Name of School

Address of School

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School Logo (optional)Assistant Principal:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Box 345

Anytown, AB T0L 5R6Date: September 28, 2011

RE: Student Name D.O.B.July 2, 1996Grade: 10

Admin. Proc. 350 requirements

  1. Brief description of the specific details or circumstances of the event/incident leading up to suspension along with any other relevant information (past incidents/lower level consequences/parent meetings, etc.).
  2. Provide an opportunity to meet with the student’s parent, or the student, if the student is 16 years of age or older, to discuss the circumstances of the suspension.
  3. List any supportive services designed to resolve the problem which led to the suspension.
  4. Include the number of days the student is suspended for including the appropriate dates.
  5. Refer to further disciplinary consequences if this specific or other misbehaviour occurs again.
  6. A statement for reinstatement (meeting, cease this sort of behaviour, comply with expectations, etc.).
  7. Include a statement that while under suspension the student shall not be on any LRSD school or division grounds or ride school buses.


STUDENT has been showing up late to his block 4 class with a slurpee in his hand. His classroom teacher spoke with him about this on Sept. 17, 2011 and he was also reminded by Mr. AP on two occasions in the past two weeks (Sept. 18, and 25) of the need to be in class on time. On September 19, 2011, STUDENT served a lunchtime detention for being late two days in a row. As you know, on September 26, 2011, STUDENT served a half-day in-school suspension for repeated non-compliance. Today, when spoken to again, STUDENT was uncooperative and became very belligerent.1

As a consequence, STUDENT was given a one day out-of-school suspension to be served on Thursday, September 29, 2011.4

He may return to school on Friday, September 30, 2011, provided that a meeting with administration has occurred to discuss appropriate future behavior and to review student expectations.2,6

I am willingto arrange a time when STUDENT can meet with our school counselor to discuss potential strategies to improve punctuality.3

STUDENT should note that while under suspension, STUDENT shall not be on any LRSD school or division grounds or ride school buses.7

Should STUDENT continue to be non-compliant and/or belligerent with staff, further disciplinary consequences will result.5

This suspension is in accordance with the Livingstone Range School Division Board Policy 21 and Administrative Procedure 350. Student nameis suspended for:

☐lack of proper attendance;

☐behaviour injurious to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school environment whether or not the conduct occurs within the school building or during the school day;

☐damage to property;

☐improper conduct on school buses;

☐any behavior which is disruptive to the learning process;

☐involvement with drugs or alcohol during school hours and at all school sponsored functions;

☐bringing onto school property any type of weapon or instrument that can be termed dangerous tothe student or to other students and staff.

In addition,student name’sbehaviour is contrary to the expected behaviour of students as outlined in the School Act (section 12). Specifically, student name was not:

☐diligent in pursuing their studies;

☐ attending school regularly and punctually;

☐co-operating fully with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and otherservices;

☐complying with the rules of the school;

☐accounting to teachers for his/her conduct;

☐respecting the rights of others;

☐ensuring that his/her conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging;

☐refraining from, reporting and not tolerating bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward othersin the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means;

☐positively contributing to the school and community.

If you have any questions, please contact me at the school (403-phone number).


Name and title of individual writing the letter

Cc: Ken Sampson, Associate Superintendent, Programs & Services
