Form OGC-1001.3

REV 09/2016

DCF Grant Request for Proposal (RFP)

Community Services

DCF – Prevention and Protection Services

Release Date: 6/1/2017

Due Date: 6/30/2017

Contact: Linda Cambron

Office of Grants and Contracts

Kansas Department for Children and Families

DCF Administration Building

555 S. Kansas Ave., 5th Floor, Topeka, KS 66603

Strong Families Make a Strong Kansas




Timeline for RFP



Purpose, Goals and Objectives

ProgramOutcomes...... 11


Funding Information...... 11

Award Amount and Length...... 11

AllowableUsesof Funds...... 11

MatchRequirement...... 12


DUNSNumber...... 12

TaxClearance...... 12

DebarmentStatus...... 12

FinancialInformation...... 12

501(c)3Status...... 12


Questions...... 13

How toApply...... 13

What an Application Should Include...... 13

Tableof Contents...... 13

Grant Application Information Sheet...... 13

Program Abstract...... 13

Program Narrative...... 14

Statement ofthe Problem...... 14

Project Design...... 14

Implementation Plan...... 14

ManagementStructure...... 14

Sustainability Plan...... 14

Grant Budget Request,Budget Narrative/Justification and Cost Allocation Plan...... 15


Grant Peer Review Panel...... 15

SelectionCriteria...... 16


Reporting Requirements...... 16

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Requirements...... 16


ApplicationChecklist...... 18

Attachment A– GrantApplication Information Sheet (OGC-1002)...... 19

AttachmentB–Grant Budget Request (OGC-1003)...... 19

AttachmentC – Debarment Memorandum...... 20

AttachmentD– Specific Terms and Conditions...... 21

Attachment E –Contractual Provisions (DA-146a)...... 33

Attachment F– Special Provisions Incorporated By Reference...... 34


The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF),Protection and Prevention Services (PPS), announces the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide services to children and families who have been reported to the agency to be in need of services. Eligible applicant agencies include:providers with specialization in substance misuse, child behavior, case management and/or mental health.

Timeline for RFP

Release of Request for Proposal / June 1, 2017
Written Questions from Potential Grant Applicant
Agencies due by 2p.m. CST / June 15, 2017
Grant Applicationsdueno later than 2p.m. CST / June 30, 2017 to:
Linda Cambron
Office of Grants and Contracts
Kansas Department for Children and Families
DCF Administration Building
555 S Kansas Ave., 5th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603
Grant Year / July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

If you have questions regarding this RFP, please contact:

Linda Cambron via email


PPS provides funding to providers with specialization in substance misuse, child behavior, case management and/or mental health areas forFamily Services.Applicants must successfully communicate a comprehensive approach toproviding services to children and families that mitigates crisis situations and makes it possible for children to be safely maintained in their homes, as it relates to the implementation of the program’s standards.

Program Philosophy

Family Services recognize the inherent integrity and value of the family. Provision of Family Services is considered when there is a need for DCF assistance beyond the initial 30 working days of intake assignment. Services are delivered to the family as a unit rather than to individual family members. However, individual family members may also receive specific services. Services may be court-ordered, recommended by DCF or requested by the family.

Family Service cases require a lower level of cases than a Family Preservation case. The provider is not expected to be available 24/7. The child(ren) is not at imminent risk of removal.

Purpose, Goals and Objectives

The purpose of this program is to provideState General Funds/Community Servicefunding to providers with specialization in substance use disorder, child behavior, case management and/or mental health services to implementin-home family services.The goal of this program is toprovide in-home family services to children and families that mitigates crisis situations and makes it possible for children to be safely maintained in their homes.This grant will be awarded toan organization in each DCF regionthathasthe ability to make a region-wide impact. One agency/organization may be awarded the grant for more than one region.Programs should contain design elements that may include the following:

The Secretary of DCF is responsible for investigating reports of child abuse and neglect to determine if the report is valid and if action is required to protect a child. The agency regularly receives reports stating a family may be in crisis or may just have a family situation where additional services or supports are needed to maintain the family unit. PPS has utilized community service funds to provide regionally-specific services and to fund family service grants in the past. The Family Service grants allowed the agency to ensure in-home services were available to all families in all areas of the state. These grants had successful outcomes. This RFP seeks to build on those services for Non Abuse Neglect events. Non Abuse Neglect events includechildren who come to the attention of the agency for reasons other than alleged abuse or neglect or a juvenile offense and who meet one or more of the definitions in K.S.A. 38-2202(d).The state is divided into four DCF regions. This grant will be awarded for service in the DCF West Region. The successful bidder will receive referrals from its region. Families often move and may move to another service region. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to work with DCF in all regions to best meet the needs of the family. The grantee must demonstrate positive communication and sharing of information among and between regional contractors and DCF in a collegial manner in order to provide the best services to DCF and the families served.

Family Services recognize the inherent integrity and value of the family. Provision of Family Services is considered when there is a need for DCF assistance beyond the initial 30 working days of intake assignment. Services are delivered to the family as a unit rather than to individual family members. However, individual family members may also receive specific services. Services may be court ordered, recommended by DCF or requested by the family.

Family service cases require a lower level of cases than a Family Preservation case. The provider is not expected to be available 24/7. The child(ren) is not at imminent risk of removal.

When PPS receives a report stating a family is in need of supportive services, the agency wishes to have the option of diverting some such reports to a provider agency to conduct a thorough assessment of the individual(s) and/or family functioning as appropriate and to provide services.

The grantee will accept all referrals from DCF. Referrals will come to the grantee directly from the Kansas Protection Report Center (KPRC) or from the region. The grantee will meet the assigned response time from KPRC (see PPM 1670). The grantee will conduct a thorough safety and risk assessment and determine what, if any, preventive services are appropriate. If Family Services are appropriate, the bidder will ensure the services are provided to the family either directly or indirectly. If the assessment results determine the family will benefit from Family Preservation services, the bidder will refer the family back to PPS and the Family Preservation referral shall be offered to the family and the referral made upon acceptance by the family. The grantee will follow all applicable PPS policies, procedures, including revisions, during the grant period. Revisions will be made with input from the grantee.

Services provided by the grantee typically include:

1. Initial safety and risk assessments;

2. Ongoing assessment and determination of family needs, strengths and well-being;

3. Ongoing safety and risk assessments;

4. Assistance in obtaining and/or funding for core support services (day care, respite care, employment, housing, ongoing mental health services, rent, utilities, etc.);

5. Child rearing and behavior management coaching for parents;

6. Assessment and expansion of family supports;

7. Coordination of community resources for the family;

8. Ongoing case evaluation and monitoring to ensure effective service delivery;

9. Family living skills;

10. Family crisis intervention; and

11. Case Management.

Population to be served

For information about how many Non-Abuse/Neglect (NAN) referrals the agency has received in past years, please see Bidders should be aware, DCF is in the process of revising policies related to NAN assignments. It is anticipated the number assigned will decrease as a result. The agency understands the successful bidder may not be able to serve all NAN reports received by the agency given grant amount limitations.

The applicant will be required to serve the DCF West Region. Serving the following counties will be taken into special consideration when reviewing the applications: Reno, Saline, Geary, Barton and Lyon counties.

Some examples of potential referral:

  1. Families with child(ren) who are truant;
  2. Families with parents and/or child(ren) who use or abuse substances;
  3. Families with child(ren) in police protective custody with no abuse/neglect concerns;
  4. Families with mental/emotional illness when the issues have been stabilized and one adult in the household is able and willing to participate in services.

Families who have at least one child in out-of-home placement through a regional FosterCare/Reintegration/Adoption provider are not eligible for Family Services. A Family Services referral is terminated when the court removes one or more children from the home.

Program Requirements

The grantee shall:

  1. Have a program director assigned to this grant who will serve as the liaison to DCF on all program and grant matters
  1. Have direct service staff assigned solely to this grant
  1. Ensure all staff with case management responsibility have DCF pre-service training. Staff must also receive ongoing training whenever deemed appropriate by DCF, regarding family systems, service delivery related to family services, new policy, statutory changes, initiatives and other matters pertinent to effective grant performance
  1. Provide for the safety, stability and well-being of children and families during the referral period
  1. Adhere to the following:
  2. Kansas Revised Code for Care of Children KSA 38-2200 et seq.
  3. Kansas Revised Juvenile Justice Code KSA 38-2300 et seq.
  4. Kansas Administrative Regulations
  5. Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children/Juveniles (ICPC/ICJ)
  6. Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)
  7. The Indian Child Welfare Act
  8. Children and Family Services Review and any potentially resulting Program Improvement Plan(s)
  9. Division of Prevention and Protection Services Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) and its revisions.
  10. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  11. Kansas Mental Health Reform Act KSA 39-1601
  12. Relevant federal statutes and regulations as set out at the Administration for Children and Families website at
  13. Medicaid Provider Manuals and subsequent bulletins
  14. Federal Title IV Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination as it Affects Persons with Limited English Proficiency LEP
  15. The Contractor is required to ensure written information is available in the prevalent non-English languages of the service area.
  16. Any other statutes, policies and regulations DCF deems appropriate to the performance of services herein
  1. Establish and maintain a manual detailing job functions and service delivery process that operationalize the practice model. The bidder will describe the family service model and the plan to implement the model. The intervention model description shall include detailed information about the practice model components, how safety and risk will be assessed through the life of the case, how safety plans will be formed and the specific training the in-home workers will have received by the time the grant is finalized.
  1. The grantee shall maintain a process for responding timely as dictated by DCF policy to client complaints and shall inform and collaborate with DCF as to the resolution of these complaints. Response to DCF is required on a DCF specified form, within three (3) working days from the complaint date, or sooner if requested. Bidders shall include their model of complaint response in an addendum to the proposal. As defined by DCF policy, if the concern is a Critical Incident, a response may be required by the grantee the same day or next business day from the event.
  1. Refrain from releasing reports, medical records or client information to outside sources without written consent.
  1. Freely share information between the grantee and DCF, and, when appropriate, between the Family Service grantee and the Family Preservation or Foster Care/Reintegration/Adoption contractor. The grantee shall make available all client records and information to DCF within 24 hours of a request, whether written or verbal.
  1. Begin grant responsibility and case management responsibility for children and family on the day of referral and end this responsibility when case goals are met.
  1. Update, complete and organize the case file per policy and send it electronically to the DCF regional office within five (5) working days after the grant responsibility for Family Services has expired.
  1. Deliver services to children and families that are culturally competent and are responsive to their needs.
  1. Report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect immediately to DCF or law enforcement in accordance with KSA 38-2223.
  1. Submit all reports as required by the court and liaison with court and district/county attorney.
  1. Maintain a public image that is supportive at all times towards the public/private partnership.
  1. Provide full disclosure, open and direct communication and transparency with DCF in all matters.
  1. Maintain case information on a timely basis thatreflects the complete and current history of assessment information, and services provided and progress of services, for the family and each family member.
  1. Collaborate with family and schools to ensure all children receive educational assistance determined necessary from educational assessments.
  1. Facilitate a seamless transition for the child and family to the Reintegration Provider whenever a child receiving services under the grant is placed in out-of-home care.

1. All information shall be shared with the Reintegration/Foster Care/Adoption Contractor to include a discharge summary with reasons for referral, dates of referral and services provided, the family’s response to the services, assessments completed, the goals achieved and other useful information. The Family Service case file shall be made available to the Reintegration/Foster Care/Adoption Contractor upon request.

2. If the Family Services grantee has an open case at the time of referral to the Reintegration/Foster Care/Adoption Provider, the case manager from the Family Services grantee shall be invited to and attend the initial team meeting with the family.

  1. Facilitate seamless transition for children and their family when the family moves to another grantee region during the service period by continuing to serve the family or by subcontracting with another provider. In these cases, the original grantee remains responsible for all obligations and reporting. If a child in the family is in the Secretary’s custody when the family moves, a new referral is made to the grantee where court jurisdiction for the child’s case is located. The prior referral is closed.
  1. Submit quarterly management reports to include data and narrative case specific information.
  1. Applicant is to include their model of quality assurance as an addendum to the proposal.
  1. Participate in statewide or regional stakeholder, policy, program improvement or advisory groups, including events to promote and support child welfare issues.
  1. Participate and cooperate in the PPS quality assurance processes.
  1. Collaborate in a transition plan approved by DCF in the event the grantee withdraws or the grant is terminated. Both grantees shall designate staff to serve on a transition team to design the plan, with theteam being activated within ten (10) working days after the notification of grant awards. The transition plan shall insure a smooth transition to avoid disruptions, provide for the safety and well-being of children and provide necessary information to all concerned parties.
  1. Accept all referrals from DCF in the designated geographic region.
  1. Respect the privacy of the child and family.
  1. Maintain confidentiality as required by law and DCF policy.
  1. Acknowledge receipt of referral to DCF within 24 hours of receipt.
  1. Employ diligent efforts to engage the non-custodial parent for all Family Service activities. All references to “family” in this request for proposal are to include the non-custodial parent.
  1. Complete initial and ongoing family assessments that measure safety, stability and well-being.
  1. Work with the family to develop a case plan with specific outcomes for family members that mitigate safety and risk concerns and improve well-being of the family. Outcomes shall address referral reasons, identified needs and assessment results. Other agencies involved with the family and any individuals identified by the family shall be invited and encouraged to attend the case plan meetings.
  1. Include information about how Family Group Decision Making principles will be incorporated in the case planning process when appropriate.
  1. Assist the family in overcoming barriers to achieving goals in case plans.
  1. Complete the initial case plan in collaboration with all family members and obtain a signature within 20 calendar days from date of referral.
  1. Write court reports, submit to the court per local rule, attend all court hearings and testify as required.
  1. Provide DCF with the documentation necessary to file a complete court application/affidavit if it is determined a child cannot remain safely in-home.
  1. Coordinate with the family and medical providers to ensure medical needs are met.
  1. Continue to access medical services via the Medicaid card for children who qualifyfor Medicaid.
  1. Provide for periodic urine analysis or another form of drug test, as appropriate, when working with a family where substance abuse has been identified either in the referral or during the grantees work with the family. Results shall be recorded in the file. Follow-up services shall be provided as indicated.
  1. Refer children through five yearsof age to early intervention programs, as appropriate.

Staff/Contractor Qualification:

  1. The bidder must be licensed to do business in the state of Kansas.
  1. The bidder must include a discussion of its qualifications and experience in providing the services that are the subject of this RFP. The bidder must be an established firm recognized for its capacity to perform. The bidder must be capable of mobilizing sufficient personnel to meet the dealings specified in the request. The bidder shall discuss how the organizational structure will facilitate the delivery of services.
  1. All staff providing direct services to clients shall have annual criminal record checks through the Kansas Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. Staff who have re-located to Kansas in the last five years shall have an FBI fingerprint check. The FBI fingerprint check is only required one time, at the time of hire.
  1. Every staff member in a professional position, including case managers and social workers, shall have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and shall be licensed by the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board to practice in Kansas (i.e. Social Worker; Marriage and Family Therapist; Psychologist; Professional Counselor and/or Alcohol and Drug Counselor).
  1. All supervisors must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and shall be licensed by the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board to practice in Kansas (i.e. Social Worker; Marriage and Family Therapist; Psychologist; Professional Counselor and/or Alcohol and Drug Counselor) and have at least two years’ experience in children and family services.
  1. All para-professionals working directly with families must have a high school diploma, or equivalent, with preference of experience in the children and family services field.
  1. The technical proposal shall include resumes of executive personnel assigned to the project, commencing with the contract administrator and above. The proposal shall include other job descriptions for those filling professional and paraprofessional positions.
  1. In addition to proof of insurance required by Section 3.14, the contractor must demonstrate it has Professional Liability Insurance and Automobile Liability Coverage for Client Transportation. Grant awards may be contingent upon proof of insurance.

Corrective Action Plans (CAP)