Grade: Unit:

Information Literacy Skills

Theme: Viewpoints

Theme / Information Literacy Skills / Research
Week 1
Approaching: Hollywood Hounds
On Level:Presidential Pooches
Beyond: Canine Companions
Main Selection Dear Mrs. LaRue
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Puppy Trouble
Science Link: Dog Amazes Scientists!
Read Aloud:Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog / Man’s Best Friend /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
Generate Questions
  • Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions
  • Fluency:
Repeated Reading: Punctuation
  • Literature:
News Story
Reference/Research Skills
Animals In the News 433
  • Graphic Organizers: Conclusions Chart, 413B, Line Graphs,439
  • Technology
  • Main Writing:
Explanatory writing: Write about solving a problem
  • Other:
Use a computer to find out and list ways that dogs help people, 410S
Research information about pet adoptions, 410S
Author and Illustrator Mark Teague 436
Week 2
Approaching: Charles Drew
On Level: Marie Curie
Beyond: Dr. Jonas Salk
Main Selection The Blind Hunter
Vocabulary/Comprehension: Through Elizabeth’s Eyes
Social Studies Link: Make Life Easier for Everybody
Read Aloud:William “Dummy” Hoy: Baseball’s Silent Hero / Creative Solutions /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
Generation Questions
  • Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions
  • Fluency:
Repeated Reading: Intonation/Pausing
  • Literature:
Realistic Fiction, Magazine Articles
  • Reference/Research Skills:
Glossary 465
Oral Directions,
  • Graphic Organizers: Conclusions Chart
  • Technology
  • Main Writing:
Explanatory writing: Write directions
  • Other
Research information about inventions that help people with mental and physical challenges, 444J
Research information about the history of the computer, 444J
Week 3
Approaching: An Eye for Energy
On Level: Giant Dams: Waterpower Wonders
Beyond: The Power of Wind
Main Selection The Power of Oil
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Clean as a Breeze
Test Strategy (author and me): Windmills on the Prairies
Read Aloud:At the Flick of a Switch / Energy: Power Sources /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
  • Comprehension Skill: Persuasion
  • Fluency:
Repeated Reading: Pronunciation
  • Literature:
Nonfiction Articles
  • Reference/Research Skills:
Citation of Sources
  • Graphic Organizers: Venn Diagram, 476
  • Technology:
Using Computers 477b
Use the Internet /
  • Main Writing:
Write to a prompt
Expository Writing: Article
  • Other
Use research to find important details, 470J
Week 4
Approaching: Saving the Whales
On Level: Looking at Whales
Beyond: Gray Whales
Main Selection Adelina’s Whales
Vocabulary/Comprehension:A Whale of a Trip
Genre: Limericks
Read Aloud:Whale in the Sky / Whales /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
Analyze Text Structure
  • Comprehension Skill: Sequence
  • Fluency:
Repeated Reading: Tempo
  • Literature:
Photo Essay
  • Reference/Research Skills
Documentary Films 492
  • Graphic Organizers: Sequence Chart, 485B
  • Technology: Documentary Films, 492,
  • Main Writing:
Explanatory: Share Your Point of View
  • Other
Research important facts about whales, 482J
Research the career of an animal photographer, 482J
Author and Illustrator Richard Sobel 502
Week 5
Approaching: The Arctic Ocean
On Level: Tide Pools
Beyond: Hydrothermal Vents
Main Selection At Home in the Coral Reef
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Coral Reefs
Genre (myths): Poseiden and the Kingdom of Atlantis
Read Aloud:Long Trip / The Sea /
  • Comprehension Strategy:
Analyze Text Structure
  • Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast
  • Fluency:
Repeated Reading: Punctuation
  • Literature:
Narrative Nonfiction Myths
  • Reference/Research Skills:
Using Databases for Research
  • Graphic Organizers: Venn Diagram, 511B
  • Technology:
  • Main Writing:
Explanatory Writing: Write about a Community Project
  • Other
Compare and contrast two types of coral reefs, 508J
Research information about the mythical city of Atlantis, 508J
Author and Illustrator Katy Muzik and Katherine Brown Wing 528
Week 6 / Review and Assess /
  • Test Strategy:
Author and Me
  • Comprehension:
  • Reference / Research Skills:
  • Line Graphs, Glossary, Using Computers in the MediaCenter, Dictionary
  • Technology: Create a Database
/ Explanatory Writing: How-to Article
Genre Biography

Unit Theme: Viewpoints

Project: Sometimes you can tell a person’s viewpoint by his or her actions and what he or she says, writes, or creates.

Student Questions:

  • What do your favorite author’s books show about his or her viewpoint on life?
  • How do you think your viewpoint of the world is affected if you cannot hear?
  • What is a soldier’s viewpoint of a war he fought long ago?

Research Component / Activities / Skills / Materials
Student realizes the need for information after a viewing, reading, listening or other type of sensory experience. / Unit stories and discussion
Students establish a focus by developing an overview of the topic and exploring relationships. / Formulate research questions
Students plan and implement a search strategy by identifying information providers, selecting information resources and tools, and seeking relevant information. /
  • Identify possible sources
  • Find sources
  • Take notes
  • Cite sources
  • Internet, encyclopedias, reference books
  • Keywords to find information in print and online encyclopedias
  • Internet: word searches
Standard bibliography form
Students interpret the information they have gathered to make new meaning. They assess the usefulness of their information and reflect on the information to develop personal meaning. /
  • Identify important ideas and details
  • Match visuals to provide added understanding

Students apply their information to construct and present their new knowledge. / Multimedia presentation on the events or people they researched, should emphasize viewpoints and may include photographs, videos, newspaper articles, and computer images /
  • Main ideas
  • Provide supporting details

Students think about and evaluate both their process and their product during research and at the conclusion of research. /
  • Use a checklist to evaluate process and product

Task / Skills / Procedures/Products
Perform research on the internet to find data /
  • Understand key words

Use online databases to find data /
  • Logging on to AEA databases
  • Save images from or Multimedia Archive
  • Download videos and clips
  • United Streaming
  • Multimedia Archive
  • Newspapers

Create a graphic organizer (spreadsheet, Kidspiration) to collect, organize, and display information /
  • Take notes
  • Organize information
  • Cite sources