

That BITC should be invited to submit a full application with relevant feedback. ACTION: A. Fraser

8.7Opportunity Youth & Cool Choices project - assessment report (paper 24)

This paper requested that NIC consider the assessment report and make a decision regarding funding for the project.

8.8The main discussion points were as follows:

a)It was confirmed that Cool FM had approached the Fund and that they had identified Opportunity Youth as a partner.

b)Although committee members liked the project and its innovation, they voiced some concerns in relation to the Cool FM costs relating to the studio costs and the lack of in-kind funding.

c)They also commented that the idea should connect to need and that the outcomes could be enhanced. Committeequestioned if there was an actual placement or job available for the young people at the end of the project.

8.9Taking into account the above points it was agreed that the decision should be deferred. Officers to feedback committee comments and seek clarification. The application will be discussed again at the 13 December business meeting. ACTION: A. Fraser


9.1Committee noted the paper, which presented proposals to provide additional funding for grant holders under the 2006-2009 strategic programmes, Live & Learn and Safe & Well.

9.2The main discussion points were as follows:

a)Committee noted that any partnership agreements should be extended to continue service delivery to the client base.

b)A strategic networking event was planned for 4 December and this will be a key factor in taking proposals forward. The Chair would be attending this event and committee members noted the date.

9.3Committee agreed:

The proposals as detailed in paragraphs 2.9-2.18 of the paper.


10.1This paper requested that Committee note and discuss the contents of the summary reports and comment/input to lessons learnt processes.

10.2The main discussion points were as follows:

a)The Chair thought that the paper was well set out and that the feedback was encouraging.

b) It was important in respect of vulnerable young and older people, that the outcomes are identified to guarantee the quality of service.

c)Committee would be keen to see beneficiary involvement with young people/older people.

d)The annual measures of success reports will capture evidence.

11.NI PROGRAMMES (verbal updates with relevant reports)

11.1Building a Legacy Assessment Report for Community Foundation NI -

Acorn Fund (paper 27)

11.2This paper requested that NIC consider the assessment report and make a decision regarding funding for the project.

11.3Committee agreed:

That the application be awarded funding for the 4 year project to the total amount requested of £400,000.

11.4Live & Learn Effectiveness Report/RCNI Progress and Development and Support reports

NIC thanked staff for these reports and agreed that they were very informative.

11.5Alison Fraser reported on NI programmes as follows:

a)Impact of Alcohol: progressing well with NI-wide networking and NICVA rolling out the development and support contract.

b)Awards for All: demand steady with a success rate of 60%. Development and support contract progressing well with Volunteer Now and the first meeting is scheduled for next week.

c)Culture for All: unlikely to spend the additional £300K due to poor quality of applications.

d)Reaching Out Supporting Families: 2 expressions of interest received. 1 rejected on evidence of need, 1 currently in assessment. There seems to be a lot of interest for the programme and partnerships are being developed, but depending on demand may need to consider introducing an application deadline after Christmas to focus potential applicants to prioritiseand submita stage one application.

e)Coastal Communities: 6 applications received at stage 2. Decision making committee meeting will take place on 26 November.

f)People’s Millions: the 6 shortlisted projects will be announced on Wednesday 29 October. UTV has committed a journalist for each of the 6 films and will assist in the media training. Themes for next year are currently being reviewed.


12.1This paper requested committee to note the range of external work carried out by the Communications team during the period and discuss any matters arising from the paper.

12.2Amanda Doherty reported on the following:

a)Two key launch events had taken place,Space & Place attended by Peter Ainsworth and Supporting Families attended by the First and Deputy First Ministers.

b)The Communications team are working closely with Funding colleaguesto identify projects across the various programmes to take part inmedia training which is now beingdelivered by our communications staff in Belfast Met and NW Regional College.

c)UK Communication hubs have been set up to look at developing communication activity across the business around specific themes.

d)There had been no negative publicity in NI during the 6 month period.


13.1Dormant Accounts

  • Joanne McDowell reported that discussions were ongoing.
  • £3.2m unspent in Northern Ireland.
  • Legalcolleagues to draft directions.

13.2NIC Project Visits & Launches

  • Committee members reported positively on recent launches and visits that they had attended in the previous quarter.

13.3Healthy Living Centres

  • Joanne McDowell reported on a meeting the Fund had facilitatedon 2ndOctober with the HLC Alliance and Mary Blackfrom the Public Health Agency regarding community based health initiatives.


14.1Meetings to end of 2013

  • Committee noted the updated meeting table for the remainder of 2013.
  • It was confirmed that the Chair, Julie Harrison and Geraldine Campbell would be attending the Coastal Communities decision meeting on 26 November.
  • The next NIC business meeting was confirmed for Friday 13 December @ 9:30.

There being no further business the meeting finished @ 1:00pm.

Signed: ______
