North Norfolk Harriers Limited

Hunt Subscriptions for 2017/18


Single Adult£535

Intermediate (18-25 years)£200

Junior 17 and under £75

Supporter/Unmounted Family £185

Supporter/Unmounted Single £105

All above subscriptions include membership of the North Norfolk Harriers Ltd.and membership of the hunt supporters club.

Everyone should be a member of the Countryside Alliance for insurance and hunting purposes and must have third party indemnity insurance.

Field money for subscribers

Field money £20

Intermediate £10

Junior £10

Unmounted £10

Book of 10 Tickets available all season£180

Membership of NNH hunt supporters club (includes a days hunting to be taken before 1st Dec) £25

Visitor Caps

Single Day£60 £40 before 1stOct

Intermediate Visitor17-25 £40 £30 before1st Oct

Junior Visitor17 and under £30 £20before 1stOct

Leading rein with leader on Foot£10

Leading rein and leader mounted £40

Unmounted £20

Book of 5 Day Tickets£275

At Pony Club meets NNPC members £10

All visitors should inform the Hunt Secretary before the day’s hunting.

Subscriptions are due by the AGM

For last year’s subscribers only: subscriptions paid before the AGM can be paid at last year’s rate.

Best wishes for another successful season

Amanda Brownlow

(Hon Sec)

Mrs Amanda Brownlow, Glandford Mill, Holt, NR25 7JR Tel 01263 740446


North Norfolk Harriers Limited subscription/membership renewal form 2017/18

Please make cheques payable to North Norfolk Harriers Ltd and send to:

Mrs Amanda Brownlow, Glandford Mill, Holt, Norfolk NR25 7JR

Payment can also be made via BACS to the following account: Sort Code: 20-03-26 Account: 30400009 Payee Reference: Your full name

(If paying by BACS the form below must still be sent to the Secretary at the above address)



Post Code






I am a member of the Countryside Alliance



And/or I have third party indemnity insurance



Type of Membership / Cost / Quantity / Total
Family (incl membership of NNH Ltd) / £835 / £
Single Adult (incl membership of NNH Ltd) / £535 / £
Intermediate (18-25) (incl membership of NNH Ltd) / £200 / £
Junior (17years and under) / £75 / £
Book of 10 Field money tickets / £180 / £
Book of 5 Adult visitor tickets / £275 / £
Supporter/unmounted Family (incl membership of NNH Ltd)* / £185 / £
Supporter/unmounted Single (incl membership of NNH Ltd)* / £105 / £
Single Membership of NNH Supporters Club* / £25 / £
Cheque attached or payment by BACS / Total / £
  • includes 1 days free hunting to be taken before 1st December