Biology Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. EscobarRoom: 213Phone: 512-281-3438 ext. 1133
Conference Period:Mon.-Fri.12:02pm-12:49pm
Tutorial Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 7:50am-8:25am
Course Description: Biology is devoted to the study of all things pertaining to life. In this class, students will be introduced to topics of Biology including, but not limited to: Ecology, Cellular Biology, and Genetics. Student taking this course will be engaged through lecture, group discussion, hands-on activities (labs), and at home reading assignments. My desire is for this class is to provide students an understanding and appreciation for Biology, and to assist each student develop inquiry skills that allow them to think scientifically.
Course Goals:
- To develop students’ understanding and appreciation of the nature of science, Biology specifically.
- To practice and apply Biological concepts through a variety of projects, hands-on activities, group discussions, and lab experiments.
- To prepare students for a higher level of science education and greater develop their ability to think scientifically.
Supplies Needed:
- 12 Bradded Folders
- 1 Composition Notebook
- 1 Box of Tissues (Last Name: A-I)
- 1 box of Pencils (Last Name: J-R)
- 1 box of Colored Pencils (Last Name: S-Z)
Classroom Policies:
- Late homework will be accepted for partial for up to 5 school days after it was due. (1 day late: -10pts, 2 days late: -20pts, 3 days late: -30tps, 4 days late: -40pts, 5 days: -50pts, more than days will result in a zero for the assignment)
- If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIPBILITY to obtain the assignments missed while you were gone. You have one day to make up your work for an excused absence. This includes daily grades and tests.
- If a test was taken on the day of your absence speak to the teacher about setting a time for the test to be taken.
- If you are absent during a lab you must make arrangements to come in before or after school to make up the lab or get an alternative assignment.
- Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved.
Classroom Rules:
- Be on time and prepared
- Respect other students, teachers, and property
- Listen to others while they are talking
- Provide effort in all classroom activities
- Keep cell phones in pocket or backpack
- All school rules will be followed as stated in the school handbook.
Cell Phone Policy: Although students are allowed to carry cell phones with them while at school, the use of them in this classroom is prohibited. The first time a student is seen using their cell phone it will be taken up immediately and not returned until the end of the class period.
Classroom Management: As a teacher, it is my job to maintain an environment in which all students can learn. Therefore, inappropriate, disruptive, and disrespectful behaviors WILL NOT be tolerated in my classroom. If a student fails to meet one of the rules previously stated, the following steps will be taken.
- 1st offense: I will discuss the issue with the student and attempt to resolve the situation.
- 2nd offense: I will contact the student’s parents to discuss the situation
- 3rd offense: I will refer the student to the office so that disciplinary action may be taken.
Grading Policy:
- Major Grades = 40% of total grade (Exams/Tests, Projects, Term Papers)
- Daily Grades = 60% of total grade (Class Work, Notebooks, Labs, Quizzes, Homework)
Teaching Philosophy: It is my belief that all students should be given the same opportunity to succeed in the classroom. It is my job to provide all of my students with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in my class and to encourage each student to reach their full potential. However, students will only be successful in this class if they put forth the effort and participate in ALL classroom activities and assignments.
Keys for Success in this Class:
- Have a positive attitude and participate!!
- Ask questions! If something is unclear from the textbook, assignment, or lab activity ask me so that I can help clarify the content.
- Start studying for tests early. Studying and reviewing each night can help you prepare for test and quizzes more effectively.
Student Name (Printed): ______
Dear Parents and Students,
Please complete this form stating that you have read the syllabus and understand it. Please sign and return by Monday, August 31st.
Parent Section
- I understand that attendance can greatly affect grades. ______
- I understand that there will be homework. ______
- I understand there are no personal electronics used in class. ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Section
- I understand that attendance in class can greatly affect grades. ______
- I understand that there will be homework. ______
- I understand that there are no personal electronics used in class. ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______