North Dakota Oral Health Coalition
December 9, 2014 - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Gold Seal Building
4th floor Conference Room, 918 East Divide Ave, Bismarck
Present:Cheryl Underhill, Renee Wetzsteon, Brent Holman, KimberlieYineman, Jaclyn Seefeldt, , MaryBandle, GraceNjau, Bobby Will, NadineBoe, Collette Hesla, Sue Matteson Brad Hawk, Marcia OlsonNo attendees by phone
Guest: Brenda Weisz, ND DoH / Minutes Recorded By:
Renee Wetzsteon
Present by Telephone:
Agenda Item(s) / Main Discussion Points / Action Taken
Individual Responsible
Action Taken Reports from Previous Meeting
Approval of minutes from meeting / Minutes reviewed from 9/17/14 meeting / -Minutes approved.
Agenda Additions
Financial/Budget Report /
- NDA will receive assets after dissolution.
- The NDDF board will rejuvenate and partner with Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF), and a grant process developed
Policy/Legislative Update /
- Dental Loan Repayment Program, clean up the language, more concise
- Expanded Sealant program incorporates case management as a pilot study to service 100 kids.
- Pilot program and case management came out of UND study as important. Instead of separate bill or grant, fold it into the sealant program. They both involve the same population, may be able to save money through Medicaid. Combining will help out with follow-up on sealant program. Expanded program will try to get state money to be able to service more schools and kids. Will reach over 4000 kids with expanded program. This ties into study resolution in case management. Need a small amount of money. President in study to allow Medicaid programs to accept billing for case management. They need criteria to show case management. Case management shows credibility to the sealant program. Big term goal is how to institutionalize this in a private practice.
- Brent suggested a motivational bookMotivational Interviewing in Dentistry by Lynn D Carlisle DDS:
- All information turned over to John Olson who will put it together in a format to present to legislators.
- Have spoken with a couple legislators to become primary sponsors who want to see what we will be doing. Senator Andersons is one possibility.
- Cheri would like to see link between dental homes and primary care provider
- Kim contacted someone from Virtual Dental Home in California. She found out that it would not be a good thing for ND for political reasons.
- Getting high risk children from school to office is a problem. The could be transported and mileage billed to Medicaid
- Anyone having conversations with legislators, please send Cheryl a brief note so we can see who would be good to help us.
- Developing a handout for legislators showing integration between case management and sealant programs
Dental Workforce Discussion /
- Tyler Winter unable to attend sent a letter regarding Dental Assistants and educational opportunity that Cheryl shared with the group.
- Only one Dental Assistant education program in southeast ND. Need a program in the west or northwest part of state.
- DSC Board put the final stamp on the distribution. Last number was 6.3 million dollars to DMF in a separate pool than the DMF managed money. Discussion about a possible grant process to access money. Will see results in 2016 when money becomes available.
- Study resolution wants a study on midlevel providers. Brent and Marcia suggest that when the resolution comes up to approved by the whole group, we might want to say they encompass all of the other items mentioned in the “whereas” but not acted on be included in the studies.
- Still looking for Dentists. Need at least 2. Hard to recruit to this area. Lots of ND dental students in surrounding states, hopefully some will come to ND to practice.
- Monitor the resolution for now and act when approval comes up.
Bremer Grant – Cheryl Underhill /
- Submitted final report for new grant by the October 15 deadline to be told they should just apply for an extension that was accepted. March 1 will start the new grant. Oral Health funding is separate. The fully intend to fill the next grant. Cheryl’s position will continue to be part time. Office has been set up at 210 N 2nd Street. Good combinations with others in the building to work together. An inventory of all purchases will be completed. Cheryl will continue to use her personal cell phone and 2-mail address. Web site has been set up. We will be making some changes, adding agendas and minutes to the site. E-mail linked to the website is Renee Wetzsteon has been hired to assist Cheryl at 10-15 hours per week. Will be moving to use s primary e-mail.
- Coalition did sign up to National letters of support for CHIP expansion Medicaid for Children process and whitehouse conference for aging letter. Good resources comeing in for aging and oral health
NDOHC Membership /
- Combined membership list was sent out. Working on an outreach list, inactive contact list and names of other possible members
ND Department of Health Budget, Brenda Weisz /
- Brenda explained the process for the budget. Everything included in base budget was include. Mobile Dental Care was funded. Oral Health Workforce was funded for the full amount. Applied for Oral Health Mobilization. Explanation of other funded programs.
- Loan repayment: submitted an optional request to propose increasing non-profit loan repayment to make it equivalent to what the position, was not funded but the message is out there. Proposed increase for rural dentists, not funded. Did add an additional slot for midlevel and dentist
- Appropriation bill 1004, includes language to read “any number of dentist.” This will not limit us to just 3 as it is currently stated. Dentists are committed to 2 years, payment over 3 years.
- Marcia requested some other language changes so all is combined as on. Dental Loan Repayment program.
- Dollar amount to be included is $180,000 for rural and $600,000 for existing 4 and 3 new. For a total of $780,000.
- Federal SLRP Funding was approved at $308,000 can be used for dental loan repayment, but does have a match component.
- Mary Amundson is contact for the loan repayment program.
- We start in the House this session, then the Senate. Next session we start in Senate and go to the House. The Bill will then be 2004.
- Question regarding sustainability. Anything in the base budget should stay in the budget, unless availability of funding changes. But the governor has approved this budget and that is important.
2015 Meeting Schedule /
- Meetings are all on track with Quarterly Coalition, Board meetings. Policy meetings have been ramped up in terms of need. Dates will be posted as they are determined. Policy meeting will be January 6th at 9:30 am with location to be determined.
Subcommittee Structure /
- Subcommittees are not defined in bylaws, most have become defunct. Will continue with Policy committee. Anyone interested in being on the Policy committee should send Cheryl an e-mail.
- Will move project and task teams as the need arised.
- Cheryl has certain skill sets that she would like to tap into. Please let Cheryl know if there is an area where you can help.
Funding /
- Bremer grant has asked how we will continue to refund. One option is a membership due. Some larger states do have fee. This is an idea to keep on the table.
Collette /
- Just submitted report for last year. Nothing new regarding oral health. Working on a dental team. There may be some education efforts or education for fqhc or safety net clinics. Having conversations with admins about disjointed communication between medical and oral.
Nadine /
- Looking for dentists. Could use a bigger building and another hygienist. Booked out until February.
Bobbi /
- Wrapping up 2 year eval. Invited to apply again for Oral Health 20/20. Had written a concept in patient care, were told to work towards long term care. Wants to complete by early February. Have joined a regional group (South Dakota and Minnesota)
- Listen to this part again
Next meeting: Tues. September 9, 2014--9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 4th floor, Gold Seal Building