Quarterly Board Meeting
John and Sherry Welsh’ home
4/09/11 – 8:00 AM
Attendance: Steve Webster – President; Sue Powell – 1st Vice-President; Julie Langham – 2nd Vice-President; Victor W. Love – Treasurer; John Welsh – Secretary; Roger Werchan – Building Committee; Debbie Webster, Sherry Welsh, Doug Locklair, Dennis Aldrich
1. Call the meeting to order and welcome all in attendance: Steve Webster, President, called the meeting to order at8:10 AM and asked everyone present to introduce themselves.
2. Minutes from Quarterly Meeting 1/29/11: Victor W. Love discussed the process of using email as an efficient way to approve or amend the minutes quickly, and reported that the minutes had previously been approved via email.
3. 2nd Vice-President: Julie Langham asked to resign from the board as 2nd Vice-President. Steve moved to accept the resignation, Sue Powell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Steve moved to have the board appoint Dennis Aldrich to be the interim 2nd Vice-President. John Welsh seconded the motion and it carried. The board thanked Julie for her service over the past six and a half months.
4. Treasurer’s Report – Victor W. Love:
a. Current Financial Report: Victor described the receipts and disbursements since the last board meeting, and provided a report (see attached). Victor advised to change the word, “transaction” to “documentation”. There were no questions, Steve moved to accept the report as corrected, Dennis seconded the motion and it carried.
b. Assessment Fees: Victor reported 84 of 90 lots have paid 2011 Assessment fees. He said he had written letters to the three owners having not yet paid, according to procedure, and mailed the last letter on 4/01/11 indicating a late fee of $10 assessed for each lot. Victor said he spoke to the owner of lots 4, 5, 6 & 7 (David Black), who said he would put a check in the mail for $240. He said he called and left a message for the owners of lot 72 (Wiemken) and had no phone number for the owners of lot 71 (Wagner). The board discussed the process of collecting fees, and Victor said on 4/30/11, another letter will be mailed. The board discussed taking the neighborly approach, John said he would speak to the Wiemken family and Steve said he would speak to the Wagner family.
c. Transfer and Documentation Fees: Victor provided a list Fee Schedule for Wood Creek One, (see attached) and Julie reported she had not yet sent this information to the companies on her marketing list. Julie said she would do so.
d. 2010 Taxes: Victor reported our taxes are due March 16th each year, and this year they were filed on March 15, 2011. He said this is the first time in several years we have filed on time
e. Re-signature of the Check Signature Card to correct the bank’s mistake. Victor reported Wood Forest Bank having made some changes in their check signature card, therefore requiring all boards and other multi-signature types of accounts to update the cards. He reported Julie brought the card to sign, but since the change in board membership occurred, a new card would have to be created and all board members would have to sign the card.
5. Open Top Trash Container –Sue said she would make sure Charlie Powell scheduled the container to be delivered 6/03/11, and would obtain a check from John so Charlie could deliver the check to the container company.
6. Building Committee Report – Roger/Victor: Victor passed out a list of improvement approval requests and explained he continued a list developed by David Scott, former Building Committee Chair (see attached). The board discussed several projects: Driscoll/Lot 29 – Roger Werchan reported the foundation forms appears to have been placed back as initially approved. Victor reported Robert Walsh with Kurk Homes is now the foreman on the project, and once he provides the survey, the board should be able to approve continuation of the foundation process. Polk/Lot 55 – The board discussed there did not appear to be much progress on this house. Fritz/Lot 21 – Victor reported having reviewed the home this morning and reported that what appeared to be rotted wood in pictures recently sent by Fritz, was more stained and contained bark, although there were a few soft spots noted. He reported Richard Fritz having told him this morning of his intention to connect the garage with a breezeway, and therefore the garage would not be behind the rear elevation as required by deed restrictions.
WOOD CREEK ONE OWNERS ASSOCIATION Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes, - 4/09/11 page 2 of 3
ATTENDANCE: Steve Webster – President; Sue Powell – 1st Vice-President; Julie Langham – 2nd Vice-President; Victor W. Love – Treasurer; John Welsh – Secretary; Roger Werchan – Building Committee; Debbie Webster, Sherry Welsh, Doug Locklair, Dennis Aldrich
6. Building Committee Report continued…
The board discussed needing to define the term “attached” so we can approve or disapprove Richard Fritz’ plans for placement of his garage. Victor discussed the mailbox design proposed by Richard in a recent request for improvement approval. Victor reported having researched the mailbox placement dimensions required by the US Postal Service, and by the local USPS carrier for Wood Creek. He reported the dimensions on the USPS website indicated the bottom of the mailbox needs to be between 38 and 45 inches above the pavement and no more than a foot back from the road. He reported the carrier’s request for around 42 inches high and between 9 and 12 inches from the road. Victor moved to accept Richard Fritz’ mailbox improvement request, Sue seconded the motion and it carried. Steve discussed Richard Fritz recently reporting the appearance of someone entering his property and having sent a picture of 4 wheeler tracts on their property. Roger brought up Richard having beware of dog signs on his property and said the board asked another owner to take similar signs down in the past. The board discussed a beware of dog sign being considered a wise warning for both the property owner and anyone passing by the property, and using the law and/or insurance rules/ to enhance deed restrictions. The board discussed Don Booker having plans of installing a horse arena on his lot 62 and that he needed to forward plans to the board before proceeding. Victor asked Doug Locklair if he would consider being on the building committee, Doug agreed, John moved to accept Doug as building committee member, Victor seconded and the board appointed Doug as a new member of the Building Committee. The board did not take the time to discuss the related questions about surveys, plats, dimensions; the protocol for documenting approval of plans; using a journal to record events; or the process for organizing and storing records.
7. Communication with title companies, mortgage companies and others (Certitax): Victor explained that the board gets requests from time to time about the current status of a lot with regard to assessment fees, outstanding fees owed the association and/or requests for various documentation (subordination letters, etc.), especially when a property is under contract for sale. He provided copies of various paperwork completed for these companies so other board members would be aware of how to handle the requests in the future.
8. Verification of decisions made via email since last meeting:
a. Lot 21 – Fritz: He submitted plans for the placement of his garage (not yet approved), perimeter fencing (approved) and a mailbox (approved during this meeting). (See discussion above in Building Committee Report.)
b. Lot 29 – Driscoll: The board requested Kurk Homes and the Driscolls move their foundation back to become congruent with the variance (96.2’) voted on previously. They appear to have complied, but we are waiting for the latest survey and request to review prior to pouring concrete. (See discussion above.)
c. Steve Webster requested approval of a garden fence. This was approved by Roger and Charlie via email.
d. Charlie Powell requested approval of concrete driveways and a metal building. This was approved by Victor, Steve & Roger, via email.
e. Minor approvals: The following were approved via email: Letter to David Scott thanking him for his service (see copy attached); Updated Assessment Fee Letters; and Fee Schedule to be posted on the website.
9. Newsletter: The board discussed publishing the next newsletter in August and deciding what to include via email. Roger suggested selling ads in Newsletter like we have done in the past, for $25 each. He suggested a local hair salon is interested, and also likely interested are a local propane company and a local convenience/meat market/bar (Georges). Roger asked if property owners could place items for sale in the newsletter and the board agreed they could and some owners have done so.
10. Spring Event: Steve discussed the board having a neighborhood event to help neighbors get to know one another better. Sherry Welsh talked about a block party and Roger discussed a successful barbecue that occurred several years ago. He discussed catering it at around $6-7 per person. Steve discussed spending the association money wisely. We discussed ideas of having a drawing for prizes, e.g. gift certificates from Home Depot, Lowes, Starbucks; the board discussed having the main barbecue meats catered and neighbors bringing the side dishes; and we discussed having several activities, e.g., treasure hunt and three-legged sack races. Debbie Webster suggested people have to draw the name of their partner for the three-legged race. Steve talked about a walk around the neighborhood. The board discussed sending a post-card to announce the event, asking folks to bring a side dish or desert and requiring an RSVP so we could have accurate information for the caterer.
WOOD CREEK ONE OWNERS ASSOCIATION Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes, - 4/09/11 page 3 of 3
ATTENDANCE: Steve Webster – President; Sue Powell – 1st Vice-President; Julie Langham – 2nd Vice-President; Victor W. Love – Treasurer; John Welsh – Secretary; Roger Werchan – Building Committee; Debbie Webster, Sherry Welsh, Doug Locklair, Dennis Aldrich
10. Spring Event continued…
The board agreed to set the date for June 11, 2011, agreed to spend around $5-6 per person, starting the event around 3:00 PM, and serving food around 5:00 PM. Steve moved to proceed as we discussed, Victor seconded the motion, all voted in favor of the Spring Event as discussed and the motion carried.
11. Website – Updates; Type of Content; tab name for Community News; email addresses/passwords: The board agreed to research the website and send suggested changes to Charlie Powell to make the changes.
12. Mowing: Victor reported Ken Robinson is offering to mow for $500 per mowing, which does not include any weed trimming. Steve said he checked with the county’s contractor, and reported his bid was very high. Steve moved to have Ken mow at $500 without any spraying or weed trimming. John seconded the motion and it carried. Victor discussed Roger having offered to use his time and equipment to keep weeds sprayed around poles and culverts, if the board would pay for the chemicals. Victor moved to have Roger spray as we discussed, Steve seconded the motion and the motion carried.
13. 2012 Board Members: John, Steve and Victor said they would run for board member next year.
14. Additional Agenda Items: Steve brought up a complaint by one homeowner regarding the variance provided to the Driscoll family regarding placement of their home outside the 150’ setback. He said he invited the complainer to the next board meeting to voice their concerns, but as we could see, they chose not to come to the meeting. Victor said Steve handled the recent complaint in a gracious, professional manner. He suggested there was nothing to stop people from complaining, but said the board could continue to be polite and gracious. Victor suggested any complaints should be shared among the board members so everyone has been notified of the issue. He said we should then decide, as a board, if we need to take action. John said the complainer should be told that the board member hearing the complaint will be informing the rest of the board to ensure a board member isn’t used as a pawn for the complainer. Roger discussed his experience as a board member in another association and said Steve handled the recent complaint well. Dennis Aldrich discussed his wish that he had attended a meeting prior to today. Victor discussed the briefcase used by the treasurer having split at the bottom and suggested we purchase another type of container to manage ongoing treasurer business. John discussed his preference to have a file case vs. a briefcase. Steve moved to purchase a file case for the treasurer’s use, Victor seconded it and the motion carried. Victor discussed wanting to start an “asset list,” to document items the board has purchased, the location of the asset, and when disposed of, the circumstances surrounding the disposal. He said he would start a list and send it via email for others to add additional information. Steve discussed wanting to create a calendar of events so that all board members would know what is necessary to be completed throughout the year. The board discussed purchasing and planting more plants for the area around the entrance signs and agreed to purchase items that require as little maintenance as possible.
15. Determine Next Meeting Date, Place & Adjourn the Meeting: The board discussed having our next meeting on July 16, 2011, 8:00 AM, and Sue volunteered to have the meeting at her and Charlie’s home. Steve moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:14, Victor seconded the motion and it carried. The board then proceeded to meet at the front entrance to begin the work day that had been planned for after the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report for Quarterly Board Meeting
April 9, 2011
The financial transactions for the period between January 30, 2011 and April 9, 2011 are included in this report. The beginning balance was taken from the WOODFOREST National Bank statements beginning 2/01/11 and from the check register.
Beginning Balance, as of 2/01/11:$8,496.15
2011 Annual Assessment Fees: (26 lots paid for total of $1,300)$1,300.00
(84/90 lots paid for total of $4,200/$4,500)
2011 Late Fees:(there will be $60.00 assessed, not yet received) $0.00
Documentation Fee from Title Company $25.00
$150.00 for Deposit Chargeback $150.00
Total Receipts:$1,475.00
Deposit Chargeback $150.00
Waste Container: $0.00
Office Supplies: $0.00
Envelopes: $0.00
Labels: $0.00
Paper: $0.00
Print Cartridge(s): $0.00
Postcards: $0.00
Tote: $27.04
Hanging Folders: $7.57
Copies: $4.98
Postage: $0.00
Post Office Box Fees (2010 and 2011): $0.00
Stamps: $44.00
Mowing: $0.00
Insurance (Fred Schurr Insurance Agency): $855.00
2011 Tax Return (Dava Willis, C.P.A.) $150.00
Welcome Baskets: $0.00
New Home Owner
Attorney Fees: $0.00
Miscellaneous: $0.00
Various expenses $0.00
Total Disbursements:$1,238.59
Ending Balance:$8,732.56
Submitted by Victor W. Love, Treasurer 2010-2011