I.  Choose the right answer:

1. After she had finished her …, she drank a lot of mineral water.

A. desert B. dessert C. dezert

2. He seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him … his own devices.

A. on B. to C. for

3. The new students seem to know … about the project.

A. a lot of B. so many C. so much

4. People have used coal for cooking and … for thousands of years.

A. heats B. to heat C. heating

5. You’ll see that the recipe is really very simple. First … an egg.

A. breaking B. break C. to break

6. Fortunately, so far no money … been spent on repairs.

A. have B. had C. has

7. They wandered, … noticing where they were going.

A. hardly B. only C. just

8. The mother loved her eldest daughter … of them all.

A. better B. more C. best

9. They were discussing the … that “all people are created equal”.

A. proposition B. preposition C. proposal

10. Imagination has nothing to … with it.

A. make B. be done C. do

11. Chocolate is made … milk.

A. of B. by C. from

12. The antique vase is worth more than two … pounds.

A. million B. millions C. millions’

13. She … since lunch-time.

A. had cleaned B. had been cleaned C. had been cleaning

14.  Try not to go over the speed limit of 50 miles per … hour.

A. an B. a C. –

15.  Please stop ………………………. me when I am talking to you.

A.  interrupting B. interrupt C. to interrupt

16.  I suppose you think that if you were rich, you ………………….. happier.

A.  were B. will be C. would be

17.  This encyclopedia costs twice…………………………… the other one.

A.  as much as B. much than C. as more than

18.  George was ………………… that he always won the races.

A.  such a fast runner B. so a fast runner C. such fast a runner

19.  I drank too much last night and now I feel sick. I wish I ………………… so much.

A.  hadn’t drunk B. haven’t drunk C. didn’t drink

20.  If she ……………………... the right buyer, she would have sold the house.

A.  has found B. found C. had found

21.  Writers like Shakespeare and Poe are not only prolific ……………….. interesting.

A.  and B. but also C. as well as

22.  We’re going to start painting the house tomorrow ………………….. it’s not raining.

A.  provided B. unless C. though

23.  The old lady dresses as though it …………….. winter even in the summer.

A.  is B. were C. had been

24.  You’d …………………………….. that all windows are shut whenever you go out.

A.  better checking B. better check C. better to check

25.  This class has………………………because only three students had registered before registration closed.

A.  cancelled B. been cancelling C. been cancelled

26.  I’ve been getting a lot of annoying phone calls lately, so I’m going to ………………………… by the telephone company.

A.  have my number changed B. change my number C. changing my number

27.  The teacher made Jim ………………….. the room.

A.  to leave B. leave C. leaving

28.  We got our house …………………….. last week.

A.  painted B. painting C. paint

29.  Simon told Mary ……………………. the present.

A.  to not open B. don’t to open C. not to open

30. … recent developments, the international situation remains stable.

A. Despite B. In spite C. In favour of

31. It is no secret that healthy natural environments … healthy human lives.

A. lead for B. result with C. contribute to

32. The farmers said that if it hadn’t been for the rain, they … a good harvest.

A. would had B. will have C. would have had

33. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks pack plenty of calories, but drinking them … little to make a person feel full.

A. makes B. does C. is

34. World economy is … dependent on industry.

A. heavily B. fastly C. hardly

35. They were asked to pay far more … the flat was worth.

A. then B. that C. than

36. I suppose I had better … the door.

A. to lock B. lock C. locked

37. Now I wish I … all my free time doing nothing.

A. don’t spend B. won’t spent C. hadn’t spent

38. Not until you grow up … consider you for the basketball team.

A. will we B. we will C. we won’t

39. Very … people can afford to pay those prices.

A. little B. a few C. few

40. It’s ages since … your old parents.

A. I last saw B. I’ve last seen C. I’ve been last seen


1.B, 2.B, 3.C, 4.C, 5.B, 6.C, 7.A, 8.C, 9.A, 10.C, 11.C, 12.A, 13.C, 14.C, 15.A, 16.C, 17.A, 18.A, 19.A, 20.C, 21.B, 22.A, 23.B, 24.B, 25.C, 26.A, 27.B, 28.A, 29.C, 30.A, 31.C, 32.C, 33.B, 34.A, 35.C, 36.B, 37.C, 38.A, 39.C, 40.A.

II. Translate the following text into Bulgarian:


The arrival of summer in Copenhagen is much more than the coming of a season. It is a celebration, a rite and a cult of light and nature. After the freezing months of winter, the city’s people are brought intensely alive by these white nights when the sun hardly sets and everything is impregnated with music and contagious joy.

When the snows melt, the days lengthen and the first flowers bloom, Copenhagen awakes from its lethargy and its citizens celebrate the end of spring and beginning of summer by emerging onto the streets, dressing in bright colours and packing out the innumerable pavement cafés found on every corner. Mild temperatures and long hours of daylight make being in the open air more a necessity than a whim. Many of the city’s most popular festivals are held during the summer months. June 15th is Flag Day, when the whole of Copenhagen bristles with banners bearing the national colours. The Danes love their flag so much that they even display it during family celebrations. The summer solstice is celebrated by leaping over bonfires, singing, dancing and drinking. Although the festivities normally take place by the sea or on a lakeshore, a good place to enjoy the ritual is the Tivoli Gardens, the world’s oldest funfair. One of the favourite spots of the local people, it is an oasis of gardens, ponds, 19th century attractions and as many as 30 restaurants.

Copenhagen seems to have been designed with pleasure in mind, and summer is the time of year when its charm is best appreciated.