Please attach your $100.00volunteer check to this form.
This form must be turned in at weigh-ins/evaluations.
One $100.00 volunteer check is required for all families.
Checks can be made out to: ERYFB postdated to 11/30/2017. Include players name/grade in Memo line.

List all players in the family

Name(s): / Grade(s):
Primary Parent/Guardian:
Phone: Email:
Secondary Parent/Guardian:
Phone: Email:
Please check below:
I plan to fulfill my volunteer shift. I understand each family must fulfill 1 shift per season*.
I will not / am unable to volunteer. Please cash my check. I understand that no refunds will be given once my check has been cashed.

*Families that do not complete their volunteer shift by the end of the season will have their volunteerchecks cashed on 11/30/17. No post-season volunteer opportunities will be available.



Volunteers are necessary to ensure a successful season for our Elk River football players. We rely on parent volunteers to not only coach and manage teams, but assist at their player’s games, atfootball registration and weigh-ins/evaluations.Volunteer opportunities get posted on the website.

  • Every family is required to submit a volunteer check for $100.00 prior to the season starting including potential coaches and team managers.
  • We will hold the check until your volunteer time is fulfilled or until 11/30/17. If you have notfulfilledvolunteer hours by that time the check will be cashed.
  • You can indicate below that you are not able to or do not wish to volunteer and we will cash the check immediately. No refunds will be given once the check is cashed.
  • Checks for those who plan to volunteer should be postdated to 11/30/17.
  • Volunteer requirements are only one shift PER FAMILY (not per player) during the season.
  • Each family is responsible for monitoring opportunities to sign up for volunteer shifts. Check the website frequently.
  • Team volunteer opportunities are 1 Head Coach, 2 Assistant Coaches and 1 Team Manager.

Volunteer Check Submission:

  • Checks must have all player names in the memo line and be attached to thisVolunteer Form.
  • Football players will not attend evaluations or beassigned to a team until their volunteer check is received.Please send a check and this form with your player to weigh-ins/evaluations.
  • Checks can be made out to:
  • Payable to: ERYFB
  • Please postdate check to 11/30/2017.
  • Please Include players name/grade in Memo line.

Volunteer Shift Exemptions:
These positions do not need to volunteer for an additional shift but will need to provide a volunteer check. The check will not be cashed if your commitment has been fulfilled.

  • 1 Head Coach per team
  • 2 Assistant coaches per team
  • 1 Manager per team

Please visit more information or email with any questions.

Please visit more information or

ith any questions.