Name of the Applicant: / .
Designation with Grade (BPS)and Address: / .
Email: / Phone: .
Field of Study/Specialization: / ..
Title of Paper to be Presented: / ..
Title of Conference, Seminar, Workshop, Training Abroad:
Name, Address, Phone, Fax and E-mail of the Organizing Agency: .
Date/Duration & Venue of the Conference, Seminar, Workshop and Training Course:
Total Assistance Requested from Pakistan Science Foundation in Pak Rs.
  1. Air Fare:
/ (Attach PIA fare Invoice)
  1. Registration Fee:
/ (Attach documentary evidence)
  1. Living expenses:
a)Hotel Charges:
b)Meal Charges:
Provide Evidence of Financial Assistance Acquired from Other Sources (even if it is nil or under process):
Parent Organization:
Other Sources (HEC etc.): /
Justification for Participation in International Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training as per Format at Annex-I.
Details of Previous Travel Grants Availed from PSF:
Title of Paper/Conference with dates / Country Visited / Amount of Grant (s)
Undertaking by the Applicant
I hereby undertake and affirm that:
  • The substance of the research paper being presented (as indicated in S.No.4) above is based on the original research work conducted by me/him in Pakistan.
  • The above paper has not been presented before in any conference, seminar/workshop and published in scientific journal/proceeding.
  • I shall submit travel report and documents for adjustment of accounts within one month after attending the conference.

Signature of the Applicant:
Official Stamp:
Date: / Signature of the HoD:
Official Stamp:
Forwarding Note: / Remarks by the Head of the Institution/Vice Chancellor of the University
Official Stamp:

Not: Incomplete application will not be processed. For completion see guidelines at Annex-II


Pakistan Science Foundation

Justification for Participation in the International Science Conference/Seminar/ Workshop and Training Abroad:

  1. What definite objective is to be pursued? (Please give details).
  2. What important contribution is to be made? (Please give details).
  3. What national interest is to be protected? (Please give details).
  4. What Scientific Technological material economic or trade benefits are to be achieved? (Please give details.
  5. Number of visits made in the past, if any, and the specific benefit achieved by each of these visits (Please mention each visit, dates, etc., sponsoring agency etc.
  6. Has the nomination been made by some Government/Semi Govt. other organization, or the invitation has been received or arranged directly?
  7. Previous achievements or work done related to the present visit.



Please ensure that following documents/information have been attached with grant request:

  1. Application should be forwarded through proper channel (duly signed and stampedby the Vice Chancellor/Head of Institute).
  2. Applicant must be a regular employee of the organization/institute.
  3. Justification for participation in International/Conferences/Seminars/Workshops, as per PSF enclosed format (Annx-I).
  4. Full copy of the research paper (Date and place of research undertaken must be mentioned).
  5. Copy of the acceptance letter from Conference Organizers as “Oral presentation”.
  6. Bio-data of applicant with list of publications.
  7. An invoice from PIA or its agents regarding economy class return air fare of the most directed flight route. Otherwise a certificate from PIA of no operating flight on that particular route.
  8. Breakup of amount requested in Pak. Rupees.
  9. A letter i) from the conference organizers ii) your parent institution, regarding level of funding provided by them, (even if it is nil) may be obtained and sent to the Foundation.
  10. A printed copy of conference program (containing aims, objectives and theme with schedule of charges in respect of registration and accommodation etc).
  11. Evidence of financial assistance acquired from other sources (even if it is nil or under process).
  12. Certificate from the host/organizers showing the exact support provided by them.
  13. In case of training course, invitation letter and schedule of the training course alongwith certificate from the parent organization that such facility is not available in Pakistan.
  14. In case of 2nd and 3rd author, NOC from 1st author is required.
  15. In case of Ph.D scholar, certificate from the supervisor that paper is based upon Ph.D research work undertaken in Pakistan and also copy of registration as Ph.D student or MS/M.Phil. leading to Ph.D from the university concerned attested by the Head of Department.
  16. Application may be sent to PSF 6-weeks before the date of conference/seminar/ workshop/training course.
  17. The following are not eligible for the travel grant:

Pakistani Ph.D scholars studying in foreign universities.

M.Phil/MS students.

Part time/visiting faculty members.