Lincoln Breast Cancer Alliance - Thursday, April 6, 2017 – 2 to 4 pm


In attendance: Mikayla From via phone, Lori Vidlak, Danna Bacon, Joey Labadie, Samia Gamie, Larry Williams, Christine Bleich, Angie Hun

Minutes were approved from last meeting.

III. Decoding Annie Parker film – Geri sent an email that she has been trying to get ahold of Steve about our plan to show the movie. As of the meeting she has not heard back from him in regards to our plan. UPDATE: Since our meeting, Geri received an email stating there is a small screening fee to show this film of $300. Lori is going to check into a few things andreport at our next meeting.

IV. Prevention Cancer Foundation Grant application update – Larry gave the update- CHE Grant expansion of the breast cancer project – Working with Lori on Prevention Cancer Grant. Lori completed letter of intent and it has been accepted and we plan to move forward and apply for the grant. The evidence-based screening –breast/cervical cancer focus up to $25,000/one year. Those who don’t qualify for EWM – this grant would help pay for mammograms.

V. Update –Worksite Education Options – Lori hasn’t heard back from them on previous locations where the van has been successful at. More information hopefully at the next meeting.

VI. Advocate Updates– Starting July 1 moving forward we will be collecting and offering cervical cancer information in addition to breast cancer. All materials will be updated as well.

Angie had trainings scheduled and Lori has asked for her to put those on hold until July 2017 with the new materials.

All paperwork will go through Samia, she will then enter into the encounter registry and will destroy paperwork to ensure confidentiality.

Advocates will reach out to 10 women, they offer the encounter forms – postcards when set up doctor appointment. Advocates will encourage the attendees to attend appointment. Samia will enter into encounter registry.

Janet and Claudia will work more closely with their referrals. The plan is to do a refresher meeting for those advocates previously trained to receive the cervical training information. Angie will send out email about new training materials being available. Samia suggested choosing date ASAP because the basement location for LLCHD reserves quickly.

Advocates – Spanish training, materials, and information will soon be available.

People’s Health Center – they are missing from our table…need to get a contact with them. Larry will find out who would be a main point contact. Could Janet possibly be housed at PHC? This is a possible location to enroll people into the registry?

VII. Prostheses Update –

Prostheses have been found~ temporarily they are in a storage warehouse. Tina Brubaker went through some and there is still probably 3/4ths of them at CFPIN - Lori will get more totes to store them in, she was granted permission to purchase more totes for storage by the group. The HOME for them is to be determined. More to come.

VII. Jewelry Update – 50 snap keychains and 50 bracelets will be purchased. Lori needs contact information for the keychains for Lori. Danna will get Lori this information.

VIII. Google calendar –

Add details how to navigate



Minority Health Conference – April 19th at Cornhusker Marriot Hotel

4/28 – El Centro – training

4/29 - Take time for Health - $25 11-2 pm at the Malone Center

5/3 - Cancer Summit - Lincoln

Save the Date: August 5th = 11:30 am to 1 pm Lincoln Country Club – Lincoln Komen Luncheon for Breast Cancer Survivors

Adjourned at 3:30 pm