Lafayette Recreation Committee

February 2, 2017 – Meeting Minutes

Attending: Gordie Johnk, Meghan McPhaul, John Hynes,Haley Ireland, Launa Glover, Frank Pinter,Kim Cowles, Kris Kappler, Holly Burbank

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Kim introduced new Franconia Town Administrator Holly Burbank.

Kim reported thetri-town meeting and budget discussion went well. All three select board members from each town were there. There were no major issues with budget. There was discussion of getting a rec-dedicated laptop. The three boards also discussed the tri-town agreement. Since the towns’ attorneys are still working out exact wording on this, it won’t be done in time to make the town warrants, so will likely be put on three town warrants for voter approval next year.

Town attorneys determined we need to establish an expendable trust fund to replace the savings account that formerly held the Lafayette Recreation fundraising money. This needs to be approved by warrant article on the Franconia warrant. Discussion ensued, with several committee members expressing concern that we will be losing control of this fundraising money, which does not come from taxation. Kim said the money in the fund cannot be returned to town’s general fund. Trustees of the trust funds (for Franconia) will manage the fund, but Franconia BOS will be agents to the fund.

Meghan makes motion, seconded by Frank, to approve wording as amended, pending approval by town attorney, to be placed on Franconia town warrant. All in favor. (Wording agreed to is: To see if the town will vote to establish the Lafayette Recreation expendable trust fund for the purpose of holding funds collected by donations and/or fundraising for projects to enhance the Lafayette Recreation programs, events and activities. These projects are to be determined by the Lafayette Recreation Committee, to appropriate $(INSERT SUM) to be placed in said fund with the monies to come from unassigned fund balance; furthermore to name the Selectmen as agents to expend from the fund.)

(Holly left the meeting at this point.)

Members voted to approve January 5, 2017 meeting minutes.

Pavilion discussion

Kim reported that she, Frank, and Andrea Price have met a few times and visited the site to discuss location. Consensus to move forward with preliminary plan (see attached) and begin contacting contractors to develop a budget for the project.


Kris reported all is going well with four teams: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th grade boys and 5th/6th girls.

Town Hall events

Kim reported on various events at the town hall, including a successful swing band and dance ($300 raised); alphabet Broadway cabaret through Arts Alliance; flutist in January also through Arts Alliance. Future events through Arts Alliance are in the works. (Info on Arts Alliance:

There is a Daddy Daughter Dance planed for Feb. 11 at the Town Hall.

Ronnie Berlack Memorial Disk Golf Course is complete: five holes, completed with Carter Merrill as his Eagle Scout project. Carter completed fundraising for project. Kim would like to plan an opening (free) tournament in conjunction with touch-a-truck.

Touch-a-Truckevent is in the planning stages with the Franconia Children’s Center. Idea is to get large equipment (fire trucks, construction vehicles, etc.) there for kids to climb into and check out. Will likely be morning of June 3 at the Dow.

Committee agreed to review signs at next meeting. Photos of existing signs:

John and Launa have reviewed existing job evaluation formsand made some suggested revisions, with an eye toward making the process clearer. They shared forms for committee members to review for future discussion. Kim shared evaluation forms used by town.

Upcoming important dates:

2/6/17 – Sugar Hill and Easton budget hearings

2/9/17 – school district budget hearing

2/13/17 – Franconia budget hearing

3/9/17 – school district annual meeting

3/14/17 – town meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Next Meeting: March 2

Minutes submitted by Meghan McPhaul, 3 February 2017