Deans’Council Meeting

September 3, 2015

Attendees: B. Barnett, E. Daffron, E. Saiff, S. Perry, L. Chakrin, A. Lorenz, S. Rice. Invited Guests: Y. Kisor and A. Urbiel.

E. Daffron introduced Y. Kisor, FYS Director, and A. Urbiel , the LLC Coordinator.

Y. Kisor provided data from a survey that showed how well FYS is meeting its goals.

The data was collected from 585 responses with 335 completing the survey.

Results showed that LLC and Honors students do better overall and showed a bigger sense of connection to their specific program.

Discussion of the objectives/goals for FYS and the future of the program.

The Provost stressed that there must be clear outcomes for all classes especially for FYS.

Living and Learning Communities

E. Daffron reviewed data about LLC students in comparison with non-LLC students and asked for suggestions for future reports.

B. Barnett suggested that data be reported by year. Expansion for the program this year is not possible but may be able to expand in fall 2017 if the budget permits. Discussion of expanding program to undeclared commuter students for fall 2016.

WAC Program

E. Daffron had sent to each dean an audit that Christina Connor had done of the WI courses that are in the system showing which majors allow students to complete the WI requirement by taking required courses. He also pointed out:

  • WI courses are nowprogrammed into the Degree Audit.
  • Some majors may need to exercise careful advisement to ensure that students meet the WAC requirement given the assignment of WI to elective or category courses.

Aaron Lorenz asked if faculty were aware of the changes that were made to the degree evaluation. E. Daffron said he would ask Christina Connor to send out a message about this to faculty, and every school has a representative on the WAC committee.

New Committee

E. Daffron announced that all deans will now be on a committee that reviews student complaints. This committee will meet once a year and has been constituted in response to a federal regulation monitored by Middle States. All student complaints will be tracked and filed and available to Middle States for review in the self study.

Academic Integrity

E. Daffron presented data on Academic Integrity over the past five years.

  • There has been an increase in the number of cases.
  • Most of the cases occur with 200 level courses
  • Discussion of student sanctions.


S. Rice gave a review of the Cahill Pathways program which has been designed to helpstudents develop a rich understanding of the career development process. This program is fully in place with ASB. SSHGS, and the three other schools, TAS, SSHS and CA are not yet developed. S. Rice questioned on whether Pathways should be made a graduation requirement.

Funding Opportunities

B. Barnett distributed a handout on Funding Opportunities for Faculty. A suggestion was made on how applications should be accepted.

P Drive

There is now a shared drive for both Deans’and Provost’s Council on the P Drive. All deans have access to these folders. The Provost’s Office is attempting to become paper-free in the future.

Load Variations

Beth Barnett discussed load variations among faculty. She will follow up with AFT local President.