

Lee’s Keystone Division


Sons ofConfederate Veterans

Adopted in ConventionMay 2004,

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

In the name of a reunited country, with an unquestioned allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of American, We the Members of the Pennsylvania Division, Army of Northern Virginia Department, Sons of Confederate Veterans in order to vindicate the cause for which our Confederate ancestors fought, defend the Confederate soldier’s good name, guard his history, emulate his virtues, perpetuate the principles he loved and which made him glorious and which we also cherish and to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations do now adopt, ordain and establish the following Constitution:


Section 1: The Name of this organization shall be, Lee’s Keystone Division (hereafter referred to as “Division”), Army of Northern Virginia Department, Sons of Confederate Veterans.


Section 1: This organization shall be strictly historical, patriotic, educational, preservationist and benevolent, non-political, non-racial & non-sectarian. Section 2: It shall not engage in partisan political activity, but this shall not at any time prevent it from taking nonpolitical action in accordance with the principles for which the Pennsylvania Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans was established.

Section 3: Each member of a Camp shall be encouraged to participate fully in the affairs of his community, State and Nation, as an individual and in accordance with the dictates of his conscience.


Section 1: Membership in this Division and Camps within this Division shall be restricted to those who meet the requirements set forth in the Constitution of the General Confederation.

Section 2: Every compatriot in the Division in good standing will be privileged to attend meetings of any organization within the Division and to receive the fraternal consideration it is designed to foster.

Section 3: Associate Members of Camps shall be recognized as such by the Pennsylvania Division and shall not be counted as voting members, pay dues nor be permitted to take part in conducting Division business.

Section 4: All disciplinary actions and appeal on behalf of said associate members rest with the member camp. (No appeal to Division).


Section 1: At each Division Convention held in a year the date of which is an even number, the Pennsylvania Division shall elect a Division Commander, Division Lieutenant Commander, Division Adjutant, Division Treasurer and Brigade Commanders, if there are two or more camps located in a close geographical location in the state, each of whom shall have at least two years membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans Pennsylvania Division in the elected position of either Camp Commander, Lt. Commander or Adjutant.

Section 2: Such officers shall serve until the new officers are elected or appointed and installed. Officers shall be elected and installed during the Division Convention.

Section 3: The Division Commander shall have the power and responsibility for carrying out the provisions of this Constitution and all projects and programs approved by any Division Convention. The Division Commander shall be responsible for the maintenance and growth of the Pennsylvania Division.

Section 4: The Division Lt. Commander will report to the Division Commander and work particularly close with the Brigade Commanders, encouraging timely reports and timely payment by the Camps of their per capita dues. He shall also maintain sufficiently close liaison with CampCommanders so as to be aware of problems that might arise, and he shall assist Camp or Brigade Commanders with such problems by seeking efficient, expedient and effective solutions. The Lt. Commander shall particularly strive to gain favorable publicity for the furtherance of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Pennsylvania Division, and to encourage the chartering of new Camps within the Pennsylvania Division by meeting with interested groups and assisting them in forming new Camps. .

The Lt. Commander should also have as a particular duty the liaison with other organizations of like principles and aims and should support their activities when practicable. The Division Lt Commander should also represent the Pennsylvania Division at memorial services and at other special events that pertain to the War Between the States and/or the aims of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Section 5: The Division Adjutant shall perform such administrative functions as the Division Commander may direct, as authorized by this Constitution. He shall keep a record of all Division meetings and conventions; he shall make an annual report to the Division Officers, CampCommanders and CampAdjutants within forty-five (45) days of the close of the Annual Division Convention. He will be responsible for the generation and production of a Division newsletter on a semi annual basis, which will be distributed to each member in good standing of the Division

Section 6: The Division Treasurer shall be the Custodian of all Division Funds.

Section 7: The Division Commander is to appoint his staff as soon as possible following the Division Convention, which is to consist of a Division Historian, Division Chaplain and other such officers as he may deem necessary. Appointed staff will be non-voting members of the Executive Council. The Division Commander shall also have the power to replace any of his appointed staff.

Section 8: All Brigade Commanders shall hold equal status of office, and they shall be responsible for the activities within the sector for which they were elected. They shall accept special assignments from the Lt. Commander and shall send copies of their reports to the Division Adjutant. Any assignments to Brigade Commanders from the Division Commander shall be made through the Division Lt. Commander.

Brigade Commanders shall have as a particular duty the primary liaison between the Division Commander and CampCommanders, and shall visit each Camp within their respective sectors at least once each calendar year. They shall also be active in Camp functions within their sections. Brigade Commanders shall also strive to contact directly with each CampCommander and Adjutant within their particular sectors prior to the due date of annual reports each calendar year to ensure that these reports are made properly and timely.

Brigade Commanders shall also in particular work closely with the Division Lt. Commander, and shall also seek to further the aims of the Sons of Confederate Veterans by encouraging membership herein, and in the formation of new Camps wherever there is interest in same within their sectors.

Section9: In the event that the Division Commander is unable to continue in office for any reason, the Division Lt. Commander will assume the duties of the Commander unless the Lt. Commander is unable or unwilling to serve as appointed Division Commander. In that instance, the Division Adjutant will convene the Division Executive Council to elect as an Acting Division Commander any qualified member of the Pennsylvania Division.

An Acting Division Commander, appointed or elected in the manner afore mentioned in this section, shall serve as Acting Division Commander until the Division Commander is able to return to his duties, or until the next election, whichever is sooner.

Should a vacancy of the Division Commander be filled by the Lt. Commander, the latter’s vacancy shall be filled by any qualified member of the Pennsylvania Division, elected by the Executive Council.

Section 10: Each Division Commander who has served a full term and does not continue to hold the office shall have the title of Past Commander, Pa. Division. He shall take rank in Parades and in all other respects next to the Div. Cdmr. Those DivisionCommanders who shall not have served a full term may have these privileges conferred on them by motion, receiving four-fifths (4/5) of the votes cast at any Division Convention.

Section 11: The Division Historian shall collect from year to year all records and data of value and interest for the Division and shall compile during his term of office a complete history of the year’s activities. He shall also assist camp historians so as to coordinate and unify the work of these officials.

Section 12: The Division Chaplin shall open and close with a prayer the Division Conventions and other meetings, and perform such Devine and non-sectarian services as may be necessary in connection with the office.


Section1: Between Division Conventions the administrative power shall be vested in the Division Executive Council, which shall be composed of the Division Commander, Division Lt. Commander, Division Adjutant, Brigade Commanders, Camp Commanders or their authorized representatives of each Camp within the Pennsylvania Division and all of the Past Division Commanders.

Section 2: The duty of the Executive Council is to follow the will of the Division Convention, in the event that the actions of the Council members are at odds with the wishes of the Division as a whole, signified by a simple majority of the camps, there can be a loss of confidence recall vote. In this vote the Council member can be removed from office by a two-third (2/3) vote, transmitted to, meaning delivery by hand, postmarked by the US Postal Service or received by a private courier with appropriate signature of delegates.

Section 3: The Executive Council shall meet at the place of the Division Convention. The Division Commander may call other meetings as he deems necessary or upon written request of three members of said Council.

Section 4: The Division Commander shall be the Chairman of the Division Executive Council.

Section 5: No member of the Executive Council shall cast more than one vote on any motion before the Executive Council.


Section 1: The Pennsylvania Division shall hold annually a Convention of the Camps comprising the Pennsylvania Division, the date and time of which is to be brought to the Convention Delegates by a Convention Committee, appointed by the Division Commander. The Convention Committee will work with the host Camp to mutually recommend a time and place. The Commander shall cause all the Camps of the Division to be given written advance notice of the time and place of the annual Pennsylvania Division Convention at least ninety (90) days prior to its convening.

Section 2: The Division Commander or Division Executive Council at the request of the majority of the Camps or of the Division Executive Council shall convene the Pennsylvania Division in special Convention for emergencies as they deem sufficient.

Section 3: Representation of the Camps at the Pennsylvania Division Convention shall be by Delegates as follows: One delegate for every 10 active members with one additional delegate for a fraction of five (5) or more, provided that every Camp in good standing, that is, having all reports in and Division dues paid, shall be entitled to at least two (2) delegates. All delegates shall have credentials signed by the CampCommander and/or CampAdjutant. All delegates must be present to vote. Each delegate has one vote. Each Camp of the Division must have at least seven paid members in good standing, age 12 or above, to be eligible to vote at the Division Convention.

Section 4: A quorum shall be present when one-third (1/3) of the Camps of the Pennsylvania Division are represented by delegates present at the Convention.

Section 5: The rules of procedure at any Pennsylvania Division Convention shall conform to this Constitution, all By Laws adopted by the Convention, and those rules set forth in “Roberts Rules of Order, revised,” when not in conflict with the foregoing.

Section 6: Camps are to provide written notices of any Camp resolution to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Division thirty (30) days prior to the Division Convention. This report is to be sent to the Division Adjutant or Resolutions Committee.

Section 7: Officers elected at a Division Convention shall take office immediately at the close of the Division Convention at which they were elected.


Section 1: The revenues of the Pennsylvania Division shall be derived from annual membership dues, donations, legacies, bequests and from such other sources as the Pennsylvania Division Convention may from time to time provide.

Section 2: Each Camp shall be assessed per capita dues of am amount per member determined by the Division Convention payable by February 1 of each year, accompanied by a complete and up to date Camp roster.

Section 3: No Camp shall take part or vote in Pennsylvania Division Conventions unless said Camp is in good standing with the General Confederation and has paid the per capita dues, levied upon Camps by the Pennsylvania Division Convention.

Section 4: The fiscal year of the Division shall be the same as the Confederation.

Section 5: The division checking account shall be set up as to allow access to either the Division Commander or Division Treasurer.


Section 1: This Constitution may be amended at any Convention of the Pennsylvania Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the total certified voting delegates in attendance and any passing amendment takes effect at the close of said Convention.

Section 2: Any amendment proposed at a convention of the Division may, on proper motion and majority vote, be carried over to the succeeding convention.

ARTICLE IX: Committees

Section 1: Committees may be appointed by the Division Commander when a necessity arises, and they shall be appointed by him when so ordered by the Division Convention. The Division Commander shall be ex-officio member of all Division committees.

Section 2: All committees shall meet when called by their chairman. Committees shall make written reports and recommendations to the Division Commander as soon as they have performed the duties assigned them.

ARTICLE X: Prohibitions

Section 1: No discussion of political or religious subjects, or political action endorsing aspirants for political office, shall be permitted in any organization of the Division.

Section 2: No debts shall be contracted for the Division except with the approval of the Executive Council or the Division Commander during the interim between meetings of said Council.

Section 3: The use of the seal, badges, or name of the Division or SCV, for unauthorized purposes and the giving of its badge to persons unauthorized to wear them are emphatically prohibited.

Section 4: No one can be elected or appointed an officer of the Division unless he is a member in good standing of one of its Camps.

Section 5: If at any time, this Constitution or provisions thereof are found to be in conflict with the Constitution of the SCV, the Constitution of the SCV organization takes precedence regarding that conflict.

Approved in Convention May 2004

Adopted by Vote July 2004

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