Fall 2012
Syllabus and Information
Please note, the official syllabus for the wellness course will be posted on Moodle at the start of the semester. Students are responsible for any changes as the posted on the Moodle Wellness Site.
Course Introduction
Students live, work and study in an all-inclusive world.The ability to create a physical,emotional and intellectual environment that supports ones well-being is paramount to good health. The Department of Physical Education in conjunction with Health Services, Student Life and the Deans Office has developed an eight week Wellness Seminar that focuses on a variety of issues confronting college women. The course is mandatory for all first year students and fulfills two physical education credits. The goals of the Wellness curriculum are to provide an interesting and relevant program, and a base of knowledge that will encourage students to think about their well being as an important partner to their academic life.
The course will be taught by College faculty and staff from various disciplines and offices. The course organization demonstrates in a very practical way, the relationship among disciplines and learning as dynamic and inter-disciplinary.
Course requirements
- Class attendance- To earn a “Passing” gradefor the class students must receive credit for attending 7 of the 8 sessions offered by. Students must attend the class in its entirety AND must sign in for the class as well to receive attendance credit. Indicating attendance for each class is the responsibility of the student. Attendance can be checked by the student on Moodle. No partial credit will be awarded.
- Enrollment - Students must enroll in one of the five sections offered.Students are expected to attend the class that they enroll in.
- Participation - As with the rest of their Bryn Mawr education, students are expected to take an active role in both lecture and discussion. Use of laptops, cell phones, or other portable devices is not required for the Wellness Class and will be considered a deviation from the expected participation.
Wellness Seminar Fall 2012 Schedule
Day / Time / Facilitator / LocationMonday / 4:00pm – 5:30pm / Deb Charmella / TH 110
Tuesday / 12:45pm – 2:15pm / Laura Marzano-Kemper / TH 110
Wednesday / 2:30pm – 4:00pm / Katie Tarr / TH 110
Thursday / 2:15pm – 3:45pm / Marci Scheuing / TH 110
Friday / 2:30pm – 4:00pm / Jason Hewitt / TH 110
2012 Wellness Topics and Schedule
DATES / TOPICS / INSTRUCTOR9/10 – 9/16 / Introduction/Academic Resources
Conflict Resolution / Rachel Heiser
Res. Life Staff
9/17 – 9/21 / Stress management and sleep / Reggie Jones
TUE. Sept. 25th / Alcohol and Drugs–EVENING
@ Goodhart / Mike Greeny
10/1 – 10/5 / Fitness Center Orientation / Athletic Dept. Staff
10/8 – 10/12 / Self-Defense and Public Safety / Mike Ramsey
10-/15 – 10/19 / FALL BREAK – NO CLASS / NO CREDIT
10/22 – 10/26 / Women’s Health / Sally Heimann
10/29 – 11/2 / Nutrition / Nicole Patience
MON. Nov. 5th / Body Image–EVENING
@ Thomas Great Hall / Speaker TBA
Revised 8-8/12