Name ______Date ______Block ____
Transformation of Matter Test

Old Question

_____ 1. Which of these is not matter?

a. a cloudc. sunshine

b. your haird. the sun

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Sunshine does not have mass or volume. All matter MUST have mass (amount of matter something is made up of) and volume (how much space something takes up).


_____ 1. Which of these is not matter?

a. heatc. pasta

b. nails d. t-shirt

Old Question

_____ 2. You accidentally break your pencil in half. This is an example of

  1. a physical changec. density
  2. a chemical changed. volume

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: Physical changes do not change into NEW substances. They can sometimes be reversed, but not always.


_____ 2. Which is an example of a physical change?

  1. Lighting a candlec. cracking an egg
  2. Cooking bacon d. burning paper

Old Question

_____ 3. Although the Statue of Liberty is made of copper (originally an orange-brown color), it is green because the copper has interacted with substances in the air to form new substances with different properties. This is an example of a

a. a physical changec. physical property

b. a chemical changed. chemical property

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: Chemical changes create NEW substances and cannot be reversed back.


_____ 3. Which is an example of a chemical change?

a. Rotting food c. steam from a teapot

b. ice melting d. throwing a ball

Old Question

____ 4. Which of the following best describes chicken noodle soup?

  1. Elementc. compound
  2. Mixtured. solution

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: Mixtures are physically combined and can also many times be separated through physical means.


____ 4. Which of the following is a mixture?

  1. Gold c. table salt
  2. Tossed saladd. potassium

Old Question

____ 5. Which of the following is a mixture?

a. carbon (C)c. air (C, N, O)

b. sodium chloride (NaCl)d. ammonia (NH3)

Correct answer: C

Explanation: Elements only have one symbol, compounds have more than one symbol with no spaces, and mixtures have more than one symbol separated by commas.


____ 5. Which of the following is a element?

a. carbon (C) c. air (C, N, O)

b. sodium chloride (NaCl)d. ammonia (NH3)

Old Question

____ 6. Over time, you can expect the amount of mass to change in

a. a bowling ballc. a table

b. a childd. a nail

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: A child is still growing and all of the non-living items will not change how much matter they are made up of.


____ 6. Over time, you can expect the amount of mass to change in

a. a hammer c. a puppy

b. a golf balld. a table

Old Question

____ 7. Dissolving salt in water demonstrates

a. solubility c. a chemical change

b. a physical changed. both (a) and (b)

Correction Answer: D

Explanation: Solubility is another way of saying dissolve. Solubility(dissolving) is a physical change because you can evaporate the water and the salt will be left behind.


____ 7. Which of the following is a physical property?

a. Reactivityc. flammability

b. Solubility d. non-flammability

Old Question

8. You can cause water to change state by removing or adding

a. matterc. energy

b. particlesd. surface tension

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Remember the only way to cause a substance to go through a phase change is by added or removing energy. The more energy you add the faster those particles will move causing it change state. Water melts simply because the particles are moving faster.

New question

8. True or False: If energy stays the same will a substance go through a phase change?

Old Question


____ 9. How is a mixture different from a compound?

  1. Mixtures have two or more compounds.
  2. Each substance in a mixture keeps most of its characteristic properties.
  3. Mixtures are commonly found in nature.
  4. Solids, liquids, and gases can form mixtures

Correct Answer: B

Explanation:This one is tricky but you have to pick the BEST answer. The best answer is that mixtures keep their characteristic properties. Solids, liquids and gases can form compounds. All three (elements, mixtures, compounds) are found in nature. Remember that mixtures every component keeps its original identify. The water is still water, and the sugar is still sugar. The sugar just dissolved into the water.

New Question

Which of the following is true about mixtures?

  1. They are chemically combined
  2. They are physically combined
  3. They are a pure substance
  4. None of the above

Old Question

DOK2 SC-6-STM-S2, SC-6-STM-S3, SC-6-STM-S4

____ 10. Sodium is a soft, silvery metal that reacts violently with water. Chlorine is a poisonous, greenish yellow gas. When you combine these two elements, you form a white solid that is soluble in water and safe to eat. This illustrates that

  1. a compound has different properties from the elements that form it.
  2. A compound has the same properties as the elements that form it.
  3. A mixture has different properties from the elements that form it.
  4. A mixture has the same properties as the elements that form it

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: When compounds combine it is through a chemical change. Remember that when a chemical change happens there is a new substance formed. Because a chemical change happened a compound CANNOT be like the substances before. Burnt paper is not like regular paper. Cake is not like cake batter.

New Question

You mix baking soda and vinegar together? What is created?

  1. A mixture and all the baking soda and vinegar remain the same
  2. A new substance
  3. Nothing happens you cannot mix baking soda and vinegar.
  4. A compound where the baking soda and vinegar have changed.

Old Question

DOK1/2 SC-6-STM-U1

_____11. Which is bigger, an atom or a grain of sand?

  1. The atom is bigger
  2. They are the same size
  3. The grain of sand is bigger
  4. It depends on the kind of atom

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Remember an atom is the smallest particle. Atoms make up elements. So therefore the grain of sand is bigger.

New Question

When discussing atoms which of the following is true.

  1. Make up only elements.
  2. Are large enough to see with just the human eye.
  3. Are so small you cannot even see them with a microscope.
  4. Are the parts that combine together to make a mixture.

Old Question


_____12. A students uses a knife to cut a stick of butter on a dish into smaller pieces. The student weights the dish, knife, wrapper, and butter before and after cutting the butter into pieces.

Will the dish, knife, wrapper, and butter weigh more, less, or the same when the butter is in small pieces and why?

  1. The mass will be more because there are more pieces of butter
  2. The mass will be less because the butter is in smaller pieces
  3. The mass will be less because some of the butter disappears when it is cut.
  4. The mass will be the same because the amount of butter has not changed.

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: This is discussing the law of conservation of mass. Even though this is not a closed system the mass of the items did not change. Did butter randomly go up into the air? Did the knife randomly shrink? Remember that mass cannot just random be created for destroyed. Even if you squish an item the mass is still somewhere.

New Question:

You are creating a sandwich. You mass the bread, the meat, and cheese separately. What will be true of the mass of the sandwich when you assembly it?

  1. The mass will be less than the ingredients
  2. The mass will be more than the ingredients
  3. The mass will be the same as the ingredients
  4. The mass will be less then more of the ingredients.

Old Question


_____13. You are at Kings Island getting ready to leave for the night. You see the salesperson at the front gate selling glow sticks. You crack the glow stick and create a chemical change within that emits light. How does change also demonstrate the law of conservation of mass?

  1. The glow stick glowed the color of the gel
  2. The glow stick’s mass stayed the same during the chemical change.
  3. The glow stick’s mass changed during the chemical change.
  4. The glow stick went under a physical change only, making everything stay the same.

Correct Answer:B

Explanation: Remember in the chemical change and a closed system the mass will stay the same. No matter what happens even if a gas is released due to it being a closed system, the mass will stay the same this is demonstrating the law of conservation of mass.

New Question

You react chlorine gas and sodium solid in a closed container. What happened to the mass of the two substances?

  1. The mass decreased.
  2. The mass stayed the same
  3. The mass increased.
  4. Mass is no important to this question.

Old Question


_____14. I have a substance that has the following characteristics:

  • A pure substance
  • Cannot broken down into another substance
  • Example is Iron
  1. Mixture
  2. Compound
  3. Solution
  4. Element

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: The answer is an element because an element is a pure substance, it cannot be broken down any farther and iron is located on the periodic table of element. Mixtures and compound are both made of two or more different substances that are either combined chemically or physically. Compounds can be pure, such as salt.

New Question

I have a substance that I need to identify. I can tell that that is can possibly be made of more than one substance. But I cannot separate by physical means. I most likely have which of the following

  1. Mixture
  2. Compound
  3. Element
  4. Heterogenous

Old Question

Using the picture below answer the following question.

______15. What can you conclude about the diet coke can from this picture?

  1. The diet coke can is in the solid state.
  2. The regular coke cans are in the solid state.
  3. The particles in the diet coke can are less dense than the regular coke cans.
  4. The particles in the regular coke cans are less dense than the diet coke can.

Correct answer: C

Explanation: The diet coke has no sugar in it causing it to be less dense than the density of water. Anything with a density less than 1 g/cm3 will float, anything greater will sink.

New question:

What will happen to a piece of iron that has a density of 5.02g/ cm3 when dropped in water?

  1. The iron will float
  2. The iron will sink
  3. The iron will stay in the middle of the container
  4. The iron will move up and down

DOK1/2 SC-6-STM-S2

______16. You have a mouse and an elephant in the same room. The mouse has a mass of 15 g and the elephant has a mass of 10,000 g. Which one weighs more and why?

  1. The mouse weighs more because it has a greater mass and greater gravitational pull.
  2. The elephant weighs more because it has a greater mass and greater gravitational pull.
  3. The mouse weighs less because it has a lesser mass and lesser gravitational pull.
  4. The elephant weighs less because it has a lesser mass and lesser gravitational pull.

Correct answer: B

Explanation: Weight is found by multiplying the mass of an object by the gravity. On Earth the gravity is the same on all objects. The number that changes is the mass of the different objects. Because the mass of the elephant is larger the elephant will weigh more.

New Question:

You have a hippopotamus and a hamster. Compare their mass and weight?

  1. The hamster has a smaller mass and greater weight
  2. The hamster has a smaller mass and weight
  3. The elephant has a smaller mass and greater weight
  4. The elephant has a greater mass and less weight

Old Question


_____17. Which of the following is an example of particles within a substance losing energy and becoming more organized and compact?

  1. Freezing
  2. Melting
  3. Sublimation
  4. Vaporization

Correct answer: A

Explanation: When a substance changes states and it loses energy it is known as an exothermic change. Heat is taken away slowing down the particles. As it slows down the particles they become more organized and compact. Exothermic means heat/energy is taken away from the particles.

New question:

An endothermic change is when energy is entering into the substance and the particles gain energy. Which one is an example of a endothermic change?

  1. Freezing
  2. Condensation
  3. Plasmation
  4. Vaporization


_____18. While camping Edward created campfire. He placed dry logs on the fire bed and light them. The logs caught on fire. The logs catching on fire demonstrates what?

  1. Ductility, Chemical property
  2. Flammability, Chemical Property
  3. Solubility, Physical Property
  4. Density, Physical Property

Correct answer: B

Explanation: A physical change changes the physical appearance of an object. The object is still the same it just looks different. If you ripped a piece of paper it is still a piece of paper. A chemical change changes the chemical composition of a substance and is very difficult to change back. Once you burn the log you cannot change it back.

New question:

Bob makes a small volcano at home with baking soda and vinegar. What type of change it this?

  1. Reactivity, Chemical property
  2. Non-Flammability, Chemical Property
  3. Volume, Physical Property
  4. Mass, Physical Property

Old Question

_____19. You have a mass 85 g on Earth and a weight of 115 lbs, you travel to the moon, where gravity is less, how are these going to be affected?

  1. Mass will change but weight will stay the same
  2. Weight will change but mass will stay the same.
  3. Both mass and weight will change
  4. Both mass and weight will stay the same.

Correct answer: B

Explanation: The definition of mass is the amount of matter in a given object. The amount of matter does not change no matter where you are located. Weight is defined as the amount of gravity on an object. Because there is less gravity on the moon the weight will be less but the gravity is still the same.

New question:

Salami’s mass on Earth is 87 grams and his weight is 124 lbs. Explain what how his mass changes on Jupiter, where there is more gravity.

  1. His mass will be more and weight will stay the same
  2. His mass will be less and weight will be less
  3. His mass will be the same and his weight will be more
  4. His mass will be less and his weight will be less.

Old Question

_____20. Which of the following is an example of particles within a substance gaining energy and becoming less organized and compact?

  1. Freezing
  2. Condensation
  3. Sublimation
  4. Plasmation

Correct answer: C

Explanation: The particles in this situation are increasing or heat energy is entering the substance. This is an example of an endothermic change. In sublimation the substance is going from a solid to a gas. These particles are speeding up and becoming less organized and less compact.

New question:

Exothermic change is when a substance loses heat energy slowing down the particles. Which is an example of an exothermic change?

  1. Buckeynation
  2. Freezing
  3. Vaporization
  4. Sublimation