Seib insurance & Reinsurance Company
PO Box: 10973
(Issuing this claim form does not constitute an admission of liability on the part of the company)
1 / Name of the insured in full2 / Address of the insured
3 / In case insurance through employer:
Details of the business activity of the firm and number of years of operation.
4 / Policy details / Number:
5 / Details of injured/deceased person:
a) Name of Injured/deceased person
b) Post held
c) Nature of job
d) Nationality
e) Sex
f) Marital Status
g) Is he right handed / left handed by nature?
h) Monthly wages/salary/income
6 / Details of incident:
a) Day, Date & Time
b) Place of incident
c) How did the accident happened? Give brief particulars.
d) Nature of injury
e) Cause of injury/death
f) Is this road accident?
g) Is Third Party liable for the Accident? Give name & address.(Attach police report)
Attach evidence thereof.
7 / In Case of Death Compensation:
Names of Beneficiaries & full address:
Name(s) of Legal Heirs with their address:
Name & address of the claimant, who bears power of attorney to receive death compensation:
(Attach death certificate, all medical reports & other relevant documents in support of above information)
8 / In case of injury:
When was he admitted into the hospital?
When was he discharged from the hospital?
(Attach all medical reports & other relevant documents in support of above information)
( In r/o disability, medical board report indicating percentage of disability must be attached)
9 / Name(s) & address of Doctor(s) who attended to the injured/deceased person.
10 / In case of insurance through employer:
Attach incident report on the sequence of happenings signed by authorized signatory.
11 / Any witness to the incident? If so, please attach witness statement.
1. I/We do further declare that to best of my/our knowledge & belief that the foregoing particulars are true & correct.
Signature of the Insured /Claimant Date :
Name: Stamp: