Freedom Writers note sheet

10 points

Here is a list of some of the characters from the movie: Erin Gruwell ,Steve Gruwell ,

Scott Casey , Margaret Campbell , Eva Benitez ,

Andre Bryant , Gloria Munez , Sindy ,

Alejandro Santiago , Marcus , Jamal Hill ,

Brandy Ross , Tito , Ben Daniels , Miguel .

Here is a link to the imdb page with additional characters and info on the movie

Description of obstacle / How was obstacle faced? Was it overcome?

Freedom Writers writing assignment

(20 points, also turn in this note sheet which is worth 10 points)

Freedom Writers is a film where characters face obstacles. The film shows a number of lessons that can be applied to our own lives. Write two paragraphs about facing obstacles. The first paragraph will relate to the film. The second paragraph will relate a to an ACTUAL, real world example. This could be from YOUR experience. Refer to your movie notes from your sheets to include details to help show how the lesson is taught throughout the film. Avoid using clichés in your paragraphs.

This assignment should be 2 paragraphs. (Each paragraph should be at least 8 sentences.)

The first paragraph should discuss a significant example of a character in the film overcoming an obstacle. Use a topic sentence to provide focus for your paragraph. Mention specific scenes and use details.

Start with a ______sentence that rephrases the lesson. Next, have a short sentence to get to your example: This is best illustrated in the scene where ______. Next, take several sentences to describe the scene as clearly as possible, using specific character names, details, and dialogue if necessary. Finally, end the paragraph by explaining the significance of the scene, and what can be learned.

The second paragraph should discuss a time you or someone you know overcame a significant obstacle. Use a transitional topic sentence. Use detail. You may structure your second paragraph in a way which is similar to the first paragraph. USE AN EXAMPLE FROM REAL LIFE. DO NOT USE A HYPOTHETICAL OR GENERAL EXAMPLE.

My example for the 2nd paragraph is ______

