SC4HSHA Meeting 8.17.2017

Call to order at 7:39

Pledges- Everyone

Clubs in Attendance- BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Elite Equestrians, Horse Sense, Jr Leaders, Rough Riders, Royal Riders, Saddle Seekers, Trailblazers II, Knight Riders

Clubs not in Attendance- Dusty Saddles

President’s Report- Kevin Y.- Thanked everyone for a nice fair. Thanked the fair chairs for their efforts & the membership for working hard all week. Jeff G. has chosen to resign as treasurer and was thanked for his efforts. Sam O. has volunteered to step in as treasurer for the next month if needed.

Secretary’s Report- Sara J.- Erica A. is a voting member as of July 2017. Emails were sent to people placed on probation. Paul B. & Gwen W. were removed from attendance roster for inactivity. Cathy H. asked how many meetings are needed to be a member; 6. Danette S. motion to approve the minutes, Lynn S. second. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report- Kevin Y.-

Checking Account:

Beginning Balance as of:7/12/2017$20,583.38


7/13/2017Out of County Fee for State Qualifier$40.00

7/24/2017SCAG 22 Stall Rental for Fair$1,980.00

8/5/2017SapphiraCiriana Donation$1,000.00

8/5/2017Fair Cash Box Left Over from $350.00. Only $20.00 Spent on Ice $330.00

8/5/2017Fair Ad Book Donations$22.00

Previously Approved:

7/20/20172602BC WranglersPAS #2 Stall Cleaning$51.00

7/20/20172603Dale FreelandGas for tractor$12.88

7/20/20172604Olympic EnterprisesRibbons for fair$863.78

7/20/20172605CaballerosJuly Open Show Stall Cleaning$258.00

7/20/20172610Jeffrey GrellFair Cash Box$350.00

7/20/20172611First Place AwardsFair Trophies$650.27

7/20/20172612Sara JusticeState Qualifier Signs$451.27

7/20/20172613Carla KlineOrange Remembrance Ribbons for Sarah Bush$45.00

7/20/20172614Kevin YoungFair Trophies$1,666.00

7/20/20172615Pizza HutFair Pizza Party Monday Night$239.70

7/20/20172616TGS StallsBalance of Stall Rental for Fair$4,536.00

7/20/20172617Carla KlineFair Toner and Paper$102.46

7/20/20172618Jr LeadersSaddle Horse Bucks and PAS Judges Meals$84.00

7/20/20172619Sam OwenRing B Tarp$95.48

7/26/20172620Kayden AmblerVolunteer Hours 1st Place Winner$25.00

7/26/20172621KeirnanSkolnikVolunteer Hours 2nd Place Winner$15.00

7/26/20172622Heather MillerVolunteer Hours 3rd Place Winner$15.00

7/30/20172623Olivia CarderCheryl Edwards Award$100.00

7/30/20172624KeirnanSkolnikSapphiraCiriano Scholarship$1,000.00

Ending Balance as of:8/10/2017$13,394.54

June Open Show Deposit with Cash Box $2,638.00. Sam O. for $200.00 for September OS Cash Box. $1000.00 to Kent State University for Michaela McVIcker Scholarship. $1000.00 to KSU for Cassandra Steele. Jeff Grell & Cathy Hartung for $125.00 for OS Point Secretary (all shows). $350.00 to Allison Applegett for September OS. $350.00 to Duane Stutzman for September OS Judge. Angie H. asked if we can exchange a check that was written for SC4HSHA instead of Junior Leaders from Stark County Extension for camp reimbursement. Sam Owen for August Kitchen $36.18. Bob Owen $40.00 for club photos from fair. Carla Kline $137.05 for fair items. Totally Cooked $285.50 for judges meals. Dee C. deposit from Competitive Trail $235.00. Jay S. motion to pay the bills. Cathy M. second. Motion passed.

Extension- Jackie K.- N/A

Fair Board- Angie H.- Roller Derby Saturday night; be mindful of OS parking in the afternoon. September 14 committee meetings please have them in Saddle Horse because the admin building is rented.

Competitive Trail- Dee C.-Ride was last Saturday. 12 contestants; 6 juniors, 1 senior, 5 open. One of the open riders was from Knox county and wants to bring 8 people next year. Robbie S. won the juniors, Ashley B. won senior ride. Cathy H. asked when belt buckles would be ordered; Sara J. stated after State Groom & Clean, which is the last week of September.

Education- Dee C.- Horse bowl will be starting some time in October. Stay tuned for more information.

Fair- Lynn S.- Thanked Kevin Y. for help as president at fair. Would like parents to watch kids. Would like to take side of cone DQ vs less points taken to the state rules committee. Awards on Sunday seemed to be well liked. Liked the pictures with the sign, but the crowd couldn’t see it. See folder with rules suggestions & add them. Cathy H. brought up that dropping classes with kids with 0’s and kids with placings had kids with more placings losing points and thinks points should be looked at. Cathy H. asked why we have so many competitive classes and allow more fun riding. Jeff G. stated the schedule with different ring start times was confusing and caused people to wait when they should not have had to wait. Jeff G. states that not entering from exit gates should be in the rules and so it shouldn’t matter where people are sitting. He also stated that horses must walk or trot in to enter classes. Sam O. feels the entering from the exit gate was handled well because it was addressed and fixed. Cathy H. states the meeting with the steward said no one should enter through the exit gate and then rules were changed mid fair. Lynn S. states that when she met with Don he didn’t mind; Cathy H. states that it was said when the committee met with him down south. Angie H. states the area behind the ring is open, but it probably isn’t a good idea. Angie H. also states it is not a fair board rule that entering near the bathrooms was not allowed; they do not mind which way they enter ring B. Fair Board is coming up with an emergency protocol for the whole fairgrounds. Angie H. states that awards can be on the arena on Sunday, but have to be a little bit later (like maybe 3pm). The fair board would like activity in the horse rings to continue after noon on Sunday. Marti L. states there needs to be a protocol when people fall; she said she didn’t know most of the people who came in the ring when Haley L. fell. Sam O. states we could have a sign with the protocol in the announcer stand. Dee C. stated the other animals are already shipped out on Sunday and do not have shows; Angie H. states they just want something happening in the ring.

Fundraising- Cathy M.- Looking in to streamline the ad book process. Looking for people willing to help with ad book.

Judges- Danette S.- Already asked for money for September judges. Looking for Equitation over Fences patterns. Patterns are posted for August OS on the OS Facebook Event page & on the website.

Junior Leaders- Angie H.- N/A. Jim W. is still collecting proof of purchases for Tribute feed.

Maintenance- Sam O.- There is a work day tomorrow. Mr. Miller will drag the arena.

Nominating- Sam O.- Nominations for President- Kevin Y; declined. VP- Amanda D; accept. Secretary- Sara J; accept. Treasurer- Sam O; accept. Trustee- Dee C.; accept. Debbie H. nominated for president. Carla K. nominated for president. Neither were at the meeting to accept or decline. Sara J. reminded everyone that only self nominations are allowed the meeting of elections. Cathy M. asked if email nominations were allowed to be sent in until the next meeting; yes.

Open Show- Sam O.- Need a maintenance day tomorrow to get the items from the shed. Please sign in if volunteering. Cathy H. asked about having keys to the shed to get items for riding meetings. Amanda D. stated possibly getting a lock with a code so everyone can get the equipment. Open Show is going to have its first OS banquet on Friday Oct 6, $10 per person, catered by Mission BBQ. Chicken, Brisket, or Pulled Pork. Forms will be available on the website, Facebook, and at the OS’s. Sam O. discussed being under budget, what was brought in, and what expenses remain. Sam O. ask the association to go above its budget to allow us to hold this banquet. Feels the year has been successful with OS and having an awards banquet makes us a true OS series. Would also like to see if clubs donate a raffle basket to both add to the banquet and bring in a little extra income. There are only 2 individuals that are certified and willing to work. The kitchen will only be open when those people are there. If not there, then only sealed items can be sold. A few volunteers are needed to help with Ring B. Ring B is not in a hurry; we will wait for kids from Ring A to go and do Trail.

Sunshine- Danette S.- Jane Robinson, a former SH member, passed away on August 2. Dale F.’s wife has been in the hospital, he is not here because she is being moved to rehab today. Not sure why she is in the hospital. Brad W. has been in the hospital; had a few falls during Fair week. He was in the ICU for a week, now in rehab. Danette S. will be having surgery next Friday.

Old Business- N/A

New Business- N/A

Announcements- Dee C.- the state competitive trail ride entries must be in September 1 and must be signed by Jackie K. She is practicing with kids going to state.

Kevin Y- Accepted a position to work in New York City in September. The VP, Amanda D., will run the September meeting.