Language Arts 201

Semester Two – Outside Reading Assignment

Outside Reading Online Assignment

You have been instructed to read a FULL-LENGTH book that meets the following criteria:

Minimum of 150 pages long

One story, not a collection of short stories, etc.

Written by group’s selected author (and not being read by another student in group)

Your grade will consist of three main components: reading the book, discussing what you’ve read with other LA201 students in an online forum, and finally creating a wiki about the author/book with your group.

Author options:

Jodi PicaultJK RowlingMichael Creighton

Sophia LiaBlockNicholas SparksStephanie Meyer

Darren ShawW.D. MeyersStephen King

Jerry SpinelliRobert CormierDean Hughes

Ellen HopkinsMeg CabotSarah Dessen

Suzanne CollinsSara ShepardLibba Bray

*If you would like to read books by an author not on this list, you must request permission from your teacher. Come with a book list.

Part I: Reading Points (TOTAL of 40 points)

Username: / *Use Your BPHS Login
Password: / *Use your BPHS Password
(if you do not fill out your name you will be listed as "Anonymous")
Email*: / (optional)
Email Confirmation*: / (optional)
First Name: / *You MUST put your first name here
Last Name: / *You MUST put your last name here

On the designated days, you will be given class time to read your Outside Reading novel. You are expected to bring your book with you to class and use the given time for Outside Reading only. If you finish your OR novel before the semester ends, you are expected to bring another novel to read during the given class time.

If you bring your book to class and diligently read during class, you will receive 10 points.

If you bring your book to class and generally read during class, you will receive 8 points.

If you bring your book to class but barely read during class, you will receive between 6-2 points.

If you do not bring your book to class, you will receive 0 points.

Your reading points will be totaled at the end of each quarter. Your teacher will let you at the beginning of the week if you will have an Outside Reading day. Expect about one OR day each month.

Part II: Online Discussion at (TOTAL of 40 points)

Class Key : Z272824Q78

While reading your book, you are to participate in an online discuss forum. Begin by “joining a class,” entering the class key (above) and creating a personal login (right).

Then, select the Conferencing tab and, by each of the deadlines listed below, you are to post a message about what you’re reading. You will post a minimum of five entries, at least one of those as a response to another student.

DEADLINES(each post worth 8 pts):

Post One – done by Friday, February 19th

Post Two – done by Friday, March 12th

Post Three – done by Friday, April 16th

Post Four – done by Friday, May 14th

Post Five – done by Friday, June 4th

  • Remember that this is an academic forum. Use appropriate academic tone, spelling, punctuation, and grammar; no texting lingo or abbreviations.
  • Be considerate of other students’ ideas.
  • Remember that this is not a place for cyber socializing. Stick to the assignments. Any misuse of this site will result in a failing grade for the project.
  • When posting, you may respond to one of the already created topics or you may begin your own.

Online Discussion Grading Rubric

(A) / Yes
(B) / Sure
(C) / Sort-of…
(D) / Barely
Student makes at least five posts, at least one being a response to another student
Student’s posts are thoughtful and closely connected to his/her book
Student is respectful to other students and uses proper online etiquette
Student meets posting deadlines

Part III: Group Wiki (TOTAL of 70 points) – example at

With your group (made up of the students who are reading novels by the same author), you are to create a Wiki exploring your Outside Reading books.

First, as a group you should create a wiki at:

Choose a wiki name that is clear regarding its topic and give all group members access to the site. You will all be responsible for maintaining the front page of your wiki, and each of you will be responsible for creating your own page about your book.

20 POINTS:As a group, you are responsible for including (off of/on your front page):

-The course name, your first names (NO LAST NAMES), and the purpose of your wiki (1 pt)

-A list of the novels currently being read by your group members (1 pt)

-A biography about your chosen author (7 pts)

-A “Connection Examination” (examining shared themes, plot devices, etc. in all the novels) (10 pts)

-A link to the NiceNet discussion board (1 pt)

50 POINTS: As an individual, you are responsible for including (off of/on your own page):

-A brief summary of your novel (10 pts)

-A timeline of events (at least 10) surrounding the writing of the novel (10 pts) -

-A book review of your novel (10 pts)-

-And TWO of these additional options (10 pts each):

  • Chapter quiz (at least 10 questions) -


  • Chapter discussion questions (at least 10 questions)

-write in Word and convert to PDF at attaching

  • Character journal(about at least 3 events) -


  • Literary elements chart (at least 7 elements and examples)



You will have classtime to work on your wiki on these dates:

March 10th or 11th ------April 14th or 15th ----- May 12th or 13th