July 2014 - Wow, it’s hard to believe that it was nine years ago this month that Brenda and I met all of you. You may recall the delightful gatherings held here at the church at the time. Early in July the Pulpit Search Committee hosted a “crackers and cheese reception so that we could all meet. Later in the evening, we met again for a delicious potluck. I led worship the next morning and then you all voted. I recall that Homer and Audrey walked us down to the far reaches of the building (Parish Hall) so you all could talk about whether you would accept the recommendation of the Search Committee. I believe that given the thirteen member committee was unanimous, you all felt the recommendation was the making of the Holy Spirit. In some ways it seems only yesterday. You welcomed us with open arms and hugs. We feel blessed in sharing in the Lord’s work with you. For each of us, the years have been very full ones. Do you remember the renovations of the parsonage; they began before we moved in, and continued till our first Christmas annual open house. It is sad,

that we have lost two of the three-person parsonage committee that I met with regarding the house, Iris Sawin and Arlene Morrell as well as Don Dupes who worked at demo, and Roger and Ruth Harrington who painted and cleaned for hours. It was a crazy first few months as we settled into the house and joined the fellowship of a new church. It has been an incredible journey of great love, soul searching and an adjustment to the new path as God’s children.

I am sure each of you have events that you recall as significant moments in your journey. Some sad ones: family issues, the loss of a loved one, or perhaps the breakup of a family. Yet other events are marked as happy ones: the birth of children, birthday and anniversary celebrations, or family reunions. These events become part of the history of our life’s journey, and we must be attentive if we are to know their true affect in our lives. We must be in tune listening, watching, touching and sensing life’s blessings – absorbing the wonder, love and joy within our hearts, for this helps strengthen our faith. We must ask ourselves, what does our faith call us to do in the passage of our short time here on earth? I believe it is our Christian faith and beliefs that enable us to evaluate and interpret life in its complexity and wonder. It is how we live our life that tells the story of our relationship with God. What is life about if it isn’t focused on our relationship with God as known through the message of Christ?

One basic understanding is that there is always hope. Christian’s can approach life’s greatest struggles with hope. God promises to walk with us and to be with us through thick and thin. Yet, we know that trials are before us in this world and we must meet them head on. Our hope leads us to confidence that God is steadfast in his promise to love, strengthen, and encourage us in our time of need. God is with us every day offering us guidance and support.

A second perceptive of the Christian faith is that God continues to reveal his purpose in our lives as we mature in faith. Along with our growth as God’s children come additional responsibilities to engage in God’s plan for his creation. This means we are contributing to our church and world with our talents and blessings of treasure. We all have purpose; for some teaching, others preaching, care giving, and singing. Whatever your purpose or assignment is, be strong advocates of the Good News that God loves us and is committed to his promises.

In all things, God is with us. God provides for our needs that sustain us. God is not only our creator and redeemer, but also our sustainer. This is evident in the physical world – the earth that provides our food, water and air – which is necessary for human existence. God provides us opportunities for emotional and spiritual nourishment too through friendships that provide love, joy, and support. And of course Scripture, which reveals God’s truths, promises, and love, that are unwavering and eternal.

It is a great blessing to be here to write this article. I appreciate this opportunity to serve Christ with you. For sure, we are able to approach God in fulfilling our purpose because we know that God is going to provide the nourishment, the support, encouragement and love necessary to accomplish the goals set before us. It is with this hope that we can lead joyous and satisfying lives that honor and glorify our Creator. As the months unfold step back and reflect on the great blessings you have received through your relationship with God. It is totally awesome.

Blessings, Pastor Irv

From the

Caution during the Hot Weather

I know, so far we have had overcast skies, rain and mostly mild temperatures, but before we start to experience the weather like the west, here are some tips to follow:

- Slow down, avoid strenuous activity. As the temperatures rise – sit more in the shade.

- Wear light weight and colored clothing that is loose fitting. Light colors reflect the sun’s rays; while loose fitting helps your body stays cool. Don’t forget your wide brimmed hat!

- Drink plenty of water – even when you do not feel thirsty. 8 – 8 ounce glasses of water are recommended everyday.

- Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they actually act as diuretics.

-Eat a well balanced diet of light meals. Eat more fruits and veggies. Did you know protein intake actually raises your core body temperature? Save that roast for the fall.

- Stay inside in A C as much as possible. If no A C go to places with A C during the hottest part of the day. Be aware: fans only move the air, not cool it. You may feel cooler because the air movement helps evaporate your perspiration, but your house will still be hot!

- Cover windows that are receiving direct sunlight. This can reduce the home temperature by up to 80%, especially if coverings have a thermal lining.

- Use sunscreen when outside for any extended period of time. Sunburn will slow your skins ability to cool the body.

- NEVER leave anyone – children, elderly or pets - alone in a closed car. A car can heat up over 100 degrees in less than 2 minutes.

- Check on family, friends and neighbors when we are experiencing a heat wave.

Keep cool and have a blessed summer,

A Pint,

a Burger,

and Pi (Pastor Irv)

Fun, fellowship, food and great friends. The first “A Pint, Burger and Pi” fellowship gathering at Brewmasters Tavern in Williamsburg was well attended. On June 10th, twenty eight of us sat down for a grand time of fellowship. Given the large front room of the tavern, we enjoyed a spacious atmosphere filled with laughter and conversation. Church members invited friends and family. People engaged in stories of life – comparing, remembering days gone by and sharing the news of the day. Many commented on the night noting that they were pleased to have the opportunity to relax and have fun. And, the question of the night was, “Are we doing it again?” Yes we are. The next gathering is planned for Monday the 14th of July at 6 pm at the Brewmasters Tavern. If you know you want to come, I’d appreciate a call just to help in the set up of the room by their staff. Drop-in are always encouraged!

Lectionary Readings for July 2014


July 6th

1st Reading – Gen. 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67

Psalter – Psalm 45:10-17

Sermon Lesson – Matt. 11:16-19, 25-30

Bible Study Reading – Romans 7:15-25a

June 13th

1st Reading – Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23

Psalter – Psalm 119:105-112
Sermon Lesson – Gen. 25:19-34

Bible Study Reading – Romans 8:1-11

June 20th

1st Reading – Romans 8:12-25

Psalter – Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24

Sermon Lesson – Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43

Bible Study Reading – Gen. 28:10-19a

June 27th

1st Reading – Matt. 13:31-33, 44-52

Psalter – Psalm 105:1-11, 45b

Sermon Lesson – Romans 8:26-39

Bible Study Reading – Gen. 29:15-28



What is a stewardship? According to Webster’s Dictionary stewardship is “the office, duties, and obligations of a steward;

the individual’s responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others”. Stewardship isn’t just about raising money to pay staff and maintain our building, it’s God’s

way of raising people up to be more like Jesus. Hence the proper regard to the rights of others. Aren’t we servants to each other as well as God? Every time you help someone, not only in your church family, but anyone, by simply listening to them, praying for them, wishing them the best you are being a good steward. God has trusted us with our resources, gifts, talents, money, time and the gospel for the sake of God’s purpose in the world. Not our own. How did you serve God today?

The Parish Visitor is a publication of the Florence Congregational Church, issued monthly.

To submit articles for future issues, please contact the church office at 584-1325,

Tues - Thurs 9am-1pm or email the church at

Church Record


Ruth Harrington May 21, 2014 Member since December 1955

Helen Huntington May 29, 2014 Member since April 1927

Prayer Group

We always welcome a follow up for concerns expressed in worship service. Please let Pastor Irv

know if the situation has changed. We meet weekly on Thursdays at 1:00 pm.

Please remember these people in your

Prayers and consider calling or

sending a card this month.


Lorraine Bates

710 North Farms Rd., Florence, MA 01062

Marion Foster, 29 Rust Ave.

Northampton, MA 01060

Sharon Kellstrom (Marion Foster’s daughter)

9794 Westchester Dr., Omaha NE 68114-3875

Pat Kopka

185 Nonotuck St., Florence MA 01062

Edna Murphy - Rm 214 - Hadley at Elaine,

20 N. Maple St., Hadley MA 01035

Shirley Schmalz

Rockridge Room #230, 25 Coles Meadow Rd

Northampton, MA 01060

Rev. Dr. Arvel M. Steece

49 Dragon Hill Rd, Shelburne MA 01370

Lucille Temple

27 Grandview St., Florence MA 01062



Reminder: Please notify the church office if you have a friend or family member who would like a visit from an FCC representative (Pastor Irv, Diane, etc.). Thank you




07/12 Fred & Maureen Uhlig

07/14 Todd Susan Lenkowski

07/18 Wayne & Ann Peereboom

07/21 Stephen & Evelene Hawley

07/23 Tom & Dorothy Harvey

07/24 Keith & Sue Moors

07/24 Gerald & Betty Boulanger

07/25 Al & Kim Perez


07/03 Linda Chastain

07/03 Olivia Redfern

07/04 Armand Lapalme

07/05 Betsy Allen

07/07 Diane Barrett

07/10 Barbara Knittle

07/10 Luke Hubbard

07/11 Will Bissell

07/12 Tom Harvey

07/12 Sandra Doughty

07/15 Mark Cousland

07/18 William Bissell

07/18 Alexa Flinker

07/20 Robert Bates

07/20 Moriah Cranston

07/22 Priscilla Finck

07/22 Lucas Fournier

07/29 Nancy Kinner

07/29 Meredith Moraski

07/30 Andrew Michna

07/31 Homer Bissell

07/31 Julia Urbank


Kids Page

Someone 'with skin on'

My 3-year-old nephew was having a hard time falling asleep at Grandma’s house, so my mom lay down beside him for a while. As she started to ease out of the room, his eyes flew open. “You’re safe,” she reminded him. “Jesus is always with you.”
“I know, Grandma,” he protested, “but I want someone with skin on!”
That reminded me of a quote by theologian Frederick Buechner: “Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin.” God came to us as Jesus — someone “with skin on” — so we would know he understands what it’s like to live inside our skin. Now as Jesus’ body in the world, we’re often called on to be someone “with skin on” to others. Indeed, we’re to show them such compassion that we could just as well be wearing their skin. —Heidi Mann