Early Childhood Education Department
On My Street
Big Idea: Making Connections
Key Concepts-What children will learnWhat will children learn during this unit?
Social Emotional
*Establish positive relationships with adults and peers
Oral Language
*Develop ability to describe and classify objects
*Engage in emergent reading behaviors to develop story awareness, book language awareness, and print awareness (environmental print)
*Engage in emergent writing behaviors that includes the use of pictures and writing to express thoughts and ideas
*Count to find out how many using real objects, emphasizing one to one correspondence
*Begin to sort by attributes (length, volume, weight and area) / What will children learn during this unit in content?
Content Area: Social studies
Standard: Geography and Economics
Grade Level Expectation:
*Geography-Develop spatial understanding and connections to the world.
Economics-People work to meet wants and needs
Key Outcomes:
*On my street there are special places to work and play
*People on my street have jobs
How will classroom instruction support the integration of this learning?
Whole Group / Small GroupHow will whole group instruction support content, literacy, math and social skills? What books, finger plays, songs, games will lead to this learning?
Oral Language and Literacy
*Community helper songs
*Fast food restaurant matching game
*Stop drop and roll
*Fire trucks and what they do
*Things Community helper use sort
Books and flannel boards
*I went walking
*Go Go Go kids on the move
*The Shape of Things
*City by numbers
*Daily routines (calendar, weather graph)
*Counting poems and finger plays
*Introduction of exploration materials to whole group before placing in learning area / How will small group support content, literacy, math and social skills? What will children experience to provide guided support with these skills?
Oral Language and Literacy/Content
*Community helper songs
*Fast food restaurant matching game
*Stop drop and roll
*Fire trucks and what they do
*Things Community helper use sort
Introduce small group work through sorting activities
*Geometry walk (Kathy Richardson pg 91)
1. Sorting
*Sorting Attribute blocks (pg 124)
*Sorting collections with the Teacher (pg 125)
*Sorting shapes (pg 126)
*Alike and Different (pg 80)
2. Counting
*Acting Out songs and poems (pg 105)
3. Patterns
* Patterns in the Environment (pg 86)
What resources will I use to support this learning?
Be mindful of selecting culturally and linguistically responsive resources
Books / Songs, Poems, Finger plays*Officer Buckle and Gloria
*Guess Who-Miller
*Our Big Book(big book)
*Watch out around town
*Tabby Tiger’s Neighbors(big book)
*Library Day(big book)
* Llama,Llama Mad at Mama
*My Dentist My Friend
*Keeping You Healthy
*This is the way we go to school
*Bear on a Bike
*Keeping You Safe
*Bears At Work
*The Car Washing Street
*Going to the Doctor
*Going to the Dentist
*What will I be?
*Firefighters A to Z
*Lola at the Library
*Taking a Walk/Caminando
*I Read Signs
*The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
*The Little House-Burton
*I Want to be a Police Officer
*I Want to be a Fire fighter
*My Town / *Wheels on the Bus
*Say Hello (get acquainted song)
*Hello neighbor
*Rickety, Tickety (math finger counting game)
* Pizza Hut
Techonology:U tube viedo
What key vocabulary will students need in order to access the content and literacy skills?
Key VocabularyContent
Things on my street / Action Words / Environmental Print / Prepositions / Attribute/Describing words
Police man
Fire man
Mail man
Post office
Grocery story
Tunnel / Stop
Help / Stop sign
School sign
Traffic light
Crossing sign
Train crossing
One way
King Soopers
Kmart / Up
Next to
between / Not
Same/not same/different
Sentence Structures
Beginning / Increasing
Single words for actions (Go,Stop,Wait)
I….action word / I see
Here is…
It is…It is not…
I go to…
I do not go to…
I can (movement)
Literacy Instruction
How will literacy instruction support the development of emergent literacy skills?
5 Key Areas of Literacy Development / How will instruction during this theme support the integration of this learning?Alphabetic principle / *Identification of name/letters in own name/same letters in friend’s name
*shows awareness some words begin with the same letter (begin with first letter in classmates names)
Phonemic Awareness / *Participation in songs, finger plays and poems/chants
*Fills in missing rhyming word in familiar finger plays and songs
*Shows awareness some words begin with the same sound (begin with first letter sound in classmates names)
Comprehension / *Book handling skills (holds book correctly, turns pages front to back, recognizes familiar books by their covers)
*Story Concepts (pretends to read using pictures and some language from the text, may need props or adult support to carry story line)
Vocabulary / *Use vocabulary from content theme
Fluency / *Participation in interactive reading, songs, finger plays and poems/chants
Math Instruction
How will math instruction support the development of mathematical thinking and problem solving?
3 Key Math Components / How will instruction during this theme support the integration of this learning?Number and Operations / *Counting and using one to one correspondence to find out how many
Geometry and Spatial Sense / *Prepositions, labeling/identification/describing shapes
Comparison and Measurement / *Daily schedule (time for…)
*Sorting/comparing (same/different, length, capacity, weight))
Patterning / *Rhythmic patterns, people patterns
Data Analysis / *comparing similarities and differences (house/apartment, want to be police/firefighter)
Key Vocabulary
Number words (1-10) / Shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle)
Not / More/not more
Same / Big/not big
Colors / Little/not little
Sentence Structures
Beginning / Increasing
Name what was sorted (community helper things) / I have…..
Learning Areas
Where will students be provided the opportunity to practice what they have been taught?
Learning Area Objectives / What experiences will be provided? / What objectives could be addressed within learning areas based on activity presented and child’s actions?Art
*Explore materials and how they work / Open ended materials
*Car/truck wheel painting
*Community helper collages
*Painting Easel, watercolor, dobbers
*Play dough / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17, #19
Math: #21, #22
Content: #33
ELA: #37, #38
Dramatic Play
*Use oral language and act out the experiences of their lives
*Work with others to create, collaborate and problem solve / Dramatic play area becomes one of the places in the neighborhood
*Doctor and Nurse dress up
*Medical bag
*Community helper dress up
*Calendar/paper for prescriptions
*Mail box
* Letters
*Junk mail
*dress up clothes (mother, father, baby, purse, wallet, money) / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17, #19
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #29, #30
ELA: #37, #38
*Explore concepts of spatial sense, size relationships and patterns through the use of materials
*Express ideas of spatial sense, size relationships and patterns through the use of materials
*Work with others to create, collaborate and problem solve / *Community helper posters
*play people
*cardboard box to make an ambulance
*unit blocks
*community buildings / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #17, #19
Math: #20, #21, #22, 23
Content: #29, #30, #32
ELA: #37, #38
*Explore and observe materials
*Use oral language to communicate observations and discoveries / *Sort community helper tools / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #17, #19
Math: #22
Content: #24, #26
ELA: #37, #38
*Use emergent reading skills
*Tell stories using pictures
*Use oral language/props/pictures to retell familiar stories, finger plays and songs / Retell familiar stories students have read in the classroom
*Little Mouse flannel board
*Brown Bear, Brown Bear flannel board
*Five Little Friends flannel board
*Match Me-friends picture match game
*Friends in room…(class book following Brown Bear Pattern) / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #15, #16, #17, #18, #19
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #36
ELA: #37, #38
Writing Center
*Use emergent reading and writing skills / *Magnetic letters and name cards
*Shape stencils
*Shape, letter, number stamps
*Crayons, markers, pencils / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #15, #16, #17, #18, #19
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #36
ELA: #37, #38
Toys and Games
*Use manipulative skills, problem solving, language development and academic skill development in literacy, math, social studies and science / Include self correcting and open ended materials:
*String beads
*Shape puzzles
*Color puzzles
*Humpty Dumpty puzzle / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17,
Math: #20, #21, #22, #23
Content: #29
ELA: #37, #38
Math Center
*Use manipulative skills, problem solving, language development and academic skill development in math and science / *Exploration activities (Kathy Rochardson)
-exploring boxes (pg 51)
-exploring small blocks (pg 52)
-exploring collections (56)
*Matching Lids and Boxes (pg 157) / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17,
Math: #20, #21, #22, #23
Content: #29
ELA: #37 and #38
Music and Movement
*Use music to express thoughts, feelings and energy
*Use listening and speaking skills to join in songs, poems, and chants / *Hap Palmer songs (Sammy, Hands Up in the Air, Shake Something, Turn Around)
*Greg and Steve songs (The More We Get Together, Listen and Do)
*If you are Happy and You Know It
*Wheels on the Bus
*Shake Your Sillies Out
*Five Little Monkeys
*Open/Shut Them / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #4, #5, #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #15
Math: #20, #21, #23
Content: #34. #35
ELA: #37, #38
Sand/Water Table
*Engage and explore materials that promote natural and informal learning
*Use oral language to communicate observations and discoveries / *Exploration activities (Kathy Richardson)
-exploring at the weighing station (pg 6)
-exploring at the measuring jars station (pg 59)
Sand/Water toys for filling, pouring:
*different size containers, cups
*plastic tubing / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #24, #26
ELA: #37, #38
*Practice gross motor skills (pulling, climbing, running, kicking, throwing, jumping.
*Work with others to create, collaborate and problem solve / *Trikes, skooters
*Balls of different sizes-add boxes for tossing
*Hola hoops
*Side walk chalk
*Water and paint brushes
*Color bowling pins
*Ring Around the Rosie-different movements for the last line (turn around, stomp, jump, etc,)
*”Put the Flames Out”-red, yellow and orange chalk on playgroup to make flames. Children use squirt bottles to “put out flames” / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #4, #5, #6, #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17. #19
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #29, #32
ELA: #37, #38
*Use oral language to communicate observations and discoveries
*Work with others to create, collaborate and problem solve / *Healthy Trail Mix (pretzels, raisins, cheerios, cheese crackers) / Social Emotional: #1, #2, #3
Motor: #7
Cognitive: #11, #12, #13, #14
Language: #8, #9, #10
Literacy: #16, #17, #18
Math: #20, #21, #22
Content: #29
ELA: #37, #38
Home Connection
How will parents be included as a partner in their child’s learning for this theme
Parent Day outcome / Activity*Parents will learn about ways to support language and literacy development / Read: I Want to be a Fire Fighter
Make Fire fighter Ladder cookies following picture sequence recipe
(graham cracker, frosted, place two pretzels going the length of the cracker, and then break pretzels to create steps on the ladder
SF 9/11