Awards Committee c/- Dave Delpratt, 1/32 Stevenson St, Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Phone 07 4155 2388 / 0418 526 968Email
Table Tennis Australia
State and Territory Associations
TTAOC Committee members
TTAOCState delegates
Dear Friends,
I have just realized that this information was not sent out in October as I had thought. Please accept my apologies for this oversight. Therefore, nominations are now sought for the 2014 TTAFran KeyhoeOfficial of the Year and Young Official of the Year awards.
As in previous years, the awards are open to all Table Tennis officials who satisfy the criteria below, unless they have won the awards in either of the last two years, i.e.Joe Clifton (Qld 2012) and Alan Hopkins (Vic. 2013)for Official of the Year.Unfortunately, there have not been any nominations for Young Official of the Year for several years. This category is for officials who are 25 years old or younger.
The minimum criteria for the Official of the Year are:
Nominees will have, during 2014
-registered as a member with an Association affiliated with Table Tennis Australia
-participated in at least four local / state / national / international tournaments as either an umpire or referee
-adhered to the Officials Code of Ethics
-performed a minimum of 12 hours non-umpiring / refereeing work such as
(a)involvement with officiating committees
(b)involvement in training and / or mentoring
(c)involvement in running tournaments
(d)attendance at courses
The minimum criteria for the Young Official of the Year are:
Nominees will have, during 2014
-registered as a member with an Association affiliated with Table Tennis Australia
-been under 25 during 2014, i.e. was born in 1989 or later
-participated in at least two local / state / national / international tournaments as either an umpire or referee
-adhered to the Officials Code of Ethics
-performed a minimum of 4 hours non-umpiring / refereeing work such as
(a)involvement with officiating committees
(b)involvement in training and / or mentoring
(c)involvement in running tournaments
(d)attendance at courses
Please detail as fully as possible the nominee’s officiating activities for this year and any other relevant information, then return this information to me no later than Friday 30 January, 2015. A selection panel consisting of NURC members, excluding any who have been nominated, will then be contacted and a decision made. (If several NURC members have been nominated, I will recruit one or more State Delegates to fill their place/s on the selection panel.)
Please discuss possible nominations within your State association or officiating organisation as I am sure there are many officials who deserve recognition for their efforts, whether it be at international, national or local level.
Yours faithfully,
Dave Delpratt (Chair, NURC Awards)