Orendorf Elementary School PTO
Meeting Date: 5/7/12 Meeting Location: School Library
Meeting Called to Order By: Chrissy Zimmerman Time: 6:02 PM
Attendance: Darla Miller, Joyce Owusu, Natali Monaghan, Jen Shirk, Jessica Eberly, Holly Kominsky, Aimee Peeling, Melissa Poteet, Chrissy Zimmerman, Angie Krepps, Stefanie Eckhart, Heidi Snyder, Anna Hueter, Angie Krepps, Kathy Rizzuto, Kim Wertz, Amanda Kmett, Jennifer Warner and husband.
Minutes: Minutes of 4/2/12 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve the 4/2/12 minutes, Melissa, second by Natalie, Minutes approved.
Principal’s Report –Dr. Monos, not present
--Thanks to the PTO for a successful Mayfair. Coordination of event and setup were great!
Officers’ Reports
President’s Report- Chrissy
--Upcoming Events 5/8 Market Day Pick Up, and AR…T Night, 5/10 Grandparents Day, 5/11 Snow Make Up Day, 5/16 Early Dismissal and “Fun”damentals of Kindergarten at Mount Wolf, 5/24 Pastries with a Parent, 5/25 and 5/28 NO SCHOOL for Memorial Day Holiday, 5/30 Main Event
--Chrissy has heard many compliments to the PTO for the teacher appreciation gifts
--Scholarships have been selected and reviewed and guidance counselors need to be informed yet.
VP Report- Dawn--No Report
Treasurer Report- Jessica
Bake sale 248.00
Basket Raffle 783.00
Cafeteria 1359.00
Candy Stand 15.80
Donations 297.00
Silent Auction 555.00
Presale Wristbands 1,968.00
Wristbands and Tickets 4430.00
NET INCOME: 7,394.56
Teacher Rep Report- Anna Hueter
--Mrs. O’Keefe would like to make sure that the Scholastic News is all set. (We are actually waiting for after our BOGO book fair to see what our scholastic dollars are).
--Mrs. Schedin sends a big thank you for the Mayfair, Mrs. Gross says “Awesome Job!” Mrs. Small was impressed by the Mayfair organization.
--Mrs. Myers needs volunteers for the AR Event
--Mrs. Irwin was wondering if they could get some money for the 3rd graders Beach day. Heidi mentioned that Shallow Brook may have some decorations we could use. Motion to give the 3rd graders $100 for beach day, Holly, second by Melissa, Motion Approved.
Committee Reports
A/R – Dawn –
--Just need volunteers
We have hit our Box Top goal and almost the Campbell labels goal. We will have our snow cone party on June 5th during the teachers vs. 3 grade kickball party. We will be using 3 Monkey’s. Amanda is working on a volunteer list.
--It starts tomorrow! A reminder went home with the wrong date so going to ask Dr. Monos if we can do an email blast with the correct date.
--All the cookbooks have been distributed. We only sold 1 cookbook at Mayfair.
--This was Holly’s last PTO meeting…she will be missed. Thanks for all the time and hard work throughout the years.
Other fundraisers –Jen
--The PTO has decided to use Snowball Express for our students to do some holiday shopping for their family and friends. We will do this in December combined with our Parent’s Day Out event. This is not considered a fundraiser, just a fun event for the students. Motion to approve the holiday shop, Stefanie, second by Natalie, motion approved.
--Other possible fundraisers for next school year, besides Kid Stuff Books, will be Market Day pie contest, Revolutions baseball game, Harlem Wizards and paw print stencils.
--Pastries with a Parent on 5/24. We will also be providing apple and orange juice this year.
--April profit was $264.91. Pick up is tomorrow from 6-7pm. Promotional bags are being delivered this month.
--Aimee actually had a pie throwing suggestion sheet for who the students could throw a pie at if we meet our goal. Names on list were: Mrs. Hyatt, Dr. Monos and PTO President.
--Thank you for all the support and work. We need about 75 volunteers to make this event successful. Thanks to Mrs. Hueter for helping with teacher volunteers. Kathy will be sending out thank you cards to all organizations that contributed.
--They are in and will be going home on June 1. You can still buy one if you did not order. Anna suggested that we have Mrs. Myers mention this on morning announcements.
Chrissy looked into the playground stencils for the map and other games. The prices are as follow:
$132 for arch hopscotch, $210 for dino hopscotch, $120 for 16’ x 27’ map with colors and $24 for a 24” bobcat paw. Motion to approve purchases including (6) paws, Natalie, second by Melissa, Motioned approved. We would plan on doing this for the summer event “pops on the playground”.
Next Meeting: June 4 @ 6:00 in Library
Meeting Adjourned At: 8:03
Minutes Compiled By: Jen Shirk, Recording Secretary