Mayor Mau called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Mau informed the public about the location of the Open Meeting Act posted on the wall in the back of the Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public.
Roll Call: Present: Mayor Mau, Council Members, Nuss, Pedersen, Schelkopf. Absent: Plettner.
Notice of this meeting was given in advanced thereof by publication in the Clay County News on February 3, 2016, a copy of the proof of publication being attached to these minutes. Notice of meeting was simultaneously given to the Mayor and all members of the City Council. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advanced notice to the Mayor and all members of the City Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.
Departmental Reports: Public works stated that the VFD on the south well quit working, but is under warranty. Both dump trucks went down in the snow storm. The 1993 rear axle went out and the 1998 had a power steering hose break.
Cole Tesar, the new police officer started work full time as of February 8th.
Electric department has been helping with snow removal and services.
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Nuss that the consent agenda be approved for items 2A – 2E. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Nuss that the minutes of the January 11th meeting be approved as presented. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Nuss that the treasurer’s report for the month of January be adopted as presented. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Nuss that the bills incurred for the month of January be approved for payment as presented. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Salaries / $32,647.05Federal Withholdings / 7,204.46
A United Automatic Doors / Repair handi-cap doors / 243.50
Action Auto / Vehicle repairs / 748.55
Alfonso Cleaning / Community center floor cleaning / 250.00
Aspegren Repair / Ambulance oil changes / 224.99
Baker & Taylor / Library books / 313.46
BG’s Corner / Fuel / 133.65
Brown’s Store / Supplies / 85.24
BSN Sports / Hardware / 3.00
Burton Enterprises / Trash pickup / 5,635.00
Capital Business Systems / Copier rent / 168.86
Chief Supply / Police uniforms / 344.74
City Light & Water / Utilities / 5,400.69
City of Sutton / Petty Cash repayment / 46.64
Clay County Clerk / File easement/ordinance / 44.00
Clay County News / Printing/publishing / 169.92
CPI / Fuel/Tires / 928.66
Danko Emergency / Fire – Shields / 190.00
Demco / Library supplies / 38.35
Dutton Lainson / Light r/m / 2,536.35
Eagle Pointe Ins / Insurance / 9,208.50
Fastenal / Battery / 119.99
Fox Hollow Motel / Prospect / 87.90
Friesen Chevrolet / Cemetery mower repair / 294.06
Gale Group / Library books / 19.46
George’s 66 / Fuel/energy wise / 1,271.25
George Bros. Propane / Diesel, library speaker / 1,209.59
Hamilton Telecommunications / Email accounts / 20.75
Hastings Tribune / Printing/publishing / 227.20
Historic National Red / Library books / 23.00
JP Cooke Co. / Dog tags / 62.60
Jackson Services / Office rugs, shop towels / 92.25
Jeff Hofaker / Mileage / 143.01
Joan Aspegren / Cleaning Comm. Center/City Hall/Fire Hall / 480.00
John Deere Financial / Mower repairs / 43.59
Kids Reference / Library books / 74.94
Kully Pipe / Road – Rebar / 715.23
LeRoy Griess Digging / Grave openings / 780.00
Lexis Publishing / Police law books / 129.40
Matheson Tri-Gas / Ambulance oxygen / 107.80
Midwest Radar / Police – re-cert. radars / 160.00
Municipal Supply / Water r/m / 195.81
Nebraska Public Health / Water samples / 60.00
NPPD / Purchased electricity / 84,168.05
NE Rural Water Association / Dues / 200.00
NMC Exchange / Front End Loader repairs / 78.33
One Call / Locates / 1.89
Platte Valley Comm. / Ambulance pagers/pager repairs/antenna / 2,524.25
Protex Central / Community Center maintenance / 26.12
Quality Builders / Sewer repair / 150.00
Sherry Reed / Mileage / 37.80
Smith Lawn Care / Fall fertilizer / 1,410.00
SourceGas / Utilities / 2,993.87
South Central PPD / Wheeling charges / 5,489.72
Superior iNet / Internet services / 123.57
Sutton Irrigation / Mower repairs/hoses / 51.92
Sutton Lumber / Supplies/maint. / 62.59
Todd’s Feed Supply / Boots / 81.90
Total Funds by Hasler / Postage / 802.02
Verizon / Cell phones/police ipad / 364.73
VISA / Library lap top /recruitment trip / 526.57
Windstream / Telephone / 933.87
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Nuss to approve the bill from JEO in the amount of $3,170.00 for the Housing Study. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Nuss, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Unfinished business of Changeorder #4 and Olsson Associates bill was once again tabled.
In new business, Mayor Mau opened the public hearing at 8:14 p.m. Purpose of the public hearing was to hear testimony for or against the proposed One and Six Year Road Plan. Mayor Mau asked for comments from the public. Street Superintendent Steve Parr of JEO was present explaining the process and what roads were included in the plan. There being no further comments, Mayor Mau closed the public hearing at 8:19 p.m.
Moved by Pedersen and seconded by Schelkopf to approve Resolution NO. 2016-1 adopting the One and Six Year Road Plan. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
The problem board of health properties that have had nothing done were reviewed by Council. As a courtesy council directed staff to send out letters that they are being given and extension by three months, which brings them up to the City Wide Clean Up that is held annually. A signed letter will be needed by both the City and the property owner with the details. After that time, the properties still not done will be cleaned up by the City and assessed to the property owners.
Terry Galloway, City Auditor was present to review the annual audit.
Only one applicant was received for the DLD park supervisor position. Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to hire Monte Lemkau as the DLD park supervisor for 14 pay periods during the summer months of April 1st thru October 31st at a wage of $13,500.00. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Equipment for the DLD Park were reviewed. Mower prices thus far were from Turfwerks for a Jacobsen AR3 at a price of $26,200.00 and Toro for a Groundsmaster 3505 at a price of $28,430.00. After discussion, council directed staff to get some more prices and have ready for March meeting or earlier if at all possible.
The maintenance building for the DLD Park was up for review. Two quotes were received. Sutton Lumber and Todd’s Feed Supply & Trailer Sales. Sutton Lumber backed out with their quote. After discussion, it was moved by Pedersen and seconded by Nuss to approve the purchase of the building from Todd’s Feed Supply at a cost of $8,695 with the vertical sides. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Nuss, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Pedersen to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Dee Boals and Jerry Johnson to the Tree Board. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning the extra property East of the DLD Park for future use. Council is open to all options.
There being no further business, it was moved by Pedersen and seconded by Nuss to adjourn the meeting. Roll: All ayes.
Todd Mau, Mayor
Sherrie Bartell, City Clerk/Treas.