“The Crucible” Socratic Seminar Preparation Questions

1.  Why do you think that Abigail and the other teenage girls join in the accusations? What kinds of people do the girls first accuse? Why choose those people?

2.  There are several scenes when Abigail and/or the group of teen girls pretend to see or feel supernatural things (think back to the fainting scene in the church, after Mary Warren confesses, etc.). Do you think that they did a good job at convincing the town of their witchcraft participation? Why or why not? What is their purpose and motive behind these acts?

3.  Describe John and Elizabeth’s relationship at the beginning, middle, and end of the film? How does it change? Why does it change? Who is responsible for the change?

4.  Describe Hale when we first meet him—What are his beliefs about the devil, witchcraft, the town, etc? How and WHEN does his point of view change?

5.  The leaders put great pressure on John Proctor to accept guilt and name others. What is their motive for emphasizing the impact of his confession?

6.  After John confesses his adultery to the court, things go wrong. What (or who) causes the chaos and why?

7.  Who is (are) the protagonist(s)? If you don’t know what “protagonist” is, look it up! What aspects of the movie caused you to think that?

8.  Who is (are) the antagonist(s)? If you don’t know what “antagonist” is, look it up! What aspects of the movie caused you to think that?

9.  What was the climax of the movie? How did the director, cinematographer, and actors contribute in making this the high point of the film?

10.  What do you think is the major theme in “The Crucible?” Explain.

11.  What does “crucible” stand for? Why this film is called this? What other titles can you think of that would capture the theme of the movie? Explain your choice.

12.  Whom would you select to play the major roles in this movie if you were the director? Explain your choices.