Cyclones Amateur Hockey Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2012

Fox Valley Ice Area ~ Geneva, IL

Mark Plantery called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM


Mark Plantery / Bill Luecker / Pat Tierney / Bill Spence
Maria Frano / Dan Deli / Peter Buh / David Struwing


David Wilson


Darren Meyer / Tom Baginski / Brad Stedronsky / Joseph D’Amico / Dan Fragen / Ted Kauss
Bob Gatto


Ron Evenson


Jay Rule / Frank Bisceglie


Pat McGee / Christie Tierney

Quorum Established by Maria Frano.

Minutes and Approval:December 19, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Approved,

Bill Luecker motioned, David Struwing2nd, motion carried (8-0, except where Peter Buh abstained from those portions of the public and closed sessions where he and/or his wife were the subject of the discussion.)


President’s Comments:

Ice logo expenditure from the emergency vote passed 8-0-1. We have center ice on NHL rink.

Rumor is that the Hitmen are no longer going to be around after this season. Perhaps another junior team could be coming in to take their place.

Cyclones locker room construction is under way. It will have 2 spaces (locker room and meeting room). Rink is installing benches only. If we want lockers we will have to do that ourselves and pay for it. We will, once the locker room is completed, have access to the locker room and locker room 7 (for shower access purposes) when we have games. The Forest Preserve requested that the access door in the lobby be blocked until the build-out is complete.

We will have a Future Cyclones Day in collaboration with the Storm/Jr. Hitmen program on either February 11th or 12th. We will need to set up an info table. We would like to do a “Future Cyclones Day” once a month.

Our current spring ice allocation is Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The rink has agreed to move it to Thursday instead of Friday. Also, the large majority of our game slots for spring will be moved to NHL rink.

There was damage done to the clock on the INT rink. Possibly during one of the public skates over Christmas break. The rink wants to completely replace the clock on the NHL rink as they don’t make parts for it anymore and they will move the existing NHL clock to the INT rink. The rink is also looking to put mats in the penalty boxes and fix the door latches.

Public Forum:NONE

Maria reported that Dennis Lee requested a public forum discussion but the email was never received by her. Bill Luecker to check the website to make sure everything is running correctly.

League Reports:

NIHL:We are hosting Squirt Elite Round Robin (March 9th to 12th) and the Gold Elite Consolation Finals on March 17 and 18. We will be looking for volunteers.

CSDHL:Meeting Saturday 1/14.

NWHL:Silver Mite meeting is coming up. Year end tournament coming up. We may have ice available to host.


Hockey Director Report:

Future Cyclones Day is going to be February 11th or 12th. We will use our skybox and provide refreshments for those families attending. A lot of the Storm kids are squirt moving into PeeWee.

Tryouts will be week of 3/19 (2 or 3 sessions per level).

SWSL will not allow any AAA or CSDHL players in the league.

Regarding Spring, top teams at each level will be tournament teams. 2nd and 3rd teams (if 4 teams total) will play SWSL and 4th team will play NWHL. If only 3 teams at a level, top will be tournament, 2nd will be SWSL and 3rd will be NWHL. Full-ice practices at PeeWee through Midget (top teams).

Kenny will, once again, put on a camp at FVIA this summer.

CSDHL applications due either April or May 15th.

Treasurer’s Report:

Net: $108,104

Ahead of last year. We’re in a strong financial position. Past due balances this year are approximately $7,000. Last year they were around $30,000. There are currently 3 or 4 families that are 30 days past due.

Manager Coordinator Report:None


Ice Scheduler:None.

Committee Updates:

Marketing:Mid-Season evaluations are up and running. We’re at about 1/3 response rate. Marketing committee met. Looking to have yard signs made to promote Spring program. Bob Gatto will quote a price for signs. Will work with Frank on Future Cyclones Day. Working with Paul from rink regarding selling banners.

Player Development:None.



Bill Spence will take over and work with Joe to transition responsibilities. Apparel committee purchased storage boxes for apparel items, $85, need reimbursement. Apparel committee would like $1,000 for the purchase of helmet stickers (approx.. $300), Adult hoodies (approx. $400).

Bill Spence motioned, Bill Luecker 2nd, motion to give apparel committee $1,000 to purchase additional items carried (8-0).


Strategic Planning:None.


Discussion/Open Items:None


Discussion/Action Items:

Spring Programming:

Anticipating same number of players as last year.

Need to get the word out about the tournament teams.

Early registration before 3/1 for discount.

Storm kids that sign up at the Future Cyclones Day will get discount and t-shirt, if available.

Same cost as last year.

Rollovers for all teams.

Top teams will do 2 tournaments.

Ad to be placed in Hockey Stop

Skills sessions again this spring.

Must have money in by 3/1.

No tryout/registration fee.

2 payments, 1 at tryouts, 1 by 4/19.

Spring registration up on web by 2/1, registration packet to Bill L. by 1/25.

No a la carte option for Power Skate this spring.

A la carte option for goalie clinic ($250, cap at 15 goalies at each session)

Checking clinics, 2 before tryouts and 2 after, if possible.

Closed Committee Reports:

Finance:Pay off-line option is being abused. Committee will come up with a new off-line policy to be implemented for spring. If paying off-line, 1st half of amount due must be paid by March 1st.

Strategic Planning:None.


Rules & Ethics:

Skokie incident was forwarded to their R&E. The party was given a verbal admonishment only. Member Complainant was not happy with outcome and will take it to AHAI.

Leafs incident report was turned over to their R&E. Their R&E looked at it and the child denied squirting water. Parent admitted engaging Coach, said Coach was at fault. Parent was given a 1 game sanction.

R&E received an email from Member Complainant on 12/29 regarding Cougars Club and another Member Parent’s involvement with that club and trying to recruit the Mite players to play for the Cougars this spring. Member Parent is a paid employee of the Cougars. Mark and Frank talked to Coach approached by Member Parent and let him know that this is not acceptable. Member Parent was told, in the past, to leave another organization for recruiting players to the Cougars.

Old Business:

Job Description review and approval. A couple more items were added to Registrar and Ice Scheduler. We may want to make a change with bookkeeper if we get bigger. Move to an accounting firm (small type firm).

Job descriptions adopted for Registrar and Ice Scheduler. Bill will contact them with their new descriptions.

New Business:

Bridgett resigned as director. Bill Spence motioned to accept her resignation, Bill Luecker 2nd, motion carries (5-0-2).


Due date was pushed back to help people out and we have been taken advantage of. Letter to go out to managers of CSDHL teams letting them know that the fee is due by January 31st.

Elections for Directors to be held next month.

Peter Buh motioned to adjourn, Pat Tierney 2nd.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:27 pm

Cyclones Action Items
NOTE: / The first name listed in the "Responsible" column is the person responsible for coordinating any small group efforts necessary to accomplish the task.
# / Action Item Description / Responsible / Open Date / Date Due / Closed Date / Status / Comments
2 / Fall Mid and Final Coaches Evaluations / Maria / 6/13/11 / 11/14/11 / OPEN / Survey Currently Out There to Fill Out.
12 / Pay off-line policy / Dan (finance committee) / 8/29/11 / 12/14/11 / OPEN
16 / Adopt-a-Forest Preserve / Maria / 8/29/11 / 10/3/11 / OPEN
18 / Proposed Establishment of a Coaching Committee / Dave W. / 11/14/11 / 12/12/11 / OPEN
19 / Mite and Squirt NWHL Power Skate Overcrowding / Mark / 11/14/11 / 12/12/11 / OPEN
20 / Concussion Baselines for all Cyclones Players / 12/19/11 / 2/13/12 / OPEN
21 / CSDHL Premium / 12/19/11 / 2/13/12 / OPEN

Board of Directors Minutes 11/14/2011 - Page 1