Additional file8: Coding Framework

Coding Variable / Description
Study ID / Unique code given to each study (i.e. linked articles given same code)
Paper ID / Unique code given to each manuscript
First Author / Surname of first cited author
Email Address / All email addresses provided within the full text
Publ Year / Year of manuscript publication
Title / Article title
Reference / Full reference (as extracted from relevant database)
Publication Type / Publication format e.g. book chapter, journal paper, conference paper, thesis, organisation report
Abstract / Article abstract or summary (if provided)
Keywords / Publication keywords
Population Descriptor / Relevant terms from title, abstract and keywords that relate to high altitude/mountain regions
Language / Main text language
Article Access Notes / Notes regarding accessibility of the full text
Format / Article format e.g. PDF, Microsoft Word file, HTML
Study Country/ies / Country(ies) in which study undertaken
Study Region / Region(s) in which study undertaken
Study Timing / Time period of experimentation/observation
Study Length / Time over which study undertaken
Study Timescale / Period between intervention and study
Study Description / Brief description of study
Intervention Description / Full description of intervention and final state
Comparator Description / Full description of comparator
Comparator Appropriateness / Brief description of how well matched the comparator is to the intervention population
Comparator Type / i.e. spatial, temporal, both
Comparator notes / Further description of comparator
Methodology Notes / Brief description (summary or quotation) of study methodology
Intervention Type / Abandonment or reinstatement of agricultural activity
Replication / Number of replicates
Randomisation / Presence of randomisation in sample selection
Subsite Sampling / Description of pseudoreplication/subsite sampling if present
Spatial Scale / Size of study area (largest area covered by sampling)
Methodological Detail / Level of methodological detail; low (very little detail, significant information missing), medium (some detail missing but generally sufficient), high (very high level of detail, no obvious information lacking)
Broad Outcome Group / i.e. soil, water, natural hazard, ecosystem functioning
Outcome Focus / e.g. water chemistry, butterfly
Measured Outcome / e.g. total suspended solids, Simpson’s diversity index
Experimental Design / i.e. observation, experimentation, modelled
Altitude (m) / Altitude range or mean altitude of study
Farming System / Arable, mown or grazed
Farming System Notes / Crops or species mentioned
Sources of Potential Bias / Description of other potential sources of bias
Internal Validity Notes / Description of study’s internal validity
Linked Study / Paper ID of articles describing results of same study
Additional Article Details / Further description of relationship with other articles