August 8, 2013
AMEXCAP at a Glance:
- AMEXCAP is a non-profit whose mission is to foster the development of the private equity and venture capital industry in Mexico
- The association was created in 2003 and currently represents 47 GPs managing over US$10 billion in assets in Mexico and 35 specialized advisory services firms
- Annually, AMEXCAP organizes the largest private equity Summit in Mexico and also collaborates with international partners on events in the United States and Europe.
- Recently, the association hosted the 8th Mexican PE/VC Summit in Mexico City (Feb. 12-13) gathering over 450 participants and the first Mexico PE Day in New York City in which 31 institutional limited partners attended with US$1.5+ trillion AUM
AMEXCAP Member Benefits
Gain access to insights and information about the Private Equity industry in Mexico:
- Access to reports, statistics and industry studies
- Receive our monthly Newsletter exclusively for members
- Industry news and relevant information about the state of the market
- For affiliates (specialized advisory firms) you will have the opportunity to promote insights and reports produced by your firm among Private Equity managers
Networking with LPs and GPs
For private equity firms (associates):
- You will have the opportunity to be include in the Fund Manager Catalog which shows the profile of each firm and shared with institutional investors (LPs)
- Opportunity to connect with LPs and to gain access to contacts
For specialized advisory services firms (affiliates):
- Opportunity to connect with GPs andpromote your firm’s services through our website
- Participate in AMEXCAP’s Members Only forum (complementary access)
Preferential pricing to attend AMEXCAP events and discounts on events organized by allies:
- AMEXCAP Annual Summit: the latest edition of the event on February 12-13, 2013 gathered over 450 participants at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mexico City.
- Mexico PE Day - New York: on May 16, 2013, the association organized the first event of this kind which gathered 167 industry players. The eventfocused on developing LP-GP relations and gathered 24 private equity firms and 31 institutional investors managing over US$1.5 trillion in assets.
- Mexico VC Day – San Francisco: upcoming event on October 17, 2013 at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, CA
- Special invitation (complementary access) to attend AMEXCAP’s Members Only forum.
- Opportunity to be invited to participate at roundtables and panels at our events.
- Discounts to attend events organized by third parties
Membership Options and Fees for 2013:
- Wiretransfer in Mexican Pesos (from a Mexican Bank):
Banco: BancoSantander
Clabe: 014180920002469062
Cuenta: 92-00024690-6
Beneficiario: Asociación Mexicana de Capital Privado A.C
- International Wire transfers in US Dollars:
BeneficiaryName: Asociación Mexicana de Capital Privado AC
Bank Account #: 82-50042872-3
CLABE: 014180825004287237
Bank Code : 400047144
Intermediary Bank: JP Morgan Chase New York
Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code: 021000021
Membership Fees 2013:
Fees structure for private equity firms (associates)and institutional investors
Size of the Firm(*AUM) / **Annual Fee (USD)
Associate in development (see next page for eligibility) / $ 1,500
USD $0 < $ 50 million / $ 3,000
USD $ 51 < $ 99 million / $ 4,000
USD $100 < $150 million / $ 5,000
USD $151 million and up / $ 6,000
*Assets Under Management; **Does not include 16% of VAT (Value Added Tax)
Fee structure for specialized advisory services firms (affiliates) based on employees
Size of firm (employees) / **Annual Fee (USD)1 a 10 people / $ 3,000.00
10 a 15 people / $ 4,000.00
15 a 20 people / $ 5,000.00
20 a 25 people / $ 6,000.00
Eligibility and Requirements for private equity firms applying for “Associate in Development”
- New private equity firms in formation raising their first fund who have not completed a first closing
- The firm must notify the association as soon as the first closing is completed
- Upon first closing, the firm will be immediately changed to the membership corresponding to their assets under management and will have to pay the difference in the annual fee for the current year
- Firms can only be under this membership status for a maximum of two years
- Biographies of the firm’s partners
- Three references of AMEXCAP members
- A summary of the fund’s strategy (summary of PPM or similar)
- Membership will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors of AMEXCAP
MontePelvoux 120, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico, D.F.
Phone: (52-55) 5083-5090