Prayer of the Church- Epiphany 5B

Our Lord Jesus continues to cast out evil and bring eternal health through his church. Let us therefore pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs.

Thank you Lord for your constant saving presence with us in your holy word and sacraments. Cast out all spiritual complacency, and protect us from the devil and his cunning ways.

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Give grace and peace to the people of our church, her pastors and bishops, and bless the faithful members of our congregations. Cast out all false teaching and practice so that we may grow in faith and love.

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Give good and merciful government to all nations. Bring safe and peaceful resolution to the areas of our world where there is tension and unrest. Cast out oppressive and tyrannical rulers, and protect people from abuse of power.

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Thank you for the good and peaceful government we enjoy in Australia. Give wisdom and right action to our Prime Minister (insert name),Premier (insert name), and all members of parliament. Cast out hatred and division, and protect our servicemen and women who are overseas.

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Have mercy, Lord, on people oppressed by demons or yielding themselves to any evil. Cast out the devil from every potential foothold in our own lives and in society as a whole, so that he may never find a home among us. Turn people from dabbling in the occult and defend us from a faithless fear of the devil and his demons.

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Lord, our days are in your hands and we are glad. Comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones (including…). Cast out all fear from us, and protect us in the night of sorrow. And be with others known to us in need and whom we now name silently in our hearts...(brief silence)

Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer.

Lord, you are abundant in power, and your understanding is beyond measure. Since you have lifted us up to share life with you, keep us in the faith of Jesus Christ, and hear the prayer we offer in his name, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
