NURS 3650.01, Fall 2017

NURS 3650.01

Course Name: Fundamentals in Nursing

Course Location: RCNH 203

Course Day & Time: Thursday 9:00-11:50

Fall 2017

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a foundation for all applied nursing courses in the ETBU program. Nursing competencies are explored, and the nursing process is utilized as a critical thinking and analysis tool. Beginning applications of evidence-based nursing interventions are examined and demonstrated in the clinical setting.

COURSE PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: Level 1. Required prerequisites:Admission to the professional nursing program.


Course & Clinical Coordinator:Kristi Burns, RN, MSN, PCCN

Office room number:REC 105

Office phone:(903) 923 - 2211


Office Hours:As posted outside office

Clinical Instructor:Hillary Wisk, RN, MSN

Office room number:REC 106

Office phone:(903) 923 - 2215


Office Hours:As posted outside office


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Use critical reasoning to apply the steps of the nursing process to the care of the individual experiencing changes in functional health patterns;
  2. Implement one or more teaching/learning plans developed through the use of evidence base practice;
  3. Utilize concepts of growth and development throughout the life span in the care of the individual;
  4. Describe the role of asepsis, safety, and hygiene in providing a safe environment to improve patient outcomes;
  5. Identify and implement appropriate therapeutic interventions for meeting the physiological and psychosocial health needs of the individual while exhibiting Christ-centered care;
  6. Discuss methods of adaptation of the nursing care to the ethnicity and culture of the individual.
  7. Describe physiological, psychological, developmental, sociocultural, and spiritual variables affecting patients and families;
  8. Apply safe nursing practice in compliance with the Nurse Practice Act and the ANA Standards of Care.
  9. Demonstrate methods of data collection and critical thinking for evidenced based practice methods.

COURSE CLINICAL LEARNING OUTCOMES: See the Clinical Evaluation Tool in the appendix.


Required Text:

Yoost, B.L. & Crawford, L.R.(2016). Fundamentals of Nursing: active learning for collaborative practice. (1st Ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-29557-4.

Yoost, B.L., Crawford, L.R., & Castaldi, P.(2016). Study guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: active learning for collaborative practice. (1st Ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-323-35853-8.

Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins NCLEX-RN 10,000 - Powered by PrepU (2011). 24-month access.

ISBN: 978-1-4511-7201-0

HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 5th ed. (2017). St. Louis: Elsevier.

ISBN: 978-0-323-39462-8

Curren, A.M. (2010). Dimensional analysis for meds (4th ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar.

ISBN: 9781435438675

Recommended Text:

Yoost, B.L., Crawford, L.R., & Castaldi, P.(2016). Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing: active learning for collaborative practice. (1st Ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-323-37133-9.

Doenges, MoorhouseMurr, (2016). Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and

Rationales (14thed). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company. ISBN 978-0-8036-4475-5

Doenges, MoorhouseMurr, (2016). Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care.(5thed). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company. ISBN 978-0-8036-4474-8


Course Grading Scale:

In the Department of Nursing, letter grades are equated with the following percentages:

A 92-100%

B 82-91%

C 75-81%

D 65-74%

F Below 65%

The clinical component of this course will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Refer to the section entitled “Lab/Clinical Assignments” and the Clinical Evaluation Tool.

Assessment Methods:

Unit Exams (4)(SLO 1, 3, 4, 6, 7)75%*

Exam (HESI) (SLO 1, 3, 4, 6, 7) 5%

Teaching Project(SLO 2)10%

Quizzes 10%

Total 100%

*While other classroom assignments may figure into the final course grade, the student must achieve a weighted average grade (as shown above) of at least 75% on all unit exams (combined) in order to pass this course. In the event that the required unit exam average is not achieved, the final course grade will reflect only the unit exam average; grades on other assignments will not be included.

*Any student who scores less than 80% on a major unit exam (or whose major exam average is less than 80%) must meet with the course instructor prior to the next scheduled exam to discuss plans for grade improvement. See the Nursing Student Handbook for further guidelines.

All written work is due at the beginning of class. Five points will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late past the due date. This applies to class and clinical assignments. Hybrid assignments (such as online discussion board posts or other assignments to be posted to Canvas) may be graded differently based on the rubric found in the course syllabus.

Assignment(s) and grading criteria are located in the appendix.

Students are responsible for meeting the computer needs of all courses. Assignments and due dates will not be altered because of personal computer problems. The computer lab in the Craig Nursing Building is available for student use during standard operating hours.


Students will be required to take a nationally normed exam during this course, which will count as a major component of the overall grade in this course or a percentage of the course grade as reflected in the Assessment Methods section above. Failure of the exam could result in failure of the course.

Rubric for HESI Score Conversion to Numerical Grade Recorded in this Course:

Prediction of
NCLEX Success / HESI Exam
Intervals / Numerical Grade Recorded for Exam Results
Recommended Performance / 1000 or greater / 100
976-999 / 95
950-975 / 92
926-949 / 90
900-925 / 85
Acceptable Performance / 876-899 / 80
850-875 / 75
Below Acceptable Performance / 826-849 / 72
800-825 / 70
776-799 / 65
750-775 / 62
Further Preparation Needed / 726-749 / 60
700-725 / 55
676-699 / 52
650-675 / 50
Less than 650 / 45


Successful completion of all clinical and laboratory experiences is required in order to pass this course. Lab/Clinical grades are assigned as PASS or FAIL. Lab and Clinical assignments for this course are as follows:

  1. Complete the assigned Evolve RN Case Studies online by assigned due date. The last score achieved for each case study will be recorded as the grade. Each case study must be completed with a grade of 80 or higher by the due date. See the appendix for a list of case studies and due dates.
  2. Students are responsible for all lab equipment assigned and/or distributed to them. Failure to bring appropriate items to lab will count as an absence.
  3. Lab worksheets with grading criteria will be provided for each lab assignment.
  4. Pass the level specific medication calculation exam by October 10, 2017. See the Medication Calculation Exam Policy in the ETBU Nursing Student Handbook.
  5. Completion of 25 NCLEX 10,000 questions per week over 10 weeks by the assigned due dates for a total of 250 questions.
  6. Satisfactory completion of skills check-off by assigned due date.
  7. Successful completion of the Level 1 Clinical Evaluation Tool.
  8. Students are expected to be on time for clinicals, lab, and clinical experiences; being tardy may result in a failure for the day, resulting in lost clinical hours.
  9. Participate in simulations, field trips, and discussions as outlined in the course calendar and clinical activities. Lack of participation may result in a failure for the day, resulting in lost clinical hours.
  10. Students are encouraged to take advantage of open lab hours to practice skills learned in clinical and lab.

A minimum of 135 clinical hours must be completed to satisfy the requirements of this

course. Agency or Patient/Client Care hours include activities such as providing direct patient care, observation experiences, agency orientations, and participating in clinical conferences (pre/post/other). Skills lab hours include activities such as participating in skills lab sessions, skills competency demonstration/testing, and simulated patient care activities. Computer hours include computerized/virtual experiences and online case studies. The following table shows the types of activities and the number of hours awarded for these activities:

Clinical Activities Required in this Course / Agency or Patient/Client Care Hours / Skills Lab Hours / Computer Hours
Hospital Orientation / 3
GSMC-Marshall Clinical Days (4 days) / 32
Simulations (6)(SLO 1, 2, 8) / 24
Nursing Home days (2) / 8
Concept Maps (3)(SLO 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9) / 12
Skills Check Offs / 4
HESI Case Studies / 20
NCLEX 10,000 Questions / 20
Dimensional Analysis Practice Days / 3
Med Exam / 2
Simulation Prep / 12
Totals / 55 / 42 / 43

Each student is expected to inform faculty member(s) immediately if ethical or legal problems arise during the course of clinical activities. Additional details regarding specific clinical assignments and schedules will be provided in class.

Course Clinical Evaluation Methods:

See the Clinical Evaluation Tool in the appendix.


A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success will notify the student and the student’s professor of the approved accommodations. The student must then discuss these accommodations with his or her professor.Students may not ask for accommodations the day of an exam or due date. Arrangements must be made prior to these important dates. For additional information, please refer to page 40-41in the new 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog.


Responsibility for attendance at class and clinical/laboratory experiences rests with the student. Students are expected to arrive early and be prepared for class and clinical. Attendance for the entire class or clinical times as scheduled, or until dismissed by the instructor, is expected of students as part of the professional nurse role.

Class attendance will be monitored according to the university attendance policy as outlined in the current ETBU Academic Catalog as stated below:


East Texas Baptist University is committed to the policy that regular and punctual attendance is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Attendance at all meetings of the course for which a student is registered is expected. To be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75 percent of all class meetings. For additional information, please refer to page 34 of the 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog.

It is the responsibility of the students to notify the instructor in advance of upcoming University-approved absences. Students who accumulate university-approved absences (athletic teams, musical organizations, and other authorized groups) will be allowed to make up work missed as a result of that activity provided that:

  1. The activity was properly scheduled;
  2. The absence was authorized in advance; and
  3. Arrangements were made with their instructors prior to the absence.

Such absences are, nonetheless, counted as classes missed.

Students who exceed the absence limit in a course before the official withdrawal date will have theopportunity to withdraw from the class. Students in this situation who do not choose to withdrawon or before the official withdrawal date or who exceed the absence limit in a course after the official withdrawal date will receive a grade of XF.


A student may withdraw from a course or courses or from the University beginning with the first day through 75 percent of the semester without academic penalty. The final day to withdraw from this course is Friday, November 10, 2017.

To withdraw from a course or courses or from the University the student must secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office, his/her advisor, or from the ETBU website, and follow the directions on the form, securing all required signatures. Students must process their own withdrawals. For additional information, please refer to page 28 of the 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog.


The on-campus possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited with the exception of the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition by concealed handgun license holders in private vehicles (as described in SB1907) Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law, may not enter this property (ETBU) with a concealed handgun. The ETBU President may grant authorization to a qualified and certified full-time faculty or staff member, who is a license holder with a concealed handgun to conceal carry on the University campus, at a University-sponsored event or within or on a University vehicle.

StudentPolicy on Recordings

Personalized audio and/or video recordings of classroom lectures or other academic meetings, events, and presentations must be approved by the faculty member teaching the course. Any recordings are the sole property of East Texas Baptist University and are subject to the provisions of applicable copyright law. Students may not distribute or disseminate these recordings in whole or part through any public or private forum, social media, or the internet. All recordings must be deleted and/or destroyed at the end of the term. Failure to follow those policies may be subject to sanction under this rule.


Graduating seniors will need to complete final exams and turn in all final assignments no later than Tuesday of finals week in order for faculty to upload grades to the registrar by noon on Wednesday of finals week. Graduating seniors should notify their instructor and make appropriate arrangements. Students who fail a course(s) and/or who have not completed their course work or chapel credits before commencement will NOT be allowed to participate in commencement ceremonies.


Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses. Students are not allowed to recycle student work without permission of the faculty member teaching the course. Students must ask

permission before submitting the work since it will likely be detected by plagiarism detection programs. If the student does not inform the instructor or ask permission before the assignment is due and submitted, the instructor may treat this as an academic integrity offense.

Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:

• Failure of the class in question

• Failure of particular assignments

• Requirement to redo the work in question

• Requirement to submit additional work

All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.

Additional policies, procedures, and guidelines that apply to this course in the classroom and clinical environments are located in the Nursing Student Handbook.

Appendix Content

  1. Course Calendar
  2. Clinical Calendar
  3. Unit Objectives
  4. Discussion Board Grading Rubric
  5. Teaching-Learning Project Grading Criteria
  6. Clinical Assignments
  7. Preparation for Clinical Experiences
  8. Course Clinical Evaluation Guidelines
  9. Clinical Journals
  10. Clinical Forms (for completion by students and/or preceptors)
  11. Clinical Evaluation Tool
  12. Course Affirmation Form

Appendix A


FALL 2017

Wednesday, August 24 / Review of Syllabus, Review Nursing Process (Ch 5), Measuring Vital Signs (Ch 19), Intro to Concept Map
August 31 / Physical Activity & Mobility (Ch 28), Skin Integrity & Wound Healing (Ch 29) , Pain (Ch. 36)
September 7 / Exam 1
Sensation, Perception, & Cognition (Ch 31),
September 14 / Urinary Elimination (Ch 41), Bowel Elimination (Ch 40)
September 21 / Administering Medications (Ch 35), Oxygenation & Tissue Perfusion (Ch 38)
September 28 / Exam 2
October 5 / ***FALL BREAK***
October 12 / Documenting & Reporting (Ch 10), Teaching & Learning (Ch 14)
Teaching Project Assignments
October 19 / F&E-A/B (Ch 39) Nutrition (Ch 30)
October 26 / Stress & Adaption (Ch 32), Sleep & Rest (Ch 33)
November 2 / Exam 3
November 9 / Ethical & Legal (11), Ethnicity & Culture (Ch 21)
November 16 / Spirituality (Ch 22), Loss, Grief, & Dying (Ch 42)
Sexual Health (Supplement)
November 23 / ***THANKSGIVING BREAK***
November 30 / Teaching Project Presentations
Final Exam Review/Practice
Monday, December 4 / Exam 4 (Comprehensive of all material covered)
Tuesday, December 5 / Level 1 HESI

*** Tentative Schedule

Students should be prepared for a quiz every week.

NOTE:Level 1 HESI will be administered at the end of the semester following completion of all level 1 exams. Date listed is tentative; time to be announced.

Appendix B

Clinical Calendar

Friday, Sept 1 / 9am-1pm / Simulation Lab
Sept 15 / 9 am-1pm / Simulation Lab
Sept 25 / 7am-11am / Nursing Home Day #1 (Morning Group)
Sept 26 / 7am-11am / Nursing Home Day #1 (Afternoon Group)
Oct 2 / 7am-11am
3:30pm / Nursing Home Day #2 (Morning Group)
Medication Exam
Oct 3 / 7am-11pm / Nursing Home Day #2 (Afternoon Group)
Monday, October 9 / 1pm-4pm / Hospital Orientation
Tuesday, Oct 10 / 9am-Noon
1pm- 4:30pm / Skills Check offs
Medication Simulation
Monday, Oct 16 OR Tuesday, Oct 17 / 6:30am – 3:30pm / First Day of Clinical – Christus Good Shepherd-Marshall (See attached clinical schedule)
*Note – Simulation groups will start at 9am*
Monday, Nov 20 OR Tuesday, Nov 21 / 1-4:30pm (Mon)
9am-12:30 (Tue) / All groups will be in the Simulation Lab this week instead of the clinical site (Instructor will provide detailed instructions closer to date)
Monday, Nov 27 OR Tuesday Nov 28 / 6:30am – 3:30pm / Last Clinical Day! ?
Dec 4-7 / TBA / Clinical Evaluations

Students are not eligible for clinicals until ALL lab, skills, med test, and orientations are successfully completed. These cannot be made up; attendance is required.

**Fridays are considered class days, and not to be thought of as a day off. This is a time when skills may be practiced in the lab, or a time to use the computer lab for assignments or study. It is also the day that allows flexibility for scheduling clinicals, simulations, orientations, etc., as needed.

Appendix C

Unit Objectives and Assignments

Learning Objectives / Assignments
The Nursing Process
  1. Define the nursing process.
  2. Describe the historical development and significance of the nursing process.
  3. Articulate the characteristics of the nursing process.
  4. Describe the steps in the nursing process.
  5. Explain the significance of the cyclic and dynamic nature of the nursing process.
  6. Explain the purpose of assessing vital signs.
  7. Discuss factors effecting vital sign measurements.
/ Chapter 5 & 19