Medical Informatics
Text Book List
Academic Year 2011 - 2012
Textbook list is subject to change.
If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Schwabe at or phone
BMI 510/610
/ Introduction to Medical InformaticsHersh
Edward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino, (Eds.), Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine (3rd edition), Springer-Verlag, 2006. Please note that the third edition of this textbook is required. ISBN: 0387289860
BMI 511/611 / Text Mining
BMI 512/612 / Clinical Systems
Greg Fraser
Required Textbook:
Carter, Jerome H. (ed.) Electronic Health Records, 2nd Edition. 2008, American College of Physicians.
BMI 514/614 / Information Retrieval & Digital Libraries
Hersh, William R. Information Retrieval: A Health Care Perspective (Computers and Medicine) 3rd Ed.
BMI 515/615
516/616 / Ethical and Legal Issues in Medical Informatics
Weekly Assigned Readings
Standards and Interoperability
TEXTBOOK: Tim Benson, Principles of Health Interoperability: HL7 and SNOMED, Springer 2009 978-1-84882-802-5.
Additional reading material will be available on the Sakai course site.
BMI 517/617 / Organizational Behavior and Management in Informatics
Robbins, Stephen P. and Tim A. Judge. Organizational Behavior, 14th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
ISBN-13: 9780136124016
BMI 518/618 / Project Management in Informatics
Verzuh, E. (2008). The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management (3rd Edition). Hobken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Available in Kindle and paperback formats
# ISBN-10: 0470247894
# ISBN-13: 978-0470247891
Harvard Business School (2005) Harvard Business Review on Managing Projects Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Available in paperback format
# ISBN-13: 978-1591396390
Wysocki, R.K (2009). Effective Project Management Traditional, Agile, Extreme (5th Edition). Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Available in Kindle and paperback formats (Also available in pdf format from OHSU library 24x7 book collection.)
# ISBN-10: 0470423676
# ISBN-13: 978-0470423677
Recommended for anyone pursuing a career in project management: "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge", Third Edition (PMBOK Guide).
Project Mangement Institute, Inc.
ISBN I-930699-45-X
BMI 519/619 / The Business of Health Care Informatics
No textbook required. Reading assignments will be provided in class.
BMI 520/620 / Consumer Health Informatics
Title: Consumer Health Informatics: Informing Consumers and Improving Health Care
Editors: Deborah Lewis, Bunther Eysenbach, Rita Kukafka, P. Zoe Stavri, Holly Jimison
Publisher: Springer
Date: 2005
ISBN: 0-387-23991-X
BMI 521/621 / Public Health Informatics
Reading assignments: Will be provided within the units.
BMI 530/630 /
The Practice of Health Care
Carol M. Porth, RN, MSN, PhD, Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health StatesPublisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; BK&CD-Rom edition
ISBN 0781770874
536/636 / Evidence-based Medicine
Sharon E. Straus, W. Scott Richardson, Paul Glasziou,
and R. Brian Haynes, Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM
(Fourth Edition), Churchill-Livingstone, 2011
BMI 537/637
/Healthcare Quality
Ransom, E. R., Joshi, M., Nash, D., & Ransom, S. (2008). The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools (2nd ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press. ISBN 10 - 1567933017BMI 538/638
/Medical Decision Making
Myriam Hunink, Paul Glasziou. Decision Making in Health and Medicine: Integrating Evidence and Values, Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Dec. 15, 2001)ISBN: 0521770297
DATA student version of software ($45) available at
BMI 540/640 /
Computer Science and Java Programming
Java: An introduction to problem solving and programming, 5th Edition(required)Walter Savitch, author
Pearson/Prentice-Hall publishers
ISBN: 0136072259
Computer Science an Overview, 10 edition (optional)
J. Glenn Brookshear, author
Pearson/Addison Wesley publishers
ISBN: 0-321-52403-9
Technology in Action, Complete Version. Seventh Edition, Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, Mary Anne Poatsy, Prentice-Hall, 2010. (optional)
Head First Java (2nd Edition), Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. O’Reilly Press, 2005. (optional)
/Computer Networks
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 5/E5th edition
ISBN-10: 0136079679
ISBN-13: 9780136079675
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Copyright: 2010
Format: Cloth; 864 pp
Published: 03/23/2009
BMI 544/644
Required: Database Design, Application Development, and Administration, 4th EditionMichael V. Mannino
ISBN 978-061523104-4
BMI 546/646
/Software Engineering
Software Engineering (9th Edition)[Hardcover]Ian Sommerville(Author)Hardcover:792 pages
Publisher:Addison Wesley; 9 edition (March 13, 2010)
BMI 548/648
/Human Computer Interaction in Biomedicine
Jimison, Hribar, Chiang
Required: User Interface Design and Evaluation (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies) (Interactive Technologies) (Paperback)ISBN 0120884364
BMI 549/649
/Health Information Privacy & Security
Required: Information Security in Healthcare: Managing Risk, Terrell W. Herzig, Ed; HIMSS, 2010ISBN: 978-0-9821070-2-7
Available from
BMI 550/650 / BCBI: Algorithms
Required: Pevzner P 2000. Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach. MIT Press. ISBN: 026216197
**Order online. Book not available at OHSU bookstore.**
BMI 551/651
BMI 556/656
559/659 / BCBII: Statistical Methods
Required: Statistical Bioinformatics: For Biomedical and Life Science Researchers (Methods of Biochemical Analysis) [Paperback]
ISBN:**Order online. Book not available at OHSU bookstore.**
Research in Bioinformatics
Eilis Boudreau
Optional Text: “The Grant Application Writer’s Workbook” (“NIH- New Format”) by Stephen W. Russell and David C. Morrison which can be purchased at the following site:
Systems Biology
Kemal Sönmez
Required: An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of
Biological Circuits by Uri Alon
ISBN 1584886420
Biological Modeling and Simulation
Armand Bankhead
Required Textbook: Modeling Biological Systems: Principles and Applications (2nd Edition), by James W. Haefner, Springer Science, ISBN 0387250115
Suggested: Mathematica Demystified, by Jim Hoste, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 9780071591447
Genetics for Computational Biologists
Beth Wilmot
Genetics: analysis of genes and genomes by Daniel L. Hartl and Elizabeth W. Jones 2008 supplemented by articles and notes.
BMI 560/660 / Design and Evaluation in Health Informatics
Practical Research by Leedy, Paul D., Ormrod, Jeanne E. 9th Edition
ISBN: 0137152426
ISBN13: 9780137152421
PUBLISHER: Pearson Education (04/01/2009)
BMI 561/661 / Qualitative Research Methods
Berg, Bruce. Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences 6th ed.
ISBN: 0205482635
Crabtree, Miller. Doing Qualitative Research, 2nd ed.
ISBN: 0761914986
BMI 562/662
565/665 /Quantitative Research Design
Required: None Suggested: Hully, SB and Cummings SR. Designing Clinical Research: An Epidemiologic Approach 2nd Ed. ISBN: 0781722187 Rosner, Biostatistics Motulsky H, Intuitive Biostatistics: A Nonmathematical Guide to Statistical Thinking
Bioinformatics Programming and ScriptingBankhead
Required Textbook: Python for Bioinformatics by Sebastian Bassi. CRC Press, 2009. ISBN#9781584889298.
· Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python by Campbell, Gries, Monto jo, and Wilson. The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009. ISBN#9781934356272
· Python Essential Reference by David Beazley, 4th Edition, 2009, ISBN#9780672329784.
BMI 570/670 /
Scientific Writing for Informatics Students
Required: The Craft of Scientific Writing, by Michael Alley, 3rd edition, SpringerISBN: 978-0-387-94766-2
BMI 582/682
PHPM 524/624
Park /
Joanne Valerius
REQUIRED RESOURCES:1. LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CD
Joanne Valerius
2. LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CDMary Stanfill
REQUIRED RESOURCES:1. LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CD.
2. Giannangelo, Kathy, MA, RHIA, CCS, CPHIMA. Healthcare Code Sets, Clinical Terminologies, and Classifications Systems. 2010: AHIMA Press. ISBN # :9781584262251
3. Zeisset, Ann and Bowman, Sue. Pocket Guide of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. 2010: AHIMA Press. ISBN#: 9781584262527
4. AHIMA virtual Lab (provided to student members of AHIMA)
5. Other resources will be listed in weekly assignments on Sakai.
Joanne Valerius
1. LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CD Additional articles will be assigned during this course, and will be posted on sakai under weekly course materials
Joanne Valerius
1. Brodnik, M., McCain, M., Rinehart-Thompson, L, and Reynolds. Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management, most current edition, AHIMA Press
2. Optional: LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CD
3. Other resources as assigned during course
Joanne Valerius
REQUIRED RESOURCES: Students need to become student members of the American Health Information Management Association. Go to to join as soon as possible. This membership will provide a discount for the textbook and will provide other resources needed for this course.1. Spath, P.L. Fundamentals of health care quality management. Forest Grove, OR: Brown-Spath & Associates; 2009. Book is available for purchase online:
2. LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, Third edition, (Textbook and Student Workbook) AHIMA. In order to get the textbook and student workbook, you need to order from the AHIMA at If you are a student member you will receive a discount. Purchase book with student CD
3. There will be several other readings, videos, and professional practice labs that will be posted on your weekly course materials in sakai
Biometry Survey
Byung ParkRequired: Pagano M, Gauvreau K. Principles of Biostatistics, 2nd Edition, Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA, 2000. The book also includes a CD containing data needed for the exercises. The book is available at the OHSU bookstore.
PHPM 524/624
Lambert /
Biometry Survey
Lori LambertRequired: Pagano M, Gauvreau K. Principles of Biostatistics, 2nd Edition, Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA, 2000. The book also includes a CD containing data needed for the exercises. The book is available at the OHSU bookstore.
SPSS13.0 for Windows (software)
Versions 13 or 14