This policy is a working document which provides guidance and information on all aspects of Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE), citizenship in the school for staff, parents/carers and governors. This document will be available to parents on the school’s website, or by request from the school office. Staff and governors can access this policy from the Staff Share area on the school server.

The policy was developed by the school PSHE Coordinator, Damon Finney, through a variety of consultation methods involving pupils, parents/carers, staff, governors and the school health adviser. All views were taken into account when developing this policy and the PSHE and citizenship programme.

Other related policies and documents include the Sex and Relationship (SRE) policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Drug Education Policy, Child Protection Policy and the Promoting Race Equality document.


‘Personal, social and health education (PSHE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Itofferslearning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum, in specific lessons as well as in assemblies, tutorial programmes, circle time, special school projects and other activities that enrich pupils' experiences.’ (QCA About Personal, Social and Health Education)


The aims of GorefieldSchool's approach to and personal and social development are behaviour management are;

  • To encourage respect for oneself and others
  • To work towards a positive self-image which relates to the society in which we live.
  • To develop skills which help the child to interact and communicate with others and to make and sustain good relationships
  • To encourage children to work co-operatively as part of a team and to be able to take responsibility
  • To develop critical thinking and decision making skills
  • To cope with peer pressure, having the ability to express views confidently, stand up for what they believe and say no when necessary.
  • To develop the ability to empathise with others, morally and rationally.
  • To cope with change
  • To be self reliant, self-motivated and self disciplined
  • To learn how to understand and cope with feelings
  • To learn ways of developing and sustaining a healthy lifestyle
  • To be able, as far as possible, to keep themselves safe
  • To develop respect and understanding of other cultures beyond our local community.

The understanding of P.S.H.E. for GorefieldSchool is implicit in the General aims of the school and the programmes of study of the National Curriculum. The key features are that everyone listens and is listened to; everyone recognises and rewards positive behaviour and shares clear goals. This leads to high expectations and a positive ethos.


PSHE and citizenship should not be delivered in isolation but firmly embedded in all curriculum areas. At Gorefield, PHSE and Citizenship is delivered in a separate weekly lesson following the Cambridgeshire scheme of work, but also through

  • circle times
  • drama
  • social skills activities
  • use of fiction/ story books
  • subjects such as Science, History and Geography.
  • assemblies
  • the Social Skills Programme run for selected pupils across the school

PSHE and citizenship is normally delivered by class teachers in mixed gender groups. Active learning methods, which involve children’s full participation, are used.

Occasionally, appropriate and suitably experienced and/or knowledgeable visitors from outside school may be invited to contribute to the delivery of PSHE and citizenship in school. In the past these have included the School Nurse and the Fire Service. The Community Police Officer also makes regular visits.

  • Visitors are invited in to school because of the particular expertise or contribution they are able to make;
  • All visitors work within the relevant school policies and input to PSHE lessons is part of a planned programme and negotiated and agreed with staff in advance
  • All visitors are supervised/supported by a member of staff at all times;
  • The input of visitors is monitored and evaluated by staff and pupils. This evaluation informs future planning.


Staff are aware that views around some PSHE related issues are varied. However, while personal views are respected, all PSHE issues are taught without bias. Topics are presented using a variety of views and beliefs so that pupils are able to form their own, informed opinions but also respect others that may have a different opinion.


As a general rule a child’s confidentiality is maintained by the teacher or member of staff concerned. If this person believes that the child is at risk or in danger, she/he talks to the named child protection coordinator who may confer with the headteacher before any decision is made.


The school has a separate Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy. Effective PSHE & citizenship may bring about disclosures of child protection issues and staff should be aware of the procedures for reporting their concerns.


The school is committed to the provision of PSHE and citizenship to all of its pupils. Our programme aims to respond to the diversity of children’s cultures, faiths and family backgrounds. Equal time and provision will be allocated for all groups but there may be occasions where pupils with Special Educational Needs are given extra support.


Assessment is ongoing and informal throughout each term. Teachers use their assessment of the pupils understanding and prior knowledge to help them adapt the Scheme of Work to meet the needs of the pupils in their class. All teachers, teaching assistants, midday staff and administrative staff are aware of the need to inform the class teachers of individual pupils about notable points of personal and social development that occur outside the lesson. Parents receive a statement of their child’s progress in their personal and social development in their annual report


Resources to support discreet work in P.S.H.E. can be found in the teacher's resource library. Some of the recommended material includes books on circle time, playing games for positive behaviour and citizenship.

Books aimed at children on subjects such as bullying and family issues are available in the school Library.


Children in year’s 5 and 6 will take part in a SRE unit of work from the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work in Summer 2. Parents of Year’s 5 and 6 pupils are invited to view the videos their children will be watching as part of their SRE as well as to look at the resources that will be shared. The children will be told that they need to act mature during these sessions and ground rules will be established prior to work starting. Not sharing knowledge with other children and respecting others will be at the core of this. Children will also be able to anonymously share concerns and worries through a bubble box placed in class.


There will be opportunities for children to take work home, discuss issues and do some research. We understand that some of the issues raised in PHSE are sensitive ones and try to keep the parents and carers involved and informed at all times.


This policy will be reviewed in July 2018.
