Amersham Town Council

38th Festival of Art 2017

ENTRY FORM – (Please complete in block capitals & black or blue ink)

Please enter your name here for the catalogue ...... (Block Capitals)

FRAMED Works / Sculpture (including boxed canvas paintings)

Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
1 / A or RES
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Framed:
Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)
2 / A or RES
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Framed:
Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
3 / A or Res
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Framed:
Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
4 / A or RES
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Framed:


Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
1 / A or RES
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Unframed:
Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
2 / A or RES
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Unframed:
Title for Catalogue (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) / For Official Use Only
3 / A or Res
Medium: / Cat No:
Size: / Price Unframed:
Card Unit Selling Price £ / A or RES
Cat No:

The size limits are a normal maximum size 30” x 24” (762mm x 609mm) over the frame or sculpture. At the Hanging Committee’s discretion pictures larger than 30” x 24”will incur a double fee and will count as two pictures. An absolute maximum of 48” (1220 mm) height or width will also apply for framed works.

For unframed paintings a maximum of 24” (610 mm) height or width will also apply.

Framed or unframed Diptych and Triptych works will be acceptable based on their overall frame or mount dimensions as above.

It is a condition of entry that every exhibitor makes his or her self, available for stewarding for one session during the exhibition. Please indicate three day, date and time slots in order of preference. An allotted time will be emailed or telephoned to you

Day, date & time. Preference. 1 / Day, date & time. Preference. 2 / Day, date & time. Preference. 3

Stewarding time slots are 10:00 -12:00, 12:00 -14:00 and 14:00 -16:00

I enclose £ in entry fees. Please make cheques payable to Amersham Town Council

£2.50 per entry – framed (this includes boxed canvas paintings) and £1.00 – unframed.

£2.50 per basket/box of greetings cards.


I accept the decision of the hanging committee as to selection or otherwise, and understand that £1.00 of my entry fee for a particular work will be returned if the work is not hung by the close of the Exhibition, and that works not collected by 5pm on Sunday 29th October2017 will be subject to a charge per item of £10.00 and may be subsequently auctioned.

All works including individual greetings cards are entered at owner’s risk.

Signed: ......

Title & Name:...... (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)

Address: ......


Telephone No: ......

Email:………………………………………...... …. (CLEARLY PLEASE)


At Exhibition Completion Unsold Works Received by:......
...... Telephone No:......