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Approved Standards Projects for 2014
S/N / TC Ref / Subject(s) under study1 / TC 2
Building and Construction / 1Brick force wire
2 / 2Conforce wire
3 / TC 2/3
Cement and Cement Products / 1Masonry Cement
4 / 2Concrete blocks
5 / 3Bricks
6 / TC 2/4
Structural use of Timber / Carpentry and joinery (timber and timber products)
7 / TC 2/5
General Civil Engineering Works
-Nails – Steel & Wire nails /
- DZS 000 (ASTM: F547 – 06) - Standard Terminology of Nails for Use with Wood and Wood-Base Materials1
8 /
- DZS 000 (ASTM F592 – 840) - Standard Terminology of Collated and Cohered Fasteners and Their Application Tools1
9 /
- DZS 000 (ASTM F680 – 80) - Standard Test Methods for Nails1
10 /
- DZS 000 (ASTM F1575 – 03)- Standard Test Method for Determining Bending Yield Moment of Nails1
11 /
- DZS 000 (ISO 65: 1981)- Carbon steel tubes suitable for screwing in accordance with ISO 7/1
12 /
- DZS 000 (ISO 225:2010)- Fasteners — Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Symbols and descriptions of dimensions
13 /
- DZS 000 (ISO 885:2000)- General purpose bolts and screws — Metric series — Radii under the head
14 / TC 2/5
General Civil Engineering Works / Advertising Bill Boards
15 / TC 2/7
Tiles / Tile/flat stones processing (cutting polishing etc
16 / TC 2/8
Bitumen and Bitumen Products / Bitumen
17 / TC 2/9
General Housing and Building / Square tubes for structural purposes.
18 / Concrete pressure pipes
19 / TC 2/12/1
Road construction /
- Initial Works
20 /
- Equipment for Road Construction
21 /
- Construction Materials for Different Road Grades
22 /
- Drainages
23 / TC 2/12/2
Road Bridges /
- DZS ASTM D4014 - 03(2012) Standard Specification for Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearings for Bridges
24 /
- DZS ASTM D4071 - 84(2011) Standard Practice for Use of Portland Cement Concrete Bridge Deck Water Barrier Membrane Systems
25 /
- DZS ASTM D4580 - 03(2012) Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding
26 /
- DZS ASTM D4788 - 03(2007) Standard Test Method for Detecting Delaminations in Bridge Decks Using Infrared Thermography
27 /
- DZS ASTM D5977 - 03(2012)Standard Specification for High Load Rotational Spherical Bearings for Bridges and Structures
28 /
- DZS ASTM D6087 - 08 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Asphalt-Covered Concrete Bridge Decks Using Ground Penetrating Radar
29 /
- DZS ASTM D6153 - 97(2007)Standard Specification for Materials for Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane Systems
30 /
- DZS ASTM D6297 – 01 (2007) Standard Specification for Asphaltic Plug Joints for Bridges
31 / TC 2/12/3
Quality of Roads /
- Quality of Different Road Grades
32 / 33 /
- DZS ASTM D3666–11 Standard Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Materials
34 / /
- DZS ASTM D4561–11 Standard Practice for Quality Control Systems for Organizations Producing and Applying Bituminous Paving Materials
35 / /
- DZS ASTM D5506–08 Standard Practice for Organizations Engaged in the Certification of Personnel Testing and Inspecting Bituminous Paving Materials
36 / 37 /
- DZS ASTM D7495–12 Standard Specification for Minimum Requirements for Accreditation Bodies that Accredit Agencies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Materials
38 / TC 2/12/4
Road SafetyStandards /
- Road signs
39 /
- Road markings
40 /
- Traffic Lights
41 / TC 3 Basic Standards / Accessibility to buildings by the physically challenged
42 / TC 3/2/
Safety Equipment and Protective Clothing /
- Safety Helmets
- Safety Ear Muffs
- Half Face Respirators
- Filter Face Musks
- Particulate Respirators
- Chemical Splash Goggles
- Safety Spectacles
43 / TC 3/2/2 Industrial Safety Belts and Harnesses / Safety Belts & Harnesses
44 / TC 3/2/3 Protective gloves / Protective gloves against mechanical shocks
45 / TC 3/3 Foot wear /
- Shoes
- Industrial SafetyFootwear
46 / TC 3/10/1
General Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) / Management Systems
47 / TC 3/17 Energy Management /
- Energy Saving Bulbs
48 /
- Energy Management
49 / TC 3/18 Disaster Management / Disaster Management
50 / TC 3/20
Climate Change Preparedness /
- Mitigation and Adaption
51 /
- National Climate Change Policy
52 /
- Energy Sustainability for Zambia
53 / TC 4/1
Cosmetics /
- Hair extensions
54 /
- Cosmetics
55 /
- Body Lotion
56 / TC 4/2
Soaps & Detergents /
- Natural soaps (Jatropha, Palm Oil etc)
57 /
- Cream soaps
58 /
- Liquid soaps
59 /
- Pine gel
60 /
- Shampoo
61 /
- Washing machine detergents
62 / TC 4/3
Disinfectants / Disinfectants
63 / TC 4/5
Polishes / Floor polish
64 / TC 4/6
Paints, Adhesives & Varnishes / Paints Standard
65 / TC 4/7
Water & Environmental Pollution / Development, maintenance and management of groundwater resources (three documents to be considered. Titles yet to be formalized)
- Part 2: The location and siting of water boreholes
- Part 3: The design, construction and drilling of boreholes
- -Part 4: The management of water boreholes
- -Part 5: The decommissioning of water boreholes
66 / TC 4/7/1
Water supply systems / Water Supply Systems
67 / TC 4/8
Chemistry /
- Tooth paste
68 /
- Sulphuric acid
69 /
- Spirit of salt
70 /
- Methylated spirit
71 /
- Other Chemicals (e.g Wood preservatives, anti-termite etc)
72 / TC 4/9
Plastics /
- PVC Pipes - Plastic water pipes
- Other Plastic Products (Fiber Glass, Water tanks)
73 / TC 4/11
Pesticides / Pesticides
74 / TC 4/13
Fertilisers /
- Liquid Inorganic
- Liquid/solid Organic
75 / Compound fertilizers (Revision)
- Chemical
- Blended
76 / Straight fertilizers (Revision)
77 / TC 4/14
Petroleum Products /
- Quality of LPG
78 /
- Bio-ethanol
79 / TC 4/16/1
Pharmaceutical Products / Medical Gases
80 / TC 4/18
Tobacco and tobacco products / Tobacco and tobacco products
81 / TC 4/19
Rubber and Rubber products /
- Tyres and rubber tubes
- Other Rubber and rubber products
82 / TC 5 Electro technical
TC 5/1 Batteries / Batteries
83 / TC 5/5
Safety of Eletrical Household Equipment /
- Sockets and Plugs
84 /
- Electrical appliances (e.g. industrial driers etc)
85 / TC 5 /6
Photovoltaic Systems /
- (5/6/1)Light Emitting Diode (LED) Bulbs
86 /
- (5/6/2Solar Panels
87 / TC 5/7
Electricity Supply / Transformers, power handling capacity ≤ 1KVA
88 / TC 5/9
Rural Electrification
- Off-Grid and Rural Grid Extension Systems /
- mini hydro power plants
89 /
- off Grid Solar systems
90 / TC 7/2
Agricultural Implements /
- Hammer Mills
91 /
- Maize Sheller
92 /
- Water Pumps
93 /
- Ploughs
94 / TC 7/3
Mechanical Manufacturing /
- Mill Balls
95 /
- Brick Making Machines
96 /
- Block Making Machines
97 /
- Deformed bars
98 /
- Angle bars
99 /
- Stranded wire, cables of Copper, not electrical
100 /
- Metal Rubbish Bins)
101 / TC 7/6 Metals Ores and Concentrates /
- (Copper (excl. Master) alloys, unwrought
102 /
- Copper blister
103 /
- Plates, sheets and strips of refined copper
104 / TC 7/9
Railway Tank Wagons / Railway Tank Wagons
105 / TC 7/11 Metal fabrication and welding /
- Raw material for metal fabrication e.g. welding rods, Bolts and Nuts
106 / /
- Gates
107 / /
- Fabricated metal products- Bugler Bars
108 / /
- Water tanks (Metal)
109 / /
- Fuel Tanks (Revision)
110 / TC 7/11 Metal fabrication and welding / Trailers
111 / TC 8/1
Sawn Timber / Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced
112 / TC 8/2
School Furniture / School Desks
113 / TC 9/4/3
Textiles / National Flag
January 2014