
Ballads are poems that tell a story. They are considered to be a form of narrative poetry. They are often used in songs and have a very musical quality to them.

I'll tell a tale, a thrilling tale of love beyond compare

I knew a lad not long ago more gorgeous than any I've seen.

And in his eyes I found my self a'falling in love with the swain.

Oh, the glorious fellow I met by the ocean with eyes of deep-sea green!

He was a rugged sailor man with eyes of deep-sea green,

And I a maid, a tavern maid! Whose living was serving beer.

So with a kiss and with a wave, off on his boat he sailed

And left me on the dock, the theif! Without my heart, oh dear!

And with a heart that's lost at sea, I go on living still.

I still am now still serving beer in that tavern by the sea.

And though the pay check's still the same, the money won't go as far

For now I feed not just myself, but my little one and me!

So let that be a lesson, dear, and keep your heart safely hid.

I gave mine to a sailing thief with gorgeous eyes of green.

Save yours for a sweeter lad who makes the land his home.

Ah me! If only I'd never met that sailor by the sea!

-- Lonnie Adrift

The Mermaid


Author Unknown

'Twas Friday morn when we set sail,

And we had not got far from land,

When the Captain, he spied a lovely mermaid,

With a comb and a glass in her hand.


Oh the ocean waves may roll,

And the stormy winds may blow,

While we poor sailors go skipping aloft

And the land lubbers lay down below, below, below

And the land lubbers lay down below.

Then up spoke the Captain of our gallant ship,

And a jolly old Captain was he;

"I have a wife in Salem town,

But tonight a widow she will be."


Then up spoke the Cook of our gallant ship,

And a greasy old Cook was he;

"I care more for my kettles and my pots,

Than I do for the roaring of the sea."


Then up spoke the Cabin-boy of our gallant ship,

And a dirty little brat was he;

"I have friends in Boston town

That don't care a ha' penny for me."


Then three times 'round went our gallant ship,

And three times 'round went she,

And the third time that she went 'round

She sank to the bottom of the sea.
