Meningitis Foundation of America


Top 20 Questions About Meningitis

1. What exactly is meningitis?
Meningitis is inflammation of the ______, the ______which surrounds the brain. The disease should not be confused with encephalitis which is inflammation of the brain itself.
2. How many types of meningitis are there?
Essentially, there are ______distinct types of meningitis; aseptic (usually caused by viral infections) and bacterial. Bacterial meningitis is sometimes ______.
3. Just how common is each type?
There are not exact figures: It's important to note that not all cases of meningococcal disease progress ______, but ______of cases that do become meningitis end fatally.Viral meningitis is much more common, and ______mild cases may not even be reported by the sufferer to his/her doctor.
4. What causes Meningitis?
The bacteria which cause bacterial meningitis live in the back of the ______. The bacteria are carried at by between ______of the population. It causes ______when it gets into the bloodstream and travels to the ______. What triggers this movement in a small number of unfortunate people remains the subject of research.
5. How are the bacteria and virus spread?
Both are spread by ______, ______and ______but they should not be regarded as either water-borne or air-borne.
6. Can anyone get meningitis?
Yes, although research shows that certain age groups are more susceptible than others. These are the under ______, the ______and the over______.
7. Is meningitis seasonal?
Either form can occur at ANY time but elsewhere in the world there is a pattern which shows that bacterial meningitis occurs more in the ______while viral meningitis sees most cases occurring during the ______months.
9. What are the main symptoms?
Again, with both forms there is a wide range which can onset in different 'combinations'. In adults and older children ______, ______, severe ______, ______, a dislike of bright lights, drowsiness, other joint pains and fits may be present.

10. Isn't there a rash to watch for too?
Yes, and it is VERY important. It can occur in anyone of ANY age and can begin on ANY part of the body. It looks like small ______at the beginning, which can quickly develop into areas of skin damage. They are ______in color and will ______turn white when pressed.
11. Why is the rash so important?
If it is seen, it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that the sufferer is taken to the nearest ER WITHOUT DELAY, if not treated quickly can be ______or mean the loss of ______or ______.
12. Do all the symptoms appear at once?
It will become obvious to anyone close to the sufferer that he/she is becoming ______ill ______quickly.
13. What should I do if I see anyone showing these symptoms?
Act quickly, get the person to the nearest ER and be prepared to insist on ______attention.
17. What is the position on available vaccines?
Firstly, as stated above, the ______vaccine has been successfully introduced but it is important to point out that it is ONLY effective against the ______strain. The under 4's ______to all the other strains. There is ______vaccine against the most common strain B.