
The Kingdom Protista: Pond Life


Part I

Read the first page of the lab booklet to answer question #1.

1.  Protists are unicellular meaning they are made up of ______cell.

2.  Kingdom Protista has now been divided into four categories: ______, ______, ______, ______.

3.  All protists are ______, which means they have an organized nucleus.

Remove the slide holder from the blue pocket in your booklet. Insert the numbered end of the Slide Holder into the Slide Slot in your Micro-Slide Viewer. With Slide No. 1 in place, use the Focus Knob to get it into view.

Read Section 1 Amoeba.

4.  An ______has no definite shape.

5.  All the organisms shown in this slide share one characteristic; they have a ______or “false foot”.

6.  You can see a ______in the actinophrys. This is formed by two pseudopods coming together rand closing around the object.

Read Section 2 Paramecium to answer the following questions.

7.  What is the total magnification of the slide? ______X

8.  The paramecium is an ______-like protist that is covered in cilia.

Read Section 3 Plasmodium to answer the following questions.

9. The plasmodium are considered to be ______because they must have a host to survive.

10. The ______mosquito is the original host of the plasmodium.

Read Section 4 Trypanosoma to answer the following questions.

11. Trypanosoma use a ______, or whip-like tale to move.

12. What is the total magnification of the slide? ______X

13. This slide is a sample taken from human ______.

Read Section 5 Euglena to answer the following questions.

14. Euglena are considered to be ______-like protists because they have chloroplasts and complete the process of photosynthesis.

15. They are also have a ______vacuole that helps pump out extra water.

Read Section 6 Spirogyra to answer the following quyestions.

16. Spirogrya forms long ______of single cells arranged in a row.

17. They also contain ______in chloroplasts.

Read Section 7 Noctiluca to answer the following questions.

18. Dinoflagellates have two ______.

19. They use flagella for ______and ______.

20. Dinoflagellates can perform ______because they have chlorophyll and chloroplasts.

Read Section 8 Diatoms to answer the following questions.

21. Diatoms have a beautiful shell that is made of ______.

22. They contain a drop of ______that helps them float on top of the water.

Part II

1 – Get a clean slide and cover slip from your teacher.

2 – Place ONE drop of water in the middle of the slide. Don’t use too much or the water will run off the edge and make a mess!

3 – Place the edge of the cover slip on one side of the water drop.

4 - Slowly lower the cover slip on top of the drop.

5 – Place the slide on the stage and view it first with the red-banded objective. Once you see the image, you can rotate the nosepiece to view the slide with the different objectives.

6-Use slides 1-8 on your Microslide and the brochure to help you identify four protists in the pond water. There are also protist packets at your lab island for you to use to help identify the protists. Be sure to use detail!!

Protist Type: ______
Total Magnification: ______/
Protist Type: ______
Total Magnification: ______

Protist Type: ______Total Magnification: ______/
Protist Type: ______
Total Magnification: ______