Chair:Natalie Collings, Department of Human Services
Present:Donna Walker, Headway Gippsland Inc
Vanessa Bleier, Yooralla
Russell Pitkin, EW Tipping Foundation
Alison Skeldon, Latrobe Community Health Service
Debbie Knight, Interchange Central Gippsland Inc
Julie Crothers, Kilmany Uniting Care
Kim Barr, Scope
Belinda Greening, Central Gippsland Health Service
Jenny Mead, Department of Human Services
Wendy Matthews, Australian Home Care
Welcome and apologies, minutes of last meeting /- No amendments to the minutes from the last meeting.
Respite in Gippsland update / Respite funding in 2010-11
- Natalie provided information about respite funding in 2010-11 financial year – as summarised in the handout titled Respite in Gippsland July 2010 update.
- There was general discussion regarding quarterly reporting to DHS about in relation to respite funding. It would be useful to report on the unmet need experienced by each agency. This will be different for each agency and is generally more qualitative than quantitative. Debbie Knight suggested some of the information in the NRCP SARS report may be relevant.
- Natalie talked about some recent DSR applications which mention various types of respite funding that is about to cease. There was general discussion about the importance of providing clear messages about funded services so that DSR applications contain accurate information.
- The discussion paper has been recently released. The handout provides more detail about how to submit a response to the paper.
- Natalie advised the aged care part of the Department of Health in Gippsland have recently allocated funding to run pilot projects offering flexible respite options to aged clients and their carers. The Department of Health want to support the pilot projects through involvement in the Disability Respite Network meeting. Further information will be provided at future network meetings.
Online respite project /
- Vanessa gave an update regarding the respite website and a reminder about the importance of registering as a member.
- Promotional items will be made available shortly.
- Yooralla will be working to build a network of access points across the region – where people can receive support to access the website.
Service Provider Updates / Scope
- Glad to receive advice about funding for supporting older carers and after school services continuing.
- Working to expand flexible respite. Planning cycle has commenced.
- FACSIA carers funding for young people at school who are caring for someone with a mental illness.
- Looking to pilot strengths based approach for carers.
- Contribution to research in partnership with MonashUniversity.
- Seeking to increase new carers – looking at developing a calendar.
- Aiming for four carer education events per year.
- In the process of moving to new premises in Moe.
- Have applied to have a carer kiosk located in their new premises.
- Recently changed name from Kilmany Uniting Care.
- Reviewing client pathway, what forms they use, processes for clients, how this links with assistance with extensive planning project.
- Care plan reviews in progress and end of financial year budget and finance processes.
- Implementing major changes to the Planned Activity Group program (HACC funding).
- Updating website.
- 2 new program workers.
- Reviewing plans.
- Received strong response to board member advertisements.
- Working on compiling history of organisation.
Other Business / Active Service Model
- It was suggested it would be advantageous to invite a Department of Health representative to the next meeting to provide more information about the HACC Active Service Model and stimulate discussion about the impact on respite service provision.
Next Meeting / 2pm to 4pm 2 September 2010, LCHS Buckley Street Morwell