Grade: Unit:
Information Literacy Skills
Theme: Viewpoints
Theme / Information Literacy Skills / ResearchOpportunities
Week 1
Approaching: Hollywood Hounds
On Level:Presidential Pooches
Beyond: Canine Companions
Main Selection Dear Mrs. LaRue
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Puppy Trouble
Science Link: Dog Amazes Scientists!
Read Aloud:Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog / Man’s Best Friend /
- Comprehension Strategy:
- Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions
- Fluency:
- Literature:
News Story
Reference/Research Skills
Animals In the News 433
- Graphic Organizers: Conclusions Chart, 413B, Line Graphs,439
- Technology
- Main Writing:
- Other:
Research information about pet adoptions, 410S
Author and Illustrator Mark Teague 436
Week 2
Approaching: Charles Drew
On Level: Marie Curie
Beyond: Dr. Jonas Salk
Main Selection The Blind Hunter
Vocabulary/Comprehension: Through Elizabeth’s Eyes
Social Studies Link: Make Life Easier for Everybody
Read Aloud:William “Dummy” Hoy: Baseball’s Silent Hero / Creative Solutions /
- Comprehension Strategy:
- Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions
- Fluency:
- Literature:
- Reference/Research Skills:
Oral Directions,
- Graphic Organizers: Conclusions Chart
- Technology
- Main Writing:
- Other
Research information about the history of the computer, 444J
Week 3
Approaching: An Eye for Energy
On Level: Giant Dams: Waterpower Wonders
Beyond: The Power of Wind
Main Selection The Power of Oil
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Clean as a Breeze
Test Strategy (author and me): Windmills on the Prairies
Read Aloud:At the Flick of a Switch / Energy: Power Sources /
- Comprehension Strategy:
- Comprehension Skill: Persuasion
- Fluency:
- Literature:
- Reference/Research Skills:
- Graphic Organizers: Venn Diagram, 476
- Technology:
Use the Internet /
- Main Writing:
Expository Writing: Article
- Other
Week 4
Approaching: Saving the Whales
On Level: Looking at Whales
Beyond: Gray Whales
Main Selection Adelina’s Whales
Vocabulary/Comprehension:A Whale of a Trip
Genre: Limericks
Read Aloud:Whale in the Sky / Whales /
- Comprehension Strategy:
- Comprehension Skill: Sequence
- Fluency:
- Literature:
- Reference/Research Skills
- Graphic Organizers: Sequence Chart, 485B
- Technology: Documentary Films, 492,
- Main Writing:
- Other
Research the career of an animal photographer, 482J
Author and Illustrator Richard Sobel 502
Week 5
Approaching: The Arctic Ocean
On Level: Tide Pools
Beyond: Hydrothermal Vents
Main Selection At Home in the Coral Reef
Vocabulary/Comprehension:Coral Reefs
Genre (myths): Poseiden and the Kingdom of Atlantis
Read Aloud:Long Trip / The Sea /
- Comprehension Strategy:
- Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast
- Fluency:
- Literature:
- Reference/Research Skills:
- Graphic Organizers: Venn Diagram, 511B
- Technology:
- Main Writing:
- Other
Research information about the mythical city of Atlantis, 508J
Author and Illustrator Katy Muzik and Katherine Brown Wing 528
Week 6 / Review and Assess /
- Test Strategy:
- Comprehension:
- Reference / Research Skills:
- Line Graphs, Glossary, Using Computers in the MediaCenter, Dictionary
- Technology: Create a Database
Genre Biography
Unit Theme: Viewpoints
Project: Sometimes you can tell a person’s viewpoint by his or her actions and what he or she says, writes, or creates.
Student Questions:
- What do your favorite author’s books show about his or her viewpoint on life?
- How do you think your viewpoint of the world is affected if you cannot hear?
- What is a soldier’s viewpoint of a war he fought long ago?
Research Component / Activities / Skills / Materials
Student realizes the need for information after a viewing, reading, listening or other type of sensory experience. / Unit stories and discussion
Students establish a focus by developing an overview of the topic and exploring relationships. / Formulate research questions
Students plan and implement a search strategy by identifying information providers, selecting information resources and tools, and seeking relevant information. /
- Identify possible sources
- Find sources
- Take notes
- Cite sources
- Internet, encyclopedias, reference books
- Keywords to find information in print and online encyclopedias
- Internet: word searches
Students interpret the information they have gathered to make new meaning. They assess the usefulness of their information and reflect on the information to develop personal meaning. /
- Identify important ideas and details
- Match visuals to provide added understanding
Students apply their information to construct and present their new knowledge. / Multimedia presentation on the events or people they researched, should emphasize viewpoints and may include photographs, videos, newspaper articles, and computer images /
- Main ideas
- Provide supporting details
Students think about and evaluate both their process and their product during research and at the conclusion of research. /
- Use a checklist to evaluate process and product
Task / Skills / Procedures/Products
Perform research on the internet to find data /
- Understand key words
Use online databases to find data /
- Logging on to AEA databases
- Save images from or Multimedia Archive
- Download videos and clips
- United Streaming
- Multimedia Archive
- Newspapers
Create a graphic organizer (spreadsheet, Kidspiration) to collect, organize, and display information /
- Take notes
- Organize information
- Cite sources