Accountmovementexport to file
Thereisanoption to exportdatain ASCII and XML formats.
- Format: XML
Fieldname / Length / Description
IBAN_S / 22 / IBAN to whichtheaccounthistoryrefers
FROM_ST_DATE / 10 / Initialdate of theaccounthistory'speriodDD/MM/YYYY
TILL_ST_DATE / 10 / Finaldate of theaccounthistory'speriodDD/MM/YYYY
OPEN_BALANCE / 12.2 / Openingbalanceusingthedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaforseparator of thethousands(123,456.05)
POST_DATE / 10 / Postingdate
TIME / 5 / TransactionregistrationtimeinGlobushh:mm
AMOUNT_D / 12.2 / Debittransactionamountwiththedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaas a separator of thethousands
AMOUNT_C / 12.2 / Credittransactionamountwiththedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaas a separator of thethousands
TR_NAME / 30 / Transactionname
NAME_R / 30 / Beneficiaryname
REM_I / 35 / Paymentdetails
REM_II / 35 / Additional info
REFERENCE / 24 / Documentreference
BIC_R / 8 / BIC of theBeneficiary'sbank
IBAN_R / 22 / Beneficiary's IBAN
PAY_R / 6 / * Beneficiary'spaymenttype (onlyforadministrators of State Budgetrevenues)
BULSTAT / 13 / * DebitedParty BULSTAT
EGN / 10 / * DebitedPartyPersonalIdentityNumber
LNC / 10 / * DebitedPartyPersonalIdentityNumber of a Foreigner
OBLIG_NAME / 30 / * DebitedPartyName
TYPEDOCNO / 18 / * DocumentTypeandNumber
DOCDATE / 8 / * DocumentDateYYYYMMDD
FROMDATE / 8 / * PeriodStartYYYYMMDD
TODATE / 8 / * PeriodEndYYYYMMDD
PAY_S / 6 / * OrderingclientPaymentType (onlyforadministrators of State Budgetrevenues)
DATETRANS / 20 / ** Dateandtime of thetransaction
DATEVAL / 10 / ** Valuedate of thetransaction
CLOSE_BALANCE / 12.2 / Closingbalancewith a decimalpointfor a separator - and a commafor a separator of thethousands
* OnlyforPaymentfrom/to theBudgetandchosen "Detailedstatement" option.
** Onlyforchosen "Detailedstatement" option.
Example: XML
- Format: TXT
EachtransactionbeginsinnewlineandendswithEnter (CR LF)
Defaultdelimiteris ‘|’. Ifyouwant, youcanchangeit.
- Header:
Postdate|Time|Debits|Credits|Description|Counterparty|Intermed.balance|Paymentreason|Additionalexplanation|Reference|More|TransactionDate|Valuedate - Details:
Fieldname / Length / Description
Date / 10 / Initialdate of theaccounthistory'speriodDD/MM/YYYY
Time / 5 / TransactionregistrationtimeinGlobushh:mm
Debits / 12.2 / Debittransactionamountwiththedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaas a separator of thethousands
Credits / 12.2 / Credittransactionamountwiththedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaas a separator of thethousands
Description / 30 / Transactionname
Counterparty / 32 / Beneficiaryname
Intermed.balance / 12.2 / Intermediatebalance
Paymentreason / 35 / Paymentreason
Additionalexplanation / 35 / Additional info
Reference / 24 / Documentreference
More / 8 / BIC of theBeneficiary'sbank
More / 22 / Beneficiary's IBAN
More* / 6 / Beneficiary'spaymenttype (onlyforadministrators of State Budgetrevenues)
More* / 13 / DebitedParty BULSTAT
More* / 10 / DebitedPartyPersonalIdentityNumber
More* / 10 / DebitedPartyPersonalIdentityNumber of a Foreigner
More* / 30 / DebitedPartyName
More* / 18 / DocumentTypeandNumber
More* / 8 / DocumentDateYYYYMMDD
More* / 8 / PeriodStartYYYYMMDD
More* / 8 / PeriodEndYYYYMMDD
More* / 6 / OrderingclientPaymentType (onlyforadministrators of State Budgetrevenues)
TransactionDate** / 20 / Dateandtime of thetransaction
Valuedate** / 10 / Valuedate of thetransaction
* OnlyforPaymentfrom/to theBudgetandchosen "Detailedstatement" option.
** Onlyforchosen "Detailedstatement" option.
- Endline:
Fieldname / Length / Description
Total: / - / Total
IBAN / 22 / IBAN to whichtheaccounthistoryrefers
Fromdate / 10 / Initialdate of theaccounthistory'speriodDD/MM/YYYY
To date / 10 / Finaldate of theaccounthistory'speriodDD/MM/YYYY
Openbalance / 12.2 / Openingbalanceusingthedecimalpointas a separatorandthecommaforseparator of thethousands(123,456.05)
Closebalance / 12.2 / Closingbalancewith a decimalpointfor a separator - and a commafor a separator of thethousands(123,456.05)
Counttransaction’s / - / Counttransaction’s
SumDebit’stransaction / 12.2 / CountDebit’stransaction
SumCredit’stransaction / 12.2 / SumCredit’stransaction