The Pocahontas County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Conference Room with the following members present:

Emery G. Grimes, President
Cheryl M. Beverage )
Jessica Hefner ) Members
Suzanne Stewart )
Steven C. Tritapoe )


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Tritapoe, seconded by Mrs. Hefner, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the regular Board of Education meeting held on August 25, 2014 at the Board of Education Conference Room.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the agenda.


Superintendent Bechtel informed the Board that, under Mrs. Jean Srodes’ direction, twelve students completed the credit recovery courses offered during the summer months, and a thirteenth student is currently completing an additional class. Dr. Bechtel stated that, as the credit recovery program is reworked each summer, he expects it become a very effective tool.


Mrs. Christina M. Smith, Coordinator of Teaching and Learning, approached the Board to introduce herself and explain what her role in the school system is and how she plans to accomplish it.

She stated that her primary role is to support classroom teachers, in kindergarten thru eighth grade, and help them accomplish their personal goals.

Mrs. Smith stated that she is able to work in an array of classroom environments throughout the county, and therefore is able to observe teaching techniques that could be successfully implemented by other teachers countywide. Mrs. Smith explained that she does not judge or critique teachers, she simply observes and picks out the positive aspects of the lesson – then shares successful techniques with other educators.

She told the Board that she is working with several new teachers, at their request, to help them with classroom management, assisting with reflections, providing feedback after observation, and reviewing lesson plans to ensure they are appropriate for the given age and content area.

Mrs. Smith said that she is leading a ‘reading cadre’ in establishing goals for the 2014-2015 school year and is assisting with implementing these goals. She noted that the first grade teachers at Marlinton Elementary School are piloting the “Reading Street” program this year.

Mrs. Smith told the Board that, looking ahead, she expects to:

·  Continue to analyze data – including WESTEST 2, and to inform instructional practices;

·  Assist in preparing staff for administer West Virginia summative assessments; and

·  Select new reading series.

Mrs. Lisa Dennison, Food Service Coordinator, and Mr. Carl Kelk, AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer with the Farm2School program, addressed the Board with an update on the progress of the Farm2School program over the past few years.

Mrs. Dennison began by explaining that the Farm2School program began with eight counties in the state and has since expanded to over thirty counties. She stated that each county Board of Education contributes $3,200 toward the cost of an AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer, and then receives a grant in the amount of $4,000 to grow the program. She said that she felt like she should explain what the program does and where the money goes before the Board is asked to fund it again.

Mrs. Dennison and Mr. Kelk presented a variety of photos to the Board depicting the past and present efforts of the Farm2School facilitators.

Mr. Kelk stated that most everyone is familiar with the idea that the Farm2School program buys produce from local farmers and then serves it to the students during lunch. He said that there are many hands-on activities

Mr. Kelk explained that there are many projects in the works. Currently he is working on rebuilding the greenhouse at Pocahontas Count High School and updating a small greenhouse on the Green Bank Elementary-Middle School campus. Mrs. Dennison said that she foreseen many classroom activities conducted in partnership with the Farm2School program – such as science classes planting seeds and studying growth, examining parts of the plants, or studying plant development.

Mr. Kelk stated that, in the past, the Farm2School gardens for the Hillsboro Elementary School students have been located at the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace; the location was not ideal because the students were required to make a long trek along a busy road to get to the gardens. Mr. Kelk said that he is now working on a new garden location outside of the former cafeteria. He has been in contact with Mr. R.W. Burns, who owns the neighboring property, regarding reconstruction/improvement of a boundary line fence. According to Mr. Kelk, Mr. Burns has been most accommodating.

Finally, Mr. Kelk told the Board that the small gardens outside of the classrooms at Marlinton Elementary School, while appreciated, were not adequate. He has plans for a much larger garden behind the school. He stated that eighteen community business and ten volunteers have come forward to help with the Farm2School program. He said that the amount of community support was impressive.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Tritapoe, seconded by Mrs. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $19,691.66.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mrs. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $.12,785.28.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Tritapoe, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $37,587.02.

Mrs. Sherry L. Radcliff, Treasurer, noted that Mr. Ronald G. Hall, Director of Maintenance, placed the needed repairs to the roof at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School out on bid. Mr. Hall received a bid from McNeil Roofing in the amount of $5,975.00.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Tritapoe, seconded by Mrs. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved Janet E. McNeel as volunteer for Pocahontas County Schools, retroactive to the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mrs. Hefner, seconded by Mr. Tritapoe, the Board unanimously approved for the Pocahontas County Archery Team to use the ARC building as their practice facility (pending approval by the Pocahontas County Commission).


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Mrs. Hefner, the Board unanimously approved the following as volunteer coach for the Pocahontas County Archery Team, effective for the 2014-2015 season:

Heather D. Simmons
Robert Simmons
David Smith
Jody Spencer
Rebecca Spencer


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Tritapoe, seconded by Mrs. Hefner, the Board unanimously approved to place Policy DK – West Virginia State Auditor’s Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures Adopted by Pocahontas County Board of Education on 30-day comment.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Tritapoe, the Board unanimously approved the following professional and service personnel.

Green Bank Elementary – Middle School:
EMPLOYMENT: / SARAH A. COVER, as to Classroom Aide/Bus Aide at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, at state basic pay, retroactive to August 27, 2014 for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, term of employment: 189 days (NOTE: Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter.) SHIFT: 7:40 AM – 3:40 PM
Pocahontas County Schools:
EMPLOYMENT: / FELICIA L. SMITH, as Itinerant Special Education Classroom Aide/Bus Aide for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment: Marlinton Elementary School), at state basic pay, retroactive to August 27, 2014 for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, term of employment: 189 days (NOTE: Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter.) SHIFT: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM.
EMPLOYMENT: / MARGARET WORTH, as Substitute Teacher for Pocahontas County Schools, effective September 10, 2014, for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, as needed, at state basic pay.
CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION: / Of the following from Early Education Classroom Aide to Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher/Early Education Classroom Aide, retroactive to the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year:
Sarah A. Cover (Green Bank Elementary-Middle School)
Ella M. Taylor (Green Bank Elementary-Middle School)
Tina M. Sharp (Hillsboro Elementary School)
TaBeatha McCoy (Marlinton Elementary School)
Heather D. Simmons (Marlinton Elementary School)
CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION: / Of the following from Classroom Aide/Bus Aide/Preschool Special Needs/Preschool to Classroom Aide/Bus Aide/Preschool Special Needs/Preschool/Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher, retroactive to the beginning of the 2014-2015
Michelle L. Arbogast (Green Bank Elementary-Middle School)
Renee D. Hill (Green Bank Elementary-Middle School)
Carrie L. Hickman (Hillsboro Elementary School)
Susan Carr (Marlinton Elementary School)


Superintendent Bechtel informed the Board that he, Mr. Beam, and all principals attended a meeting at RESA IV in Summersville on Wednesday, September 3rd. At the meeting, he learned that when schools are rated, they will now be given a letter grade, A thru F. This is all part of revised Policy 2320. These changes are expected to take effect for the 2015-2016 school year.

Dr. Bechtel explained that the Office of Educational Performance Audits (OEPA) will no longer be “top-down” enforcement, instead, there will be internal controls in place. Dr. Bechtel stated that Mr. Robert Miller, Mr. Joseph Riley, and Mr. Joseph Arbogast have all been asked to be trained to perform OEPA audits.


Mr. Tritapoe said that he attended the Green Bank Elementary – Middle School open house. It was very nice, very informational.

Mrs. Beverage said that she attended the Marlinton Elementary School open house. Mrs. Beverage stated that it is her understanding that each kindergarten class at Marlinton Elementary School now has 23 students. Mrs. Beverage said that the large class size is concerning.

Mrs. Hefner said that she attended the Hillsboro Elementary School open house, met Mr. Arbogast and spent time with the teachers.

Mrs. Hefner stated that she recently visited the Linwood Preschool where she observed the children and the teacher. She noted that it was very impressive. She asked if there was anything Pocahontas County Schools could do to help them out. Dr. Bechtel stated that he would check with Mr. Beam and Mrs. Bland.

Ms. Stewart asked if the Teacher of Science/Biology position at Pocahontas County High School would be filled soon.

Dr. Bechtel explained that Mr. Beam has received resumes and letters of interest from applicants with very impressive credentials in science and/or biology, however, none have certification through the West Virginia Department of Education, Office of Professional Preparation. He said that currently he is looking in to the possibility of alternative certification options.

Mr. Grimes informed the Board that he and Mr. Tritapoe recently visited Pocahontas County High School and met with Mr. Adkins. He said that he was very impressed with the environment, it was outstanding and at this point in the school year, there are no major problems or concerns.


The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, September 22, 2014 beginning at 5:00 PM with a work session with Dr. Howard O’Cull and then at 7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board will meet in regular session at the Board of Education Conference Room.


On motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Tritapoe, the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.

President Secretary