Chapter 16:
Simple Patterns of Inheritance
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Adam
Course: / Biology 211
Instructor: / Dr. Holscher

1)  Locate the carrier

2)  Locate the males

3)  Locate the females

4)  Locate affected individuals

5)  How many generations are show in this picture?

  1. Many recessive ____-linked traits cause human diseases and disorders
  1. Fathers pass sex-linked alleles to all of their ______, but to none of their ______.

Ex: You’re researching color blindness in a family. You already know the parents phenotypes: The husband is color blind but the wife is not. Of their eight children, half are boys and half are girls. You know that there are 2 boys with color blindness and 2 girls with color blindness. How is this possible if only their father has colorblindness?

Ex: You realize that studying x-linked recessive traits is so much fun and decided to do more! You come across another family. The father is colorblind and the mother is not. One of their sons is colorblind also, except he is pissed about it! He hardly speaks to his father because he blames him for making him colorblind. With all your genetic knowledge how might you council this boy to help his relationship with his father?

Q1: A couple who are both carriers for the gene for cystic fibrosis have two children who have cystic fibrosis. What is the probability that their next child will be a carrier for this recessive genetic disorder.

Q2: The precise location of a gene on a chromosome is known as its ______

a.  Trait

b.  Loci

c.  Sequence

d.  Character

Q3: An allele is ______.

a.  A type of chromosome

b.  The recessive form of a gene

c.  The dominant form of a gene

d.  An alternative version of a gene

Q4: A plant that has the genotype AaBbcc

a.  Is triploid

b.  Is homozygous at two loci

c.  Is heterozygous at two loci

d.  Has dominant alleles at three loci

Q5: If there are 40 chromatids in a cell, how many centromers are there?

a.  10

b.  20

c.  40

d.  80

Q6: A animal’s blood cell entering the M phase of the cell cycle has 96 chromosomes. How many chromatids does it contain?

a.  46

b.  96

c.  192

d.  384

Q7: In which phase of the cell cycle are chromosomes replicated?

a.  G1 phase

b.  S phase

c.  G2 phase

d.  M phase

Q8: If two chromosomes are homologous, they

a.  Look similar under the microscope

b.  Have very similar DNA sequences

c.  Carry the same types of genes

d.  May carry different versions of the same gene

e.  All the above

Q9: Checkpoints during the cell cycle are important because they

a.  Allow the organelle activity to catch up to cellular demands

b.  Ensure the integrity of the cell’s DNA

c.  Allow the cell to generate sufficient ATP for cellular division

d.  Are the only time DNA replication can occur

Q10: Which of the following is a reason for mitotic cell division?

a.  Asexual reproduction

b.  Gamete formation in animals

c.  Multicellulairty

d.  All of the above

e.  Both a and c

Q11: A replicated chromosome is composed of

a.  Two homologous chromosomes held together at the centromere

b.  Four sister chromatids held together at the centromere

c.  Two sister chromatids held together at the centromere

d.  Four homologous chromosomes held together at the centromere

e.  One chromosome with a centromere

Q12: When of the following is not an even of anaphase of mitosis?

a.  The nuclear envelope breaks down

b.  Sister chromatids separate

c.  Kinetochore microtubules shorten, pulling the chromosomes to the pole

d.  Polar microtubules push against each other, moving the poles farther apart.

e.  All of the above occur during anaphase.


Q13: Adam was looking at cells under his microscope for fun last Friday night. The cells are from an organism that has a diploid number of 14. In one particular case, the cell has several replicated chromosomes (sister chromosomes) aligned at the metaphase plate of the cell. Which of the following statements accurately describes this particular cell?

a.  The cell is in metaphase of mitosis

b.  The cell is in metaphase of meiosis I

c.  The cell is in metaphase of meiosis II

d.  All the above are correct

e.  Both B and C are correct.

Q14: Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference between mitosis and meiosis?

a.  Mitosis may produce diploid cells, whereas meiosis produces haploid cells

b.  Homologous chromosomes synapse during meiosis but do not synpae during mitosis.

c.  Crossing over commonly occurs during meiosis, but it does not commonly occur during mitosis

d.  All of the above are correct

e.  Both a and c are correct

Q15: During crossing over in Meiosis I

a.  Homologous chromosomes are not altered

b.  Homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material

c.  Chromosomal damage occurs

d.  Genetic information is lost

e.  Cytokinesis occurs