February 2, 2018

Sewer Line Replacement in Three Oaks Community

Hello neighbors,Please read the notice below about sewer line work.

This should answer your questions about the work being done and how it might affect you and your neighbors in terms of parking, daily egress and deliveries, trash collection, etc.

  • Midas Utilities (for WSSC) is replacing our sewer line from a 6" pipe to an 8" pipe. They'll be working along our first block (9201-9215), but not past that.
  • They will be working 7 AM to 5 PM from February 5-9.

There will be no parking next weekONLY on the east side of the first block from 7 AM to 5 PM.

The No Parking ONLY affects the people who live in the ODD number homes

on the first block from 9201-9215.

There will be No Parking signs placed in that area.

  • Please try to leave extra visitor spaces for the residents of that block, as they will need to find parking each day, and will want to use any extra spaces you can leave for them.
  • Regular egress, deliveries, trash collection should have no problem getting in and out during the week. Please be careful and allow an extra few minutes for crew member safety, truck moving in and out, and “SLOW” directional signs.


  • When they are done, Midas will patch the asphalt.
  • Then WSSC will come back through in about a month or soand re-pave the block.

Contact person

  • To address an immediate problem, talk to the crew on-site.Midas says their sitecrew members speak English and are happy toanswer questions.
  • For immediate problems,call theMidas contact person: RIckyMoreira -- mobile phone:301-325-7384.
  • To contact a Board member, please use the “Contact Us” button on our website home page

Other information

  • Stella in 9215 has a daily caregiver. Molly in 9213 has a baby.Pease try to leave the spaces next to Alice's house (9214) empty for their use.
  • If Midasleaves a hole overnight, they'll cover it with metal plate so everyone can park againafter 5:00.
  • They are probably starting down by 9201, probably moving up the block during the week.
  • Carscan go in and out of 3OAas usual, so deliveries will not be a problem.If a car is blocking their trucks, they will knock on your door.
  • Everyone canwalk in and out along the sidewalk. (Theywill be accessing the manhole in the sidewalk near 9214 and9215.)

Water shut offs (would only affect the homes on the first block near our entrance)

They are not likely to have to shut off any water on our blocks.

  • Ifthey have to open a valve that leads to your house,they will knock on your door and ask you not to use any water for a few minutes during that one task. (They don't want the water pouring out of your house's pipe when a valve is open.)
  • So if you are home, please answer your door next week. There is no reason to do anything differentlyunlessthey knock on your door.
  • If you are not home, you do not need to do anything.