SSPC 55 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy


Wednesday 8:00-10:00am PST (Web-based)

These draft minutes must be approved by this committee to be the official approved record.


a)  Introduction of Members and Guests

b)  Quorum Determination (17 Voting Members)

12 members were present. Julian Rimmer and Peter Simmonds joined late.

c)  Announcements




This Agenda items was skipped over in the interest of time.

Chair asked Secretary to post draft minutes to the web and ask people for comments if they have any for the following minutes to be approved in Chicago:

ð  Montreal Minutes

ð  Aug 1, 2011 web meeting minutes

ð  Nov 16, 2011 web meeting minutes

4)  ROSTER CHANGES see attachment 2 – three new non-voting members.


If anyone has issues with receiving communications or accessing the website should contact Josh.


a)  Addenda b and c are expected to be approved by Standards Committee and the ASHRAE Board in Chicago. Addendum d starts public review on October 28th.


a)  Six – User’s Manual (Bean)

i) Update on User’s Manual Funding and RFP

Stephanie Reiniche manager of standards presented the RFP and questions for the committee. She needs confirmation on the timeline and a project monitoring subcommittee (SPLS has to approve it). She has a list of potential bidders, but it will be posted to the ASHRAE website for additional bids.

It is hard for ASHRAE to provide additional funds, if they don’t know the total cost of the project. After the contract is approved they can secure additional funds. Currently only 1/3 of the funds are committed.

Larry requested and Stephanie remind all about the conflict of interest: participating and drafting a scope does not disqualify someone from bidding on the project. Anyone who wants to be on the bidding team, they should not be on the PMS. They can be added later.

Stephanie’s suggestion is make a small group (you only need 5 people) without any potential bidders, and add anyone who does not become a bidder or contractor to the PMS.

Action Item for Robert to provide list of PMS.

Action Item for Robert to confirm the timeline of the project for ASHRAE.

b)  Four – Compliance and Mandatory References (Schoen)

i) Proposed Revisions to Section 5.2.4 Local Thermal Discomfort and 5.2.5 Temperature Variations in Time

Larry presented the revisions proposed to clarify

Committee is ok with limiting the application of the local discomfort section to the clothing and metabolic rates noted. Committee agreed about not removing the lower limit of the local discomfort applicability to met and clo.

All four columns in table should reference a reference point; either operative temperature or air temperature. Hui spoke in defense of air temperature as a reference point for the table. Chair suggested that comfort researchers (mainly Hui) help Larry find the answer to this question.

Larry requested that the committee members suggest actual changes to the language that reflect what the standard currently says or what it should say. Chair seconded this comment and hoped that this proposal should be ready for Chicago. There is a chance that if it looks like a solid draft, it might be ready for a letter ballot.

Action Item for Zhang Hui to help Larry Schoen with science behind local discomfort limits to finalize table

c)  Five – Validation and Evaluation (Arens)

i) Proposed revised structure for Section 7

Ed presented the development of Section 7 into normative language and three related appendices. Ed encouraged the working group to provide comments on the draft.

Ed is particularly interested in the distinction between section 6 and 7.

Larry pointed that more design guidance on for example how to calculate radiant asymmetry would be helpful.

Stephen suggested that the working group meet after thanksgiving and take the comments under advisement. And bring it back to the committee.

Chair emphasized that section 7 overlap with section 6, should be carefully examined. Section 6 is now referenced by 189.1 and LEED.

Larry mentioned that the ASHRAE Standard for testing and balancing should be referenced here. E.g. reference another standard in section 7 for testing and accuracy where appropriate.

Action Item for Ed to finalize the recommendations in collaboration with the working group and bring back to the committee in January. Ed to make sure we still have a “design compliance” section (currently section 6) that Standard 189.1 and LEED can refer to.

d)  Other work in progress:

i) Three – PMV/PPD Method (Simmonds)

(1)  Preliminary Results of Solar Radiation Limits

Peter Simmonds has prepared a table but only accounts for the surface temperature of the glass. But is missing the solar radiation component is missing. He is working with Ed Arens, Sabine Hoffman and Charlie Huizenga from Berkeley to revise the table to include radiation effects.

Chair requested that this be ready before January meeting, so that we can vote on it during the meeting.

Action Item for Peter S. to circulate a draft before Christmas.

ii) Ad-hoc Task Group to Revise Section 5.4 (Simmonds)

(1)  Proposed revisions to Section 5.4

The definitions previously in Section 5.4 have been moved to the Definitions section of the Standard, in a manner that Section 5.4 can be deleted.

Chair requested that Peter S. and working group coordinate the content overlap between this and the Section 7 improvements that Ed Arens is working one. Also chair requested that the proposals be presented to the committee in discrete sections with clear intent.

There is another change of revising section 5, to clarify the compliance paths. This was previously in Section 5.4. Chair requested that these two groups of changes be presented in two proposals.

Action item for Peter S. to coordinate on the changes recommended to Section 5.4 with Section 7 recommendations from Ed’s Working Group.

Action item for Peter S. to present two proposals, breaking up the Section 5.4 changes from Section 5 recommendations.

iii) Ad-hoc Task Group to Revised Weather Data Definitions

(1)  Design Weather Data Definition Clarifications (Simmonds)

Stephen Turner and chair commented that the definitions should be in normative language. The change is also required to be formatted in a change proposal format. Chair emphasized that these changes must be coordinated with the changes in the definitions in Addendum C (Mean Operative Temperature for the Adaptive Model). Peter S. has been coordinating with Michael Humphreys on this.

Action Item for Peter S. to bring back a change proposal for January.

8)  Review of Montreal Action Items and Future Work

a)  See attachment 1

This items was not discussed due to time limitations. Chair encouraged all to review and circulate responses to the committee for action in January.

9)  New Business

a)  Better predictions of clothing insulation (Schiavon)

The committee agreed that there are two places where the analysis can lend improvements to the Standard. The graphic model should be revised to reflect that 1.0 clo is rare in Winter. The normative appendix B should also be revised to reflect current common fashion and culture, the assemblies listed are outdated and not common in today’s buildings.

Another change that would be helpful is to require that buildings respond to the changing clothing values, accessible thermostats and controllable ranges.

Dick Aynsley pointed out that the ASHRAE research project looking at clothing in Arabic countries should be accounted for. And this model does not apply to the adaptive method. Stefano acknowledged that the data for other parts of the world were removed from the analysis. The analysis is based on only Class A data, which would be limited to offices in US and Europe.

Action Item: For Stefano to suggest improvements to the Standard based on this analysis. To be circulated in December so that committee can take action on it in January.

10)  NEXT MEETING: Annual conference in Chicago, January 21 – 22

11)  Adjourn


Attachment 1: Action Items from Montreal

1.  Communication page to be emailed out to committee by Josh Eddy. Completed.

2.  Task group to create proposal for consideration at interim meeting: Tom Hartman, Peter Simmonds, and Ed Arens.

Detail: Modify Section 5.4 to eliminate redundancies and clean up. Proposal to move material that applies to measurement of existing spaces to section 7 and other material to definitions. An alternative is to create a new “Calculations” section where we consolidate all our guidance on detailed calculations, including CLO & MET calculations in the normative appendices.

3.  WG-1 - Software: Working Group to create priority list of software upgrades to propose to full committee.

4.  WG-1 - Software: Displacement Ventilation and local discomfort recommendations for Standard 55: Software working group to suggest enhancements to ASHRAE comfort tool based on the Price tool.

5.  WG-2 – Adaptive: Look at Townsville data and how high humidity impacts comfort related to the Figure 5.3. Ed Arens and Richard DeDear volunteered; others are requested to help.

6.  WG-2 – Adaptive: Informative appendix explaining why humidity has a small effect on comfort near neutral sensation (in the comfort zone) and how the effect of humidity increases when people start to feel warm discomfort. Ed Arens, Peter Simmonds, and Dick Aynsley volunteered; others are requested to help.

7.  WG-3 – PMV/PPD Method: Solar Radiation Limits: Finalize table on shading coefficient (SC)/solar intensity/blinds SC and resulting internal surface temperature. Incorporate direct beam solar radiation and the effect of fabric blinds.

8.  WG-4 – Compliance and Mandatory References: Stephen Turner to submit comment to 90.1 with modification to better address air movement instead of Appendix D. Completed.

9.  Design Weather Data Clarifications: Peter Simmonds to rewrite definitions to simplify to core definitions and move parts to 6.2. Informative discussion of weather data calculations shall go in an informative appendix.

10.  WG-5 – Validation and Evaluation: Working group to continue Section 7 revisions (moving to an informative appendix and renumbering the Appendices to accommodate changes) and send to committee for review prior to interim meeting. Peter Simmonds was added to this working group.

11.  WG-6 – User’s Manual: Chair to add PES to Work Statement prior to submitting. Completed.

Attachment 2: ATTENDANCE

NAME / Voting Member / Email Address / Primary Phone number / Present? / Contact Information Update (if any)
Committee Members
Gwelen Paliaga - Chair / yes / / 510-263-1546 / X
John Stoops - Vice Chair / yes / / 510-891-0446
Sahar Abbaszadeh - Secretary / yes / / 510-444-5140 / x
Peter Alspach / yes / / 206-493-2226 / x
Edward Arens / yes / / 510-643-5571 / x
Richard Aynsley / yes / / 617-547-10-649 / x
Robert Bean / yes / / 403-278-8481 / x
Thomas Hartman / yes / / 254-793-0120 / x
Daniel Int-Hout / yes / / 972-497-0418 / x
Essam Khalil / yes / / 20233366677
Brian Lynch / yes / / 720-488-2905 / x
Michael O’Rourke / yes / / 303-325-5244
Abhijeet Pande / yes / / 916-962-7001
Julian Rimmer / yes / / 770-363-9389 / x / Joined late.
Lawrence Schoen / yes / / 410-730-9797 / x
Peter Simmonds / yes / / 818-377-8220 / x / Joined late.
Stephen Turner / yes / / 401-524-4798 / x
Atze Boerstra / no / / 31102447025
Gail Brager / no / / 510-642-1696 / x
Richard deDear / no / / 61(0)293515603
Josh Eddy - webmaster / no / / 714-969-8909 / x
Michael Humphreys / no / / 4401865483273
Baizhan Li / no / / 862365127531 / x
Stefano Schiavon / no / / 510-859-3811 / x
Mark Weber / no / / 404-636-8400 / x
SPLS Liason
Steven F Bruning / no / / 404-730-8400
Zhang Hui / / 510-642-6918 / x
Stephanie Reiniche / / x

Attachment 3: AGENDA

Wednesday 8:00-10:00am PST


Start time (duration)

1)  CALL TO ORDER 8:00 (10 min)

a)  Introduction of Members and Guests

b)  Quorum Determination (17 Voting Members)

c)  Announcements



4)  ROSTER CHANGES see attachment 2



a)  Addenda b and c are expected to be approved by Standards Committee and the ASHRAE Board in Chicago. Addendum d starts public review on October 28th.


a)  Six – User’s Manual (Bean) 8:10 (15 min)

i) Update on User’s Manual Funding and RFP

b)  Four – Compliance and Mandatory References (Schoen) 8:25 (20 min)

i) Proposed Revisions to Section 5.2.4 Local Thermal Discomfort and 5.2.5 Temperature Variations in Time

c)  Five – Validation and Evaluation (Arens) 8:45 (20 min)

i) Proposed revised structure for Section 7

d)  Other work in progress:

i) Three – PMV/PPD Method (Simmonds) 9:05 (5 min)

(1)  Preliminary Results of Solar Radiation Limits

ii) Ad-hoc Task Group to Revise Section 5.4 (Simmonds) 9:10 (5 min)

(1)  Proposed revisions to Section 5.4

iii) Ad-hoc Task Group to Revised Weather Data Definitions 9:15 (5 min)

(1)  Design Weather Data Definition Clarifications (Simmonds)

8)  Review of Montreal Action Items and Future Work 9:20 (20 min)

a)  See attachment 1

9)  New Business

a)  Better predictions of clothing insulation (Schiavon) 9:40 (15 min)

10)  NEXT MEETING: Annual conference in Chicago, January 21 – 22

11)  Adjourn

Attachment 4 – Roster for voting record

Date updated: 11-14-2011
NAME / Interest Category / Voting Member / Vote / Comments
Yes / No / No w/o Comment / Abstain / Not Returned
Gwelen Paliaga - Chair / User / yes
John Stoops - Vice Chair / General Interest / yes
Sahar Abbaszadeh - Secretary / General Interest / yes
Peter Alspach / User / yes
Edward Arens / General Interest / yes
Richard Aynsley / Producer / yes
Robert Bean / General Interest / yes
Thomas Hartman / User / yes
Daniel Int-Hout / Producer / yes
Essam Khalil / General Interest / yes
Brian Lynch / Producer / yes
Michael O’Rourke / Producer / yes
Abhijeet Pande / General Interest / yes
Julian Rimmer / Producer / yes
Lawrence Schoen / User / yes
Peter Simmonds / User / yes
Stephen Turner / User / yes
Atze Boerstra / User / no
Gail Brager / General Interest / no
Richard deDear / General Interest / no
Josh Eddy - webmaster / Producer / no
Michael Humphreys / General Interest / no
Baizhan Li / General Interest / no
Stefano Schiavon / General Interest / no

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