e-Government Unit
/ Stockley House, 130 Wilton RoadLondon SW1V 1LQ
Taxonomies in the Public Sectormeeting of 18 July 2005 (12 noon) at DfES, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith St, London SW1P
Drew Ascough (UK Trade and Investment)Jean Bacon (Countryside Agency)
Ruth Byford (Seamless)
Mike Collett (Schemeta)
Lucy Cuthbertson (FCO)
Phil Defriez (DoH)
Stella Dextre Clarke (eGU)
Alan Gilchrist (Cura consortium)
Helen Glass (FCO)
Mark Maidment (DEFRA)
Niki Malt (DfeS)
Nigel Owens (Home Office) / Julia Reed (DfeS)
Keith Rose (DTI)
Joyce Stannard (ODPM)
Stephanie Steiner (DfeS)
Nick Tischler (PITO)
Judi Vernau (Meta taxis)
Sheila Walker (HO)
Christine Wilson (FCO)
Michael Warner (MoD) [Chair]
Ben Anderson (DWP)Jennifer Boyle (Scottish Natural Heritage)
David Eilbeck (Inland Revenue)
Ian Huckvale (Simulacra)
Abigail Humber (Dept Culture, Media and Sport)
Felicity Whittle (House of Commons)
- Introduction:
The chair welcomed all the attendees to the first TiPS meeting (same members but formerly the Taxonomies Working Group), and expressed thanks to Niki and Julia for hosting the meeting. Also welcomed the new members representing UK Trade and Investment, PITO, the Countryside Agency and from DfeS and Home Office.
- TiPS web site:
Mark explained that the hosting of the TiPS web site had not been resolved just yet due to the Circle of State Librarians meeting being postponed on 7 July 2005, when the topic was to be raised. However, Mark is confident that our request will be granted. He requested that all members looked at the web site prototype and e-mail design and content suggestions to him..
Sheila Walker, Lucy Cuthbertson and Judi Vernau agreed to be the editiorial team supported by the chair. If the work proved onerous then it was agreed that TIPS members would take turns to be on the editorial team.
The bibliography has been amended by Stella and placed on GovTalk web site (until TiPS is in place).
All / Review the web site – submit suggestions to Mark Maidment
- Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary:
IPSV chair agreed with our request for TiPS representation on the IPSV editorial panel. Joyce Stannard and Julia Reed volunteered to attend the IPSV editorial panel meetings and reflect TiPS views.
An IPSV Editor had not yet been appointed, because of delays affecting recruitment of the whole of the new eGU team in Manchester. Suggestions of candidates for the job would still be useful, and should be sent to Stella or Sheila Apicella.
JS and JR / To be TiPS representatives on the IPSV editorial panel
- IPSV: Abridged Version and need for mapping
Some advice on the function of the Abridged version can be found in two separate guidance documents now available at the following
and .
Stella tabled the relevant extracts from these documents for the convenience of TiPS members (see attachment). There had not been time to seek TiPS comment on the text in advance of publication of the Guides, but comments in the next few weeks would be very useful. The Guides would be updated toward the end of August, and this would give the opportunity for amendments in line with TiPS recommendations. There was general agreement that TiPS was the ideal forum for developing definitive advice on the use of the Abridged version. It would be useful to gain endorsement from the IPSV Board, and possibly some input into the forthcoming edition of the eGMS, reflecting the needs and experience of TiPS members.
It was recognised that the need for mapping guidance is required. It is a difficult issue and members asked to send case studies and questions on this topic to Stella. Judi Vernau said she had feedback from her work with Hackney council that she could send to Stella.
All / Members encouraged to send case studies and questions on mapping to Stella.
SDC / Stella to assess if sufficient information on mapping to devote next TiPS meeting to this topic
5. Taxonomy Benefits
TiPS had requested amendment to get better alignment of the taxonomy definition in the Benefits document with that in the Glossary document.Stella had made a small amendment, and agreed to resend the paper to its authors for tidying up before publication.
Presentations at the Taxonomy Management Conference (12 July 2005)organised by Kable was deemed useful (Post note distributed link to members)
SDC / Stella to resend paper to Keith, Phil, Michael before publication
6. Vocabulary management tool demonstration
Mike Collett from Schemeta and Judi Vernau from Meta taxis gave a useful presentation of the work that is being undertaken within the Becta organisation using the Vocabulary Studio Suite. In essence it is a vocabulary management tool that allows content management of a vocabulary, provides a single authority for updates, and enables maps between vocabularies, and import and export using open standard formats. See ppt for full presentation on covering e-mail.7. Date of the Next Meeting
Provisionally Meeting to be held Tuesday 4th October 2005 venue yet to be determinedAll / Members to notify of non-availability for this date and volunteer to host is welcomed
Action / Owner
Review the web site – submit suggestions to Mark Maidment / All
To be TiPS representatives on the IPSV editorial panel / JS and JR
Members encouraged to send case studies and questions on mapping to Stella. / All
Stella to assess if sufficient information on mapping to devote next TiPS meeting to this topic and if so inform the chair / SDC
Stella to resend paper to Keith, Phil, Michael before publication Benefits paper to be placed on Govtalk and sent to Mark Maidment / SDC, KR, PD, MW
Members to notify of non-availability for this date and volunteer to host is welcomed / All
TiPS 2005-07-18